The Kitty and His Wolf (Boyxb...

By kpoplover10543

1.6K 61 15

This is a Miraculous Ladybug fanfic. It's a yaoi. I got bored and thought why not. The ship is Adrien/Chat No... More

I'm Spirit
Have We Met Before?
Confessions and Heart Break
Spying Girls and The Late Night Patrol
Faces Revealed and Confessions From a Broken Boy
Give Me Time To Forget
The Key To My Heart
It's Not Called F*cking It's Called Making Love!

I'm Losing My Mind!!!

136 6 0
By kpoplover10543

The boys were heading to the park to just hangout when this clown looking guy started attacking people. He disappeared then appeared out of nowhere. "We need to get out of here" Nino yelled. There were so many people running around. That gave Adrien and Ashton the opportunity to quickly slip away and transform. Ashton went into an alley and called out to Fang, "Fang give me your power." With that, the little wolf appeared and entered his necklace. A flash of gold and Ashton was now Spirit. His cloth changed to a white collared shirt with cuffs and black trim. He keeps it buttoned over his neck and held in place with an insignia of a paw shape. Over the white shirt, he wears a black military jacket with white trim and decorated, golden buttons. It also has black cuffs with golden buttons that nearly reach up to his elbows. On top of that he wears a black cloak with golden designs and a golden paw on the back. He wears black gloves. He has a thick black belt encircling his waist, and he wears two smaller belts below it forming an X over his posterior and front. He wears black pants with black boots reaching up to his upper thighs. On his face he wears a mask covering most of his face. The mask was black with golden designs. His hair turns from black to gold with black streaks. His eyes then turn a bright gold. "I look good!" Spirit thought with a smirk. He quickly ran towards the clown. He meets up with Chat Noir.

"Hey. So, Ladybug isn't going to be here right." Spirit asked the cat.

"Yeah, she said she wouldn't be able to join us for four days. Oh and we decided that we will accept you into the team." Chat Noir informs as he analyzes the situation.

"Really? Awesome!!! If you have the chance, tell Ladybug I say that I hope she feels better and thanks." Requests Spirit.

"Alright. So got an idea on how to defeat this guy?" Asks the cat.

"Yup, alright. So it seems that every time he disappears if you look towards the ground you can see his figure because of the dirt around. Since this park is full of dirt, we can use it to our advantage. Throw some of it around and then I'll try to grab him. We'll wing it from there." Spirit states. The cat nods and starts throwing around dirt and making the dust rise. The wolf uses his enhanced vision to look through the dust. The man seems to not know where to go. He's right where the wolf wants him. He locks on his pry and pounces. With that he yells for the cat to help him. The cat rushes towards him. "Grab his cards and shred them." Spirit commands. The cat quickly obeys and the akuma comes out. Spirit runs towards it and traps the butterfly in the moon and then yells "cleanse". Everything is turned to normal

"You were pretty good for your official first time working with me. Of course not as good as Ladybug but you did good." The cat laughs.

"Well thanks. You're not as dumb as everyone says you seem." Spirit smirks.

"Hey I just complimented you and you say that?!? Don't act all tough. I've been here longer than you have." The cat growls.

"Wow kitty! Chill. I was kidding. Seriously. To be honest, I'll throw away my pride and say that I actually admire you. I think you're really awesome." Spirit laughs nervously.

"Oh really? I- I don't know what to say to that..." The cat says dumbfound.

"Oh you're about to switch back." The wolf boy exclaims.

"You too!" The cat informs.

"I guess I'll see you later." Spirit quickly runs away but turns around just in time to see the cat wave goodbye and flee. Spirit immediately turns back when he runs into an alley. He sighs as he leans on the wall. "Did I seriously just say that? Ugh I'm such an idiot. Well at least I know I'm in the team." He thinks out loud.

"Wow kid that was so unlike you. What's gotten into you?" the little wolf asks.

"I don't know Fang. I'm losing myself. This kid is making me go insane." Ashton groans. He slowly leaves the alley. There he sees the familiar face of Adrien and Nino. He quickly runs towards them. "Hey you guys. Did you see what happened?" Ashton questions.

"No, there was too much dirt and dust flying around." Nino replied.

"I saw a new face. He wore a wolf mask. He wore a cloak with a golden paw print on the back. Oh and Ladybug wasn't there. That's all I saw." Adrien stated.

"That's Spirit. Oh and Ladybug was injured so that's why she couldn't make it." Alya interrupts.

"Oh Alya it's you! Wait, how do you know that?" Ashton questions.

"I run a blog about Ladybug and Chat Noir. Yesterday when I was filming I saw Ladybug get injured and a mysterious guy showed up. He saved ladybug from getting hurt and he disappeared with her somewhere. Later on he came back and saved Chat Noir and he told Chat Noir that his names was Spirit. He helped Chat Noir defeat Chef Slaughter and he can cleanse akumas like Ladybug! He seems so awesome!!! Soon everyone will be talking about him!" Alya explained.

"Oh. So the guy seems cool huh?" Ashton says quietly and smirks. "How do you get such a good view without being in danger?" he gaped.

"I've been caught a few times but I've always been saved." Alya laughed.

"Wow! You're really brave! I'll make sure to check out your blog." Ashton smiled. "Oh by the way, is Marinette resting? How is she?"

"Yeah I made sure she didn't get on her ankle too much. She's fine. Don't worry." Alya giggled. "Did you fall for her? Was it love at first sight?" She asked with a smirk. Nino started teasing Ashton and Adrien looked curious to hear his response.

"No, it's nothing like that. I'm just a caring person ok? She's pretty and all but I just see her as a friend. You two are my friends' right?" Ashton questions.

"Of course!" Alya laughs.

"Great! That's good to hear." Ashton chuckles. Nino starts to ask Alya about what happened but Ashton just tunes them out because he already knows what happened. He glanced at Adrien. Adrien looked like he was in deep thought. "I wonder what he's thinking. What does he think about Spirit? He looked concerned when he heard that I might like Marinette. Does he like her?!? God, please don't tell me he likes her!" Ashton was having a man vs self-conflict and didn't realize that he spaced out looking at Adrien. He was shaken out of his thoughts. Literally. Adrien had his hands on Ashton's shoulders when he recovered from his daze. "I'm sorry, what?" Ashton blurted.

"Nino is leaving and so is Alya." Adrien laughed. All eyes were on him. Ashton blushed.

"Oh ok. See you guys later." Ashton replied. Nino and Alya both said goodbye and so that left Ashton alone with Adrien. "So... What should we do now?" Ashton asked Adrien.

"Well my father wants me to come back home in thirty minutes. You can come to my house. I don't think he'll mind since your dad is friends with him." Adrien said.

"Yeah ok. Should we go ahead and go now or hang here for a while?" Ashton asked.

"Let's go ahead and go." Adrien stated. Ashton agreed and they headed to Adrien's house. Once they got closer to Adrien's place Ashton started feeling uneasy. From what Ashton's dad had told him, Adrien's father is a hard person to please and so he has to make a good first impression if he wants to continue hanging with Adrien.

"What if I screw this up? What's wrong with me? I usually never worry like this. Why am I acting this way? It seems like Adrien and Chat Noir both know how to make me lose my cool." Ashton sighed.

"Are you ok? You seem uneasy. What's bugging you?" Adrien asked.

"I don't know. I'm just worried about meeting your dad..." Ashton confessed.

"Why?" Adrien looked concerned.

"Well, my dad had told me that first impressions are a big deal. He also said it's important to have a good first impression if I were to meet your father. Apparently he's a hard person to please. I just don't want to... you know... look bad and embarrass my father. Also I don't want him to not let me hangout with you" Ashton whispered the last part.

"What are you talking about? You're a great guy. Yeah all of that is true about my father but it'll be fine. You won't embarrass your father and there's no way he won't let you hang out with me. We do photoshoots together. We have to hang out." Adrien laughed.

"You're right. I'm sorry. I haven't been acting like myself lately. I don't know why. I've been worrying about unnecessary things. My confidence is disappearing before my very eyes! Ugh, what's wrong with me?!?" Ashton yelled as he grabbed his head. "Oh, I mean... forget everything I said." Ashton sighed. "Let's just go to your house." He groaned.

"I'm here if you need to talk you know?" Adrien stated. Ashton just nodded and continued to walk towards Adrien's house.

"Yeah, I'll totally tell you about how I like you and Chat Noir. Oh and I won't forget to mention how you both are driving me insane! So insane that I can't even act like myself." Ashton inwardly groaned. When the boys arrived they were greeted by Nathalie, Mr. Agreste's assistant.

"Oh Adrien you're early, and you've brought a friend. I'll go inform your father of your arrival." Nathalie informed. Soon Adrien's father appeared and greeted them.

"Hello son... and your friend. Didn't I tell you that you're not supposed to bring friends ever since that last incident occurred?" Mr. Agreste asked.

"Hello sir. I'm Ashton Lenox. I've heard that my father and you are friends." Ashton extended his hand.

"Are you trying to make me accept you by bringing your father into this?" his father questioned and ignored Ashton's extended arm.

"No, not at all sir. It was just a simple statement. I have no intention of bringing my father into anything. I plan on getting you to accept me on my own. I'm a grown man and can handle my business myself." Ashton's confidence returned and he stood tall and confident with his words.

"Well you do seem fit enough to be spending time with my son. Don't get the wrong idea though, I still haven't accepted you. It takes more than some words to convince me." Mr. Agreste stated.

"I'm well aware of that sir. It was a pleasure meeting you. I apologize for taking some of your time." Ashton once again extended his arms towards him. Mr. Agreste accepts it. Ashton smiles. With that, the two boys retreat to Adrien's room.

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