Be My Boy

By Aisyah_stern

11.1K 377 108

Yuuya Haibara have a little crush on Jin Kaidou.He really want to tell the truth to him.Will he tell it? More

You came back?!!!
Sorry Jin
A terrible Fever
I love you
Neko ear
Ban-san!!What are you trying to do
I hate you Ban-san
Be my girlfriend
Watch a movie
Look at the stars
A mission
Electric shock
What are you guys doing
Jin's Overload
Sorry make you worried
Be careful
Don't do that Yuuya
Went to Nics
True or dare?
Your so stubborn
An accident but its worth it
An unexpected visitor
Yuuya's gift
Yuuya's gift part 2
Sleep over
Don't tell anyone Hiro!!!
What just happen?!!
Go to the beach
If you want the medicine,kiss me
Jin-kun I...Want your hugs
Jin-kun....I want your hugs part 2
Don't do this!!!
Worried about you
A costume party
Ban...Don't do this
Jin,please don't die
Don't Kill Yourself
A secret between us
You have such a dirty mind
Jin,I wanna play with hot body
I just want you happy
Who are you?
Long time no see
A gift for my little childhood friend
Yuuya,why you are so sexy?
Thanks for kissing me
Jin's very scary anger
My little friend,don't cry
Fight with Jin
You only need more love
I can't feel the love
What you guys want for a repay
A Date
Happy birthday
The secret of Jin's life
I'll fight for you
Went to a festival
Went to the festival part 2
Your naughtiness attitude last year
Triton's whispers
Can I cut my hair?
Been control by San
Went to the ocean
Pinch Hiro's cheeks
Yuuya's Diary
Accidentally Kick
Hiro's gift
I Hate You Jin
I Hate you Jin part 2
Don't cry my little baby
Your first word
King of the Ocean
King of the Forest
Sorry baby
Author's note

Fight with Jin part 2

95 3 0
By Aisyah_stern

Yuuya's POV

Me and the others went to the innovator lab.There we saw Takenashi and Jin.Jin was wearing the suit just like mine last year.We walk over to Jin.Jin took out his Triton and said"Fight with me."I was shock.In his eyes feel with pain and hurt."We have no choice.Let's fight!!"Ban throw D-cube and the D-cube form.

"Go Perseus!"

"Go Elysion!"

"Go Achilles Deed!"

"Liu Bei!!"


I can't believe Takenashi do this to him.I wanna cry but no.I have to save him.Jin really just like me last year.Elysion slash Triton but Triton move away.Triton slash Elysion and it hit the wall.I look at Jin.Jin hold his shoulder."Yuuya,the suit that he wear that went his LBX get hit he will feel the pain to."Said Takenashi.I shocked.I saw Hiro control Perseus and slash Triton third time.Jin yell in pain.Me,Kazuya,Ban and Hiro shocked.Jin smile evil and laugh."You guys gonna destroy!!!"

We don't know what to do.If we hit Triton,Jin will get hurt."If you guys want to take him down make Triton lost first."Said Takenashi.I don't know what to do.O don't want Jin to get hurt."Guys,what should we do?"The three of them look at me."We don't have much choice.We have to break Triton over."Said Ban.I look at Jin.He tried to hold the pain.Ban's right.We don't have much choice now.

Ban's POV

I make the first move.Elysion lash at Triton's body.Jin yell."Let's do attack function together!"."Right!!!"

"Attack function Holy Lance"

"Attack function Cosmo Slash"

"Attack function Dark Storm"

"Attack function White Tiger Slash"

The attack functions hit Triton directly.Triton fell down and its break over.I look at Jin.Jin hugging himself.He yell as loud as he could.The D-egg vanished.Jin fell down.He groan and yell in pain.Yuuya ran up at him.He's black hair turn white like his front hair.Yuuya tried to touch him but he get electric shock."He will feel all the pain when he was 3 until now."Said the scientist who his name was Takenashi.I walk up at him and said"Stop this nonsense!!He can't take it much longer!!!"He turn back and walk away.I walk back to Jin.He breath heavily.Yuuya slowly lift Jin's head and put on his lap.Jin look up at him."Yuuya...."Suddenly Jin's body shrink.We don't see Jin anymore.Then the suit that Jin wear suddenly move.Yuuya put his hands in the suit and pull out.Its Jin.He have turn into a baby.Jin look around and suddenly cry.Yuuya put him at the shoulder.He pat Jin's back so he would calm him down.I went back off Yuuya.Jin have finally asleep."Yuuya-kun.He's finally asleep."I said.He nodded and get up."Let's go home.He needs some sleep and more love."

We all walk back to the Duck Shuttle.Yuuya sat at his seat and put Jin on his lap.Jin curl up into a ball.He sleep peacefully.Hiro sat beside Yuuya.He caress Jin's body.They both giggled."He's cute when he purr."Said Hiro.Yuuya nodded."Yeah your right."

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