No Room For Era

By MsChryssieE

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A marriage is not 50/50. A marriage is 100/100. Its about giving everything you got for the love that created... More

Bonus Chapter


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By MsChryssieE

"Just wanted to say hi so... Hi👋"

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"Where is she?"

"Good morning to you too Keira. And she is still asleep, given the fact that it is after six in the morning."

"Yea well I'm just here to get her."

"Get ha and go where?"

"Back to my hotel room August, where else?"

We stood on the front porch going back and forth because he wasn't going to let her leave and I definitely wasn't staying.

I know what I did, I shouldn't have and honestly I was just helping out a friend, but he didn't have to insult me the way he did. I understood he was upset and I don't blame him but to call me names and then take my child was the last draw.

"Keira we need ta talk bout all of this, just come in so we can talk."

"There isn't anything to talk about August." I stopped him. "You've made it clear how you feel and I'm not going to continue making you feel that way."

"Yeah but Keira you know that was some dumb shit you did. How could you not expect me to be mad."

"I know what I did, I shouldn't have, and I accept the fact that you were mad but you not only called me out my name like three times, you said I didn't deserve to be a mother. I would never tell you something like that no matter how mad I am with you."

"I know and I'm sorry, I didn't mean-"

"Yes you did mean to say it otherwise you wouldn't have." I cut him off. "I've told you about how you speak to me and that right there showed me, you don't consider my feelings."

"Your feelings Keira!" He exclaimed. "So what about me, what about our daughta?"

"August you never once gave me a chance to speak or explain to you and all the while you were blowing up on me, I kept my calm because I knew you had all right to be mad, but hearing you say what you said, it came across that you hold some form of resentment for me because of what happened two years ago and I honestly don't want you to resent me for anything."

"So what you saying?"

"What I'm saying is, I'm not going to be the reason you put your life on pause any longer."


"No, just listen. I've been more than a handful to you and now I won't be that burden to you anymore. When it comes to Kenya, you can come and go as you please, but with regards to us." I shook my head fighting my tears. "We probably need this break."

"No!" He grabbed my shoulders.

"I'm sorry." I shook his hands off me. "Look, I'll be by Kevin, when she wakes up, you can drop her off or message me to come get her." I quickly wiped my eyes and walked off.

I didn't want to have to do that, but it was clear that I had been enough of a set back for him and I didn't want to be that anymore.

Opening the taxi door, soon as I put my leg in, I was pulled back out.

"You can be mad at me, you can not speak ta me, but I'll be damned if ya come up hea and end this relationship without us properly speaking." He looked at me.

"There isn't anything to speak about."

"Ion wanna hea that shit!" He exclaimed. "Ya paid tha man?" He nodded at tha driver but I didn't respond.

"Yo drive, she paid ya?" He asked

"Not yet sir." The driver spoke.

"I ain't go ma wallet, so pay tha man and let's go!" He demanded.

I stood there just staring at him.

"Keira ya heard what I just said!" His voice raised.

"August I've already said what I had to say."

"And now I'm saying shit!" He closed tha cab door. "Either ya pay tha man or ya get ya ass in that house while I go pay him."

I didn't move an inch. My mind was all over as tears streamed down my face.

"Ya know what.." He shook his head. "Bruh, pull up tha drive way I'll pay you." He said as he turned to walked off. "By tha time I get ma money, you better be in there."


"So did y'all talk at least?"

I was at Kevin's having breakfast with Nita while Kenya watched TV.

"No" I shook my head. "When I got in the house I just went straight to YaYa's room.

"By the way" she spoke. "You know he got me designing her room right?"

"Yea, Kevin blabbed." I laughed then let out a sigh.

"Keira you and him are too much alike." Nita chuckled. "The both of y'all hurting and won't let y'all pride go to just sit and talk. He rather run away and you were will to go as far as to end the relationship, that's not right."

"Nita you dont get it. How would you feel if Kevin told you that you don't deserve to be a mother especially to his child. This is the man I'm in love with, that I would do anything for and that's what he told me." I broke down.

"Awe sis!" She hugged me as I cried more.

"Like I get that he was mad and that's why I didn't even bother to fight him on it because I knew I was wrong to keep something like that from him but those words just crushed me. When his fans attacked me on social media and keyed my car, I forgave him for not doing anything soon enough. When he cursed me out because he was mad at that shitty ass label, I forgave him. When he snapped on me with regards to Stacey I forgave him, but I dont think I can forgive him for this Nita."

"You can sis. I mean, if it was me, Kevin know I would cut him or inflict some kind of physical pain on him." She smirked.

"You're crazy you know that?" I shook my head.

"I know, but you gotta remember the love you have for him. You love him enough to save his life, you love him enough to put him on your insurance when y'all were only like a month or two into the relationship. You love him enough to bring back that joy in his life that he had lost and its that love that y'all have for each other that created that little girl right there." She wiped my eyes.

I just stared blankly into space as all her words mixed with my thoughts and emotions. I honestly didn't know what to do. I do love August with everything in me but it was just killing me.

"If you feel like you really need some space, talk first and then make up your mind but don't end the relationship just like that."

"I guess so." I sighed.

"And you know you are more than welcome to stay here. I don't know why you checked into a damn hotel, I take that as an insult." She placed her hand on her chest, being dramatic.

"I'm sorry." I smiled a bit. "I was just so focused on getting Kenya. The way she was crying last night just had me so out of it."

"I understand. When you're finished we can go back and check you out."

"I didn't plan on staying too long though."

"Yea but something tells me that after you and Aug talk, you would." She laughed.

"I doubt." I mumbled.

"Just give me a minute, let go check on this oven. Your brother insists on me making peach cobbler." She rolled her eyes.

Smiling, I looked back at Kenya who was dancing to mickey mouse. When she saw me this morning, her eyes lit up, it just melted my heart.

August had a bunch of things to do today as he continued with prepping for his tour.

"But how are things with you though?" I asked as I joined Nita in the kitchen.

"Everything is good, despite one little pest!" She said annoyed.

"Damn, that gotta be something if your tone changed like that."

"Its his ex." She scoffed.

"Who? Ashley?"

"Mhmm" she nodded. "You know she showed up here last night, minutes to ten talking bout she came to say Hi. Bitch I'll Hi slap your ass." She placed down the pan.

"Oh my God Nita, calm down!"

"Girl since that party, she's been on my nerves."

"Yea she has that way about her but why."

"I think she told Kevin something when I went to the bathroom because for the rest of the party, he stayed in the DJ booth."

"The entire party?"

"Yea." She shook her head. "I trust Kevin with my life, but that girl, something's not right. I mean even YaYa told me she don't like her."

"How did she..."

"She ran and answered the door. Ashley called her a cutie and she told her..."

"She's beautiful?"

"Yeah!" She giggled.

"Yeah, August told her that. If anyone calls her anything tell them no she is beautiful."

"That's so sweet though."

"Yeah, he's a great father regardless of anything." I sighed.


Looking down, Kenya was patting my leg but trying to watch the TV.

"Yes Kenya." I held her hand making her look at me.

"Daddy please." She looked up at me.

"Kenya, daddy is working." I lifted her.

"Please" she begged.

I know I couldn't say no because when he comes by after everything she would most likely tell him.

"Ok fine." I sighed.

"I'll give you your privacy." Nita said before walking out.


Before even picking up my phone, Kenya had it in her hands opening up face time.

"You too smart for your little self." I smiled and kissed her neck making her laugh.

Seeing her father's picture, she press it and waited while it rang. Not to long after he answered.

"Yea baybeh!" He answered not even looking.

"Daddy!" YaYa squealed which then made him look up.

"Aye princess, wazzamin."

"When you come home?" She asked.

"Soon as I'm done hea I'a come get ya and momma an we'a go ta tha aquarium aight."

"August!" I said making him look at me.

I honestly wasn't in the mood to go anywhere and I knew he was only telling her that because he wanted to be around me specifically.

"Yes Keira." He smiled.

"Nothing." I sighed and shook my head.

"Thought so." He smirked. "August!"

"Daddy!" She jumped on my lap and smiled. "I love you!"

"I love you too princess."

"And momma too?"

"With everything in me!" He looked at me.

Kenya turned and looked at me as though she was waiting for me to say it.

"Love you too." I responded.

"I'a see y'all soon. August kiss momma fa daddy." He smirked and being her father's child, she turned and wrapped her arm around my neck pulling me down for a kiss.

"That's daddy's girl."

"Bye daddy!"

"Later ma."

"Bye!" I said dryly before ending the call.

Kenya quickly hopped off me and went back into the living room area. Shaking my head, I rested my elbows on the island and rest my head in my hands.


"Babe I honestly didn't know she was his ex." Sarah sighed.

"Its ok, I didn't know his ex was Mike's sister." I shook my head.

"Yea that's the next thing."

"And I probably wouldn't have known if you weren't with him, but she better watch her back."

"No Anita, you know what happened the last time you ran up on a bitch."

"She ended up in the hospital." I laughed.

"And your ass ended up in the police station."

"Sarah you know it was self defense."

"You know damn well it wasn't no self defense" she laughed. "You ran up on that girl with them scissors knowing what you was gonna do."

"So." I shrugged. "She knew not to mess with me and my money and if Ashley thinks she gonna come here to shake up my marriage, she got another thing coming."

"Oh God. I dont know who to pray for, you or her." She laughed

"I don't need it, I'm blessed, so send one up for her ass."

"I got you. How you and Kevin though."

"We're great." I smiled.

"Mhmm, your crazy ass done scared him."

"He knew I was crazy when he met me, remember last year in Miami."

"Remember? Girl his face was priceless, I dont know if he fell more in love with you or was scared of you."

"Both." I laughed.

"It's clear he likes them crazy."

"Yea well Ashley really don't want to see how crazy I can be."

"I didn't think she was like that, I mean when I spoke to her, she seemed cool and all for mending things with Michael."

"Yea well now you know."


"How things with you and him."

"Great as ever."

"You're really ok with him being a dealer?"

"I mean, part of me thought that but now that I know, yea I guess, as long as my baby is safe and I don't have to go H-Town on anyone, I'm straight."

I wasn't surprised that Sarah was ok with Mike being a dealer. When she told me he told her, of course I told her I knew but Kevin told me to stay out of it, but I told her as long as she was happy, I'm happy and I am.

I try my best to keep a positive mind and always think rationally before I do or say anything because my words and actions have gotten me in trouble in the past.

A lot of people I come around think I'm being fake or hiding something, but I'm not. I keep it real and keep it going.

"Anyway love, hit me up when you're back in Atlanta."

"I will babe."

Ending my call with Sarah I exhaled. This whole thing with Ashley had my guard up. I know females like her. They see the guy they fucked over living happy and then try to get that back for their miserable, pitiful lives but she has another thing coming if she thinks she going to fuck with my family.

"Teeeeee Teeeeeee!"

"Kennnyaaaaa!" I sang back as she came into Kevin's and I's room.

"Daddy come." She whispered.

"Daddy's here?" I asked.

"Uh uh" she shook her head.

"Daddy come take me an momma to see fish."

"Ohhh daddy coming to take y'all to see the fishes." I smiled.

"Uh huh!" She nodded.

Looking at Kenya as she walked around with her inquisitive self, I hoped that Aug and Keira got back on track. Kenya was too happy of a child to not have both her parents.

"Nita is Kenya with you?"

"Yea babe, you ready to go get your bags." I asked as she walked in.

"No!" She mumbled.

"Girl get yourself up and let's go!" I got up and lifted Kenya.

"I don't know what your parents be feeding you." I laughed.

"YaYa strong like my daddy!" She spoke showing her nonexistent muscles.

"Yea and you got muscles like your daddy too!" Keira mumbled. "None!"

"She should go back and tell August." I laughed.

"I don't care, its the truth."

"Mhmm but he could handle you though." I smirked "now come one let's go!" I smacked her leg.


"You sure you don't want me to talk to her?"

"Nah bruh, I gotta handle this."

"Aight man and I'm sorry again, Sarah didn't know."

"Its cool. I know she was only looking out for you."

"Yea man. Well look, let me know how it goes, I gotta go make ma girl feel good."

"Bruh! I ain't need ta know that" I laughed.

"My bad bruh."

Sighing, I rubbed my hand down ma face. I was so tired of all this shit right now.

"You look like you need a massage!"

Looking up, this girl stood in front of me smiling.

"The fuck are you doing here Ashley!" I said annoyed.

"I was on my way to the mall when I saw your jeep." She sat down.

"Look, I don't know what games you tryna play, but you fucking with the wrong one."

"Who? That little wife of yours?" She smirked.

"Her and the fact that Keira still fixing to beat your ass."

"Keira better mind her business and focus on her little family."

Shaking my head, I couldn't believe this girl in front of me.

"Ashley what do you want? Why are you here?" I asked completely over this.

"You know what I want Kevin."

"No I don't so quit with all the fucking games."

"Kevin! You know I can't stand the thought of you being with another female, let alone being married."

"Is this bitch serious?"

"I want you back and I won't stop at anything till I get you!"

"Yea well when my wife kills you and gets off then we will see. I dont want you Ashley and I'll never take you back after all that shit."

"You keep bringing that up!" She said annoyed.

"And I will continue too! You fucked around on me with one of my home boys, got pregnant, you stole from me for that nigga and almost got me killed. How the fuck you gonna think I'll take you back after that shit."

Standing up, I was done with this girl.

"Stay the fuck away from my house, from my wife and anything to do with me. If you try anything and my girl gets you, that's on your ass." I walked off.

Something gotta be wrong with that girl. For her to sit there and tell me we wants me back. Getting into my jeep, I saw her walk out and got into a car. Shaking my head, I left and went home.


Lawdd this Ashley... She just don't know😩😩😩

Keira done broke up with August y'all😭😭😭

Y'all think she should reconsider or stick with the break. I mean put yourself in her shoes.

she owned up to her mistake.
she understood he had all right to be wrong.


Aug on the other hand...

called her dumb, unstable and selfish.
told her not only dont she deserve to be a mother, but the mother of his child.
took her child to another state.
and somewhat blamed her and her recovery for his life going on hold.

So honestly...what would you do in this situation?

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