I'm sorry... (Kyoyas Twin S...

By shameofmine

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Its been seven years and that day still haunts my dreams. When will I see her again? When will my other half... More

chapter 2: hello again
chapter 3:
chapter 4: character profile
chapter 5: meeting the rest...
chapter 6: trying to scare me?
chapter 7 : first assignment
A/N sorta
chapter 8: Roses and introductions
Chapter 9: the encounter!
Chapter 10: Over dramatic tamaki.
Chapter 11: Moive stars

chapter 1: she's gone...

14.1K 351 212
By shameofmine

*kyoyas POV *

I open the doors to my bed room and find it unnaturally empty. Usually kamika is here. As I walk over to my bed somthing on my desk catches my eye. Changing direction I start for the foreign object. With closer inspection I find its a letter and written in kamikas neat writing was my name. Turning it over and peeling of the seal, I open the cream envelope and take out the letter. My heart is currently beating out of my chest at the thought of what could be inside. Carefully unfolding the paper I start reading.

My dearest kyoya,

By now I would have been long gone and I wrote this to say im sorry. Although this wasn't my choice I feel responsible so let me explain.
Father has decided to send me away, im not sure why and he didn't tell me where.
He said that instead of trying to take the company I would represent our family in another way. At this time I am still confused as what this means. Please still do your best and work hard, but take care of yourself and find a friend to depend on.
I love you kyoya and know you will always be my brother and have the most special place in my heart. I hope that I will see you soon.
Never forget me. Your friend. Your sister. Your other half. Your twin.
I love you to the end of the earth and back brother.

Your loving little sister,
Kamika ootori.

I didnt even get through the first line without tears forming and by the end I was shaking so much I couldnt stand. My little sister is gone. She was practically my only life line, she cant leave. What do I do without her? Why did father make her go? Find a friend? No one can replace her. Work hard? If kamika told my to work hard I'll do it. I will get thr company...for her. And I fell onto the floor and cried until there was no tears left. Dragging myself to her room across the hall, I collapsed on her bed and alloeed her sweet scent of berries to guide me to sleep.

*time skip to 7 years later*

My eyes snap open to the sun gently brushing past my face. Looking at the clock I find its seven am, which means I need to get ready for school. Remembering the dream I had last night a single tear slid down my face. Its been seven years and that day still haunts my dreams. When will I see you again my dear little sister.

*another time skip*

As my limo arrives at school, I look at the widow and see and over excited tamaki waiting for me. We'll I found a friend kamika but he will never replace you. Stepping out of the limo tamaki all but skips over.
"Goodmorning kyoya, how are you," he says happily, but seriously how can he be this awake in the morning.
"Tamaki, if you don't quiet down, your head will be removed from your body," I glare at him.
"Someone didn't get enough sleep, again," he taunts.
It's not like I can help it. Ever since she left sleeping has been hard.
"Lets go, or we'll be late," I say walking towards our first class.

*kamikas POV *

As I look out of the jets window at the sea underneath us, he occupies every inch of my mind. In a few hours I will be home. It's taken seven years to complete my training but its finally over. Now I finally get to see him, but does he still remember me. Does he still love me and will he accept me again.
Moving the sad thoughts from my mind I shift my gaze to the others on the plane. Most of them were trainees like me but none of them in the same boat as me. All of them were homeless, picked up off the street. Each person from a different country, all with mostly the same story, I however was diffrent. Instead of being found in the street and being taken in, I was sent to them by my father. All he cares about is money and power, now with me back he has it. He sent me to Russia and there I was taught to be an assassin. Now that our training was done, we were sent home to work for the government. How I wished it wasnt me who went, but I did it to save my brother, because if it wasn't me it would be him. I couldnt let that happen and soon I'd be home.
In kyoyas arms.

*Thank you all for reading.
I thought I should let you know that kyoya is currently 16 and when the whole lettrr thing happened he was 9.
I hope you enjoyed my first chapter and feedback would be great anyway untill next time darlings. C-ya
-Ambular ;)

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