Lost and Found

By _tnsreality

27.9K 1.7K 762

~ L O S T & F O U N D ~ 3 years ago, the cast of the hit TV show The Next Step concluded after its 5 season... More

Chapter 1 - News.
Chapter 2 - The Call.
Chapter 3 - Someone Familiar.
Chapter 4 - Reunited
Chapter 5 - Pregnant?
Chapter 6 - Reassurance.
Chapter 7 - Problem.
Chapter 8 - Aftermath.
Chapter 9 - The L word.
Chapter 10 - Thoughts
Chapter 11 - Missed You
Chapter 12 - Myself
Chapter 13 - Memory Lane
Chapter 14 - History
Chapter 15 - Misunderstood
Chapter 16 - We Go
Chapter 17 - Confusion
Chapter 18 - Father
Chapter 19 - Nerves
Chapter 20 - Baby Tell
Chapter 21 - Frank V.K
Chapter 22 - Warning
Chapter 23 - Fear
Chapter 24 - Competitiveness
Chapter 25 - Emotions
Chapter 26 - Til' Death Parts
Chapter 27 - Family Matters
Chapter 28 - Announcements
Chapter 29 - Love Always
Chapter 30 - Busy Little Lives
Chapter 31 - And sold!
tag tag tag
Chapter 33: Get Togetherrrr
Chapter 34: Sharing
Chapter 35: Life as it is

Chapter 32: Its okay.

387 32 8
By _tnsreality

Trevor POV
It's been a while now since Britt left for the bathroom. About 15 minutes and to be honest I'm starting to get worried. I know I shouldn't, I mean knowing Brittany and her sense of direction, she's probably still lost and trying desperately to find it. She's probably talking to the people inside the house. But as time ticks by and 15 turns into 30, I know it's time to go and find her.

"Ummm I'm sorry to interrupt but britts been in there for like half and hour. I've really just got to see if she's okay. I'll be right back sir, and then we'll sign" he nods
"Of course. I hope she is okay. Just yell if you need any help, Trevor" I nod, smiling a little before running off towards then entrance of the apartment.
"Blonde hair, short, pregnant girl, just bought the apart--" i say but the ladies in the kitchen already know and immediately point up and so off I go.
"Thank you!" I yell, running at the same time.

"Babe?" I yell searching for a bathroom frantically. Suddenly I hear a soft sob coming from the room opposite the nearest bedroom I'm standing at. I sigh to myself as I quietly walk to be door to find that it's locked.
"Hun, it's me. Are you okay? Can I come in?" I ask impatiently knocking, softly. There's a silent pause before the door opens.

Brittany POV
I exhale, trying to stop myself from blowing again as I reach up from my slouched position in the floor to open the door knob behind me.
"Oh my god! Brittany, sweetie what's going on?" He asks, clearly concerned that he's pregnant girlfriend is still, 30 minutes later, is sitting on the polished newly-bought bathroom apartment floor in an obviously not-okay upsetting state. I mean who wouldn't be....
"B.....bl......blood, Trevor" I say, basically all I can manage to spit out.
"Blood? Brittany. What are you talking about?" He asks confused. He sits down next to me, resting his hand on my thigh as I take a deep breath. He wipes he tears away from my face and I smile, facing him. He's so good in these situations. Always has been. Always will be.
"There was blood. Only spotting" I say, pausing as he looks sympathetically at me. I sigh deeply, breathing in and out again. "It means I could've miscarried, Trevor" I say before exploding into tears again, just crying and crying and crying. I can't help it though. I'm just so scared right now. However Trevor doesn't react, instead sweetly just leans in and kisses me.
"It's okay" he says giving me a hug. I continue to sob, denying what he's just told me.
"Hey, hey, hey. Baby girl, if this is the case, is we have miscarried......then yes I'll be gutted and I know you already are. But we just need to learn that this happens and it's just the way life works. Babe- we can always try for another one. I promise. Listen, we have a doctors appointment after we sign these papers, we'll just go and check, okay? Everything......" He says leaning in and kissing me.....
"Will be okay" he says finally. I pause looking up at his amazing, gorgeous face. I smile, kissing him back.
"I love you Trevor. So much" I tell him and he smiles back.
"I love you too. Now come on, cheer up babe. Let's go sign these papers, yeah?!" he says getting up and I chuckle.
"Stand up" he says holding out two hands for me. I laugh
"You know whenever someone says that, it just reminds me of the show. And the theme song" I giggle and he laughs with me.
"Well I guess, having so many years of it, dancing to it and all.....it makes sense" he says and I shrug, shutting the door and starting to walk downstairs
"Right?" I reply and he laughs, nodding.
"Alright let's do this" he says, pulling me in by the waist and kissing me.

Trevor POV
We are now at the doctors, Brittany a nervous wreck. To be honest, I am as well, I just can't tell her that. I am scared out of my mind that we have lost this baby. I mean it's the right weeks, it's most common to have a miscarriage around this time. Being a first time dad, I goggled it. Without Britt, cause that would just make her even more upset. See, I'm a good boyfriend! We signed the papers for the apartment, officially now owning the place. Britt was happy about that, happy tears came out this time which I was grateful for. I just hope it all goes uphill from now on....

"Raymond?" The nurse calls out and I smile, standing up with her. Raymond.... Hmmmmm that will soon change 😏.
"So, you've come for a check up?" She asks and I smile kindly while Britt gets up onto the table.
"I was initially excited but about an hour ago, I found blood. Only spotting but I was really upset and would just like to check if I did miscarry, if that's okay?" She asks and I smile, squeezing her hand a bit. The nurse looks at the both of us. She smiles weakly,
"It isn't rare, Brittany. I hope you realise that" she explains and Britt gulps but nods and I kid as well to reassure her.

"It'll be okay" I whisper to her as the nurse places the ultrasound machine on and applies the gel on britts slightly toned stomach.
"Okay.....so what do we see here?" She says, moving the tool around.
"I'm really happy to say that your baby is okay!" She says excitedly and I smile as I can see britts previously tensed up body, relax a bit more.
"Yep!" She double checks "still there. There's the heartbeat. Listen" she says and I smile as I hear a small beat. Tears run down britts eyes, as she smiles at the same time. I rub her back up and down and smile as well.
"You don't know how happy I am to here that. I really am. Thank you so much" the nurse chuckles
"No worries Brittany. I guess you can leave whenever you're ready. We'll see you for your next checkup in a couple months. Just book at the desk on your way out" she says sweetly and I smile, thanking her.
"Well! See, you're okay!" She smiles and I chuckle kissing her lips multiple times before she sits up
"I love you"
"I love you more babe. So so much" I say and I smile as she starts to get up and get changed.

When we get home, I already know what I'm going to do. Britt and I talked about it on the way home and I'm now really excited to confirm it. After hearing that the baby's okay, it's great now that we can move on and feel less anxious about the whole thing. I know the whole 'miscarriage' thing for Brittany was really quite stressful.
"Chloe!?" I ask through the phone while there's a slight pause. I touch britts thigh as I smile slightly. She's watching me impatiently as i talk to our boss.
"Ummm yeah. I actually wanted to confirm your offer" there's a pause again before I speak up.
"Er, yeah. We'd like to accept the position of co-director for the movie next year" I smile at Britt, laughing at Chloe's comment.
"Thank you. See you soon then" I say, before hanging up the phone.
"Done!" I say and she smile widely, chuckling a bit.
"I call pizza!" She says and I smile laughing.

I guess today wasn't too bad after all.....

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