A little thing called love

By xxhxhdbbds

4.1K 358 463

Things change, people change, they come and they go, but that's the way life is, sometimes you've just gotta... More

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C h a p t e r 1 4

86 8 0
By xxhxhdbbds

I sit up, my plams sweating, my forehead sweating and i'm breathing heavily.

I had a nightmare. It was the hospital scene all over again. I can't seem to get away from what happend. It's not like I want to forget my mum, of course I don't!! But what happened I'd just too much.

I haven't heard from my dad since. I'm glad, I don't want anything to do with him.

I look at the time and it 3:47am.
I try to get back to sleep but it's useless.

I just lay there, staring at the ceiling thinking about everything. I start to get really hungry so I go down stairs and make some chicken noodle soup.

"Emmy, Emmy babe, wake up"

"Uh sjdhdhd um ok"
I mumble something that doesn't even make sense.

"Are you okay?" Drew asks

"Um yeah, I'm fine"

I realise that I fell asleep downstairs on the kitchen chair with the bowl of soup in front of me.

Drew sits next to me and places his arm around my shoulder.

"Look" He starts.

"I wasn't gonna ask you, but you've just been so down and it breaks my heart to see you like this, and there's a party tonight and I um, I was wondering if you want to come?just to take your mind off of things?"

"Drew I don't know, ummm"

"I'm sorry, it was a stupid idea"
He rubs the back of his neck.

"Drew don't be sorry, you know what? You're right, I deserve something like this, it'll take my mind of everything"

His face lights up.

"I love you so much Em"


Drews POV
ayye I actually switched POV's

I managed to pluck up the courage to ask Em to the party, and she said yes!!

To some people, it might seem stupid to go out to a part the night after your mum died, but this is really what she needs.

She needs to let her hair down for once, and stop worrying about other people.

But that's what I love about her, she makes sure that everyone's okay, even if she isn't herself. She puts everyone else before her, she's such a loving, caring, kind person even if she has made some mistakes in her past. But our mistakes are what make us human.

God I love her to bits.

The party starts at 9 so we still have a while.

we're sitting on the couch, Emmy's head is resting on my shoulder whilst we're watching the tv.

"Emmy, I have an idea, why don't we go shopping"

"Can we really?!"
Her face lightens up, that the first time she's smiled since last night.

"Of course, we can get you a new outfit tonight for you"

"You're not half bad are you Dirksen"
She says. I laugh.

"Guess not"
I reply.

"Drew, can we get pizza while we're up there?"

"Anything for you"

I feel her smile into my neck before she murmers an 'i love you' to me.

I'm so sorry for this short chapter, I only just started writing this and I have to go to my dad's and his WI-FI is broke atm so I wouldn't be able to update while I'm at his so I decided to quickly update before I leave. Keep reading/voting/com

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