Coming Out Of What?

By Young_based_goddess

4.6K 58 9

This is a coming out story. Very similar to my own. The girl name is Ambur and she a biracial lesbian. She ha... More

Coming Out Of What?

4.6K 58 9
By Young_based_goddess

ok you guys this is my first story. i would appreciate feedback to help make it better. this story will be about a girl (similar to me) coming out to her mother. all the while going through school, ups and downs, and the many girlfriends she have. im going to the story in POV's so maybe you can relate. Because no ones deserves to be in the closet, closets are lonely.

chapter 1

Ambur pov.

Wow summer is almost over and im a almost a junior, i thought as i sat in my fathers living room. *buzzzzzz* As i look down i see @hoopstar97 comment on my picture, she wants my number but why tho im so tired of these games with Leeyah. Before i go any futher let me introduce myself. I am 16 year old female named Ambur Gabrielle Moore, a 4.0 student at Bourogard High in south Louisiana, i play basketball, softball, run track, and also cheer. i have one sibling Ashlyn Moore. My father is James Ethel and my mother is Asha Moore. Also what you wouldn't know by just looking at me was i am a biracial child. creole we call it even though my mother is african american she has white and native ancestry then my father (whom has been in jail since i was 10) was just white so i apprear to be white intill i talk and also im a lesbian. Yes i like girls. Excuse me i love girls.

As i sat in my fathers living i went to thinking that I've only had two girlfriends my whole life. Jannel Collins and Torri Grant, but ive always had those friends that i liked who were openly gay people such as my basketball teammate Leeyah Faye. we have this long history of ups and downs for so long. *buzzzzz*,interupting my thoughts mh phone vibrated, why is my phone going off i wondered? when i looked it was a instagram notification from Leeyah. Humm what does she want i wandered. Her comment said to txt her so i txted her. I simply sent

* hi Leeyah

her reply came seconds later.

*Ambur ive missed you i havent heard from you all summer.

i re read her txt over and over why is she txting me now all of a sudden i thought.

*well i did get a new phone and all that

our conversation carried on boring and dry as always. Funny thing is even thoighthough its boring i seem to cant get enough of talking to her. So as the day went by we got back on chill mood with eath other i relized i was leaving my father to go home the next day. Ugh i hate having to leave daddy house Ashlyn moma makes me so mad with all that fussin and hollin she does. Ashlyn responded Amburrr i know man daddy let us do everything and never gets mad. i dont even care he just accepts me no matter what when have moma ever accpted us l tho. Ambur if you ever tell her about you liking girls she is going to go slap off. The room got deathly silent as our mom walked in and asked "Ashlyn what did you say?"

the next chapter will be available soon as i said this is my first story so comment and help me out. thanks

Ok I'm so sorry like even when did I start writing this. But I will continue the story because it has taken a surprise twist in my head... Well if you that is if you guys still want the updates

Our mom sat and watched us as we looked very guilty .. Mom we were only talking about Leeyah as Ashlyn tried to laugh it off I was still stunned. When I got over my Shock I said yeah Moma you know how I'm cool with her from the basketball.. Even tho I'm pretty sure she didn't believe me she went on with her phone call. Wheeeewwww I Ashlyn omg you almost got me caught ! What if Moma would have found out I would have never been able to play basketball this year. Why do you even want to play Ambur they don't like you on the team anyway. Because I love it basically ball is life duh .. *later that day* heeyyyy Ashlyn ,I screamed, are you coming with me to the game today ? What game she asked.. The game in the square. Ambur you're funny you want to go to the middle of New Orleans to watch basketball games? Tuh you funny I'm not getting shot for you. Have fun tho. Wow Ashlyn you're something else, I couldn't help but laugh at my sister who was always the one to over think things. "SHE AINT TO PRETTY IN THE FACE, BUT SHE'S SUPER THICKKKK,,, IM JUST THINKING WITH MY D.CK " I was singing all the way to the square. When I got out the truck ,as usual, every head turned and the whispering started. Uhh I hate the whispers it doesn't bother me it's just I know what they are saying half of the time. "She's thinks she's to much, she's stuck up, she wana be black" now why would people say that humm because for one I sound black and I actually have a butt in contrast to my white skin .. When I sat down this cute stud came and say behind me. I knew her from vine so I didn't say anything intill she spoke to me. Hey there you aren't from here are you ? *smiling* nah Shawdia I'm from Abbeville. Ohhhh you know my name ma , so why don't I know yours? I couldn't help but giggle. Ambur why are you giggling girl you've been approached by cute studs before just say something. After my giggling and short talk to myself I finally responded and said yea I know you from vine but if you would like to know me I'm Ambur. I extended my hand for a handshake but she hugged me and smelled soooo good. You know that smell when you could just strip right there. Hummm Shawdia you smel so god. I know beautiful I knew I was going to meet the most beautiful girl in New Orleans today so I had to be right. Well how did you know this beautiful girl would even be of the uh lesbian persuasion ? Shawdia's laugh was the most beautiful thing I've ever heard. She looked me straight in my eyes and said because Ambur if I like someone i get them, and it's looking like Ima need your number to get you. To say my heart melted is a understatement. Shawdia you think you're a player huh and that you can get me. I don't even live here I stay in Abbeville. Baby it's not a problem to make that trip , I'll make it to see you. Ah look at that smile so that means I get the number Ambur ? Yes Shawdia you get it here you go my baby 337-234-7149 (that's not a real number, I don't think) just txt me. Ambur did you want my number ? Nah I'll wait till you hit me up. I walked off and wasn't supprised Shawdia said , loud enough for me to hear, I'm marrying that girl son.......

I promise y'all a update by Wednesday ✊❤️

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