The Pull Between Us - A Reylo...

By another_reylo_fan

579K 12.6K 6.4K

He smirked, he was quiet aware of the affect he had on her and hoped that in time it would be enough to switc... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 26

10.1K 226 109
By another_reylo_fan

"Kylo Ren," a voice whispers into the wind. I look around, only everywhere I look I am faced with darkness. "That is not my name!" I yell. "You think you could escape me!? You think you are safe!? You are wrong..." The voice says sending shivers down my spine. "Ben," A sweet voice calls out. "Rey?" I see a small light and run towards it, only the more I run the farther away it becomes. "Ben!" The voice repeats a little louder. "No! I have to get to the light!" I yell pushing myself to run faster. "Ben!" The voice yells one final time.

I fly up almost jumping out of our bed. I see Rey sitting on the bed next to me worried. "Rey, you're okay!" I exclaim quickly wrapping my arms around her figure pulling her into a tight hug. "Yes. Why wouldn't I be?" She asks wrapping her arms around me. "It was just a dream," I assure her and myself. She pulls back to look at me, "Ok, I just want to make sure you're alright. I've been trying to wake you up because we have a meeting to go to." I notice for the first time that Rey is dressed, showered, and ready for the day. "Oh, I forgot, thank you," I tell her giving her a quick yet passionate kiss.

I hop out of bed and get dressed before heading down to my mother's office with Rey. I could sense my mother was not alone and that my Uncle Luke was already in the room. I tensed, this was the first time since I've returned that I have seen Luke. What if he never wants to see me again because of what I did? "He loves you very much Ben don't worry," Rey's voice reminds me in my head. I take her hand in mine and squeeze it as a silent way of saying thank you. When we arrive, I open the door and see both my mom and uncle patiently waiting for us. "Uncle Luke," I say facing him. "Ben," he says standing to face me, "It's a pleasure to see you again back here. I am very proud of you for making your decision to come home," he says giving me a hug; after a moment I return the hug. Once he releases me, he turns to look at Rey, "As for you Rey, I am very proud of what you did and what you are becoming," he tells her with a kind smile. "Thank you, Master," she says smiling back.

Rey and I both take a seat across from my mother and Luke when Chewbacca and Finn walk in. "Sorry we're late, Chewbacca was busy telling stories about how brave he is," Finn explained sitting down at the table. Chewie roared in response. Luke quickly fills them in while my mother continues, "Now, when we arrive at the base on Endor, we will be sending a decoy to the entrance to divert all attention there, hopefully leaving the backside unguarded. We will head to the backside of the base to sneak in since it will have fewer guards stationed there. Getting in may be easy, but once inside it is a maze. Luckily thanks to your help, Ben, we have recovered some parts of a blueprint to the base that may be of some great assistance," she smiled proudly. "When we make it inside we will be spilling into two groups: one with Luke, Ben, Rey, and myself, and the other with Finn and Chewie." Finn looked like he was about to object, but decided to keep his mouth shut. "While Chewie and Finn travel deeper into the base planting explosives and disabling the shields, we will head to the lookout room where Luke expects Snoke to be." A small feeling of pain enters my stomach area and I turn to see Rey clutching her stomach. "Are you okay?" I ask her worriedly. "Ya, my stomach is just a little aggravated at the food I ate earlier. I'm fine now." I send her calm thoughts through our force bond as she takes a deep breath, relaxing. "Okay," I say turning to face my mother once again. 'Thank you,' I hear Rey's voice tell me in my head. 'Anything for you,' I tell her before my mother continues. "We will be on a time limit to get in and out of there before the base destructs from the damage our freighters put it under. I will have an earphone connected to the speaker in Poe's X-wing, so he can give us a bit of a head start warning to get out of there. Ben, did you want to add on anything?" She asks. "I just wanted to say that although we already know, we still need to stay on our toes in the base. Snoke is a very powerful force figure and we mustn't let him see any weakness. If he does he will try to take advantage of it, and us. We will have to move quickly and swiftly so it is much more difficult for him to sense our presence," I explain. "Good point, we don't want him realizing we are there too soon," Finn says. "To get rid of Snoke once and for all, we need to work together as a team. Use our tactics together to overpower and destroy him. This is not a mission simply one person can complete, we will put our faith in each other and win as one," Luke says. "Yes, it is very important we work together. Now that is all, make sure you get tons of rest for it's going to be a long day tomorrow," Leia adds before dismissing us.


The rest of the day went by rather peacefully and uneventful. People were out and about preparing for the expedition tomorrow, and others like Rey and I have been resting, conserving our energy. Now as the day is coming to a close we are back at our room laying in bed. Rey is resting on top of me drawing small circles on my bare chest as I gently rub her back. She sighs, "I can't wait until this is over. When we don't have to worry, and we can get married." "Don't worry; tomorrow will be the end of Snoke, and I promise you that when we return we will get married," I tell her kissing her head. She leans up so her face is practically touching mine before placing her lips on top of mine, connecting them. Before returning to her previous position saying, "I love you Ben." I smile, "I know."

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