Head Over Boots (Dean Ambrose)

By cjhuehn

53K 1.5K 280

Kelsey Jean, Dean Ambrose, and Roman Reigns are best friends. They have been friends for years, although, Rom... More

Coming soon!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
chapter 9
Chapter 11
Just a moment...
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Boots on, Game on

Chapter 10

1.9K 51 5
By cjhuehn

"Kelsey, aren't you ready yet?" Dean asked for the millionth time.

I sighed and finished up my makeup. Dean was keeping to his word so far and was actually treating me to a nice dinner at a very nice local restaurant. He had been rushing me to get ready for the last hour, complaining about how we had reservations and stuff. I sighed and figured I was as good as I was going to get and stepped out of the bathroom.

I gasped as I seen Dean standing in front of the mirror fixing the collar of his shirt. He was actually dressed up. A black suit and black shirt with a few of the top buttons left undone. He looked amazing. Who knew the lunatic fringe could clean up so well? But then I looked at his feet and noticed he wasn't wearing dress shoes. I started to laugh. "You're all dressed up yet your not even wearing the shoes to match," I said.

Dean glanced up at me in the mirror with his eyebrows raised but then I watched him take in a sharp breath. "Kelse, you look amazing," Dean said as he turned around.

I did a small twirl for him and I shivered as he soaked in every inch of my dark red, floor length dress. It hugged all the right curves and I knew it would elicit a response out of every guy I seen tonight. Dean's eyes filled with lust and I gave a short laugh before sitting down on the bed to put on my shoes. I grabbed my favorite pair of combat boots that I tend to wear nearly every day and slipped them on.

This time it was Dean's turn to laugh. "Please tell me, Kelsey, that those aren't the actual shoes you picked for that dress," he said.

"Since when are you the fashion police? Besides, if you can be comfy then so can I," I replied as I grabbed my bag and headed for the door.

The dinner was actually very nice and Dean even paid for the meal. We laughed and joked and I quickly remembered why Dean and I had become friends in the first place. It was just like old times. However, there was a small part of me that made me wish this could be us everyday. That if we were together we would still be able to laugh and joke like friends.

Dean pulled up at the arena where the hall of fame was being held and quickly jumped out of the car. He ran around to my side and opened the door. "See I can be a gentleman," he said with a smile on his face.

I giggled. "I guess so, Deano, but don't let it get to your head now. I need to be able to fit back in that car with you."

Dean smiled and shrugged as we entered the building. We were escorted to the backstage area where they had food and drinks waiting for us before the show began. We still had an hour to kill before the red carpet began and we quickly found a table with Roman and his wife.

"Where have you two been?" Roman asked with a mouth full of food.

"Dean, owed me so he took me out to dinner," I replied as I began to scan the full room for Sheamus. Even though I couldn't be his date I still wanted to see him.

Out of the corner of my eye I seen Roman give Dean a look that said that's not the reason you took her out but I ignored it. Roman didn't know I was playing a game with Dean like he was with me. "Seriously, bro, I owed her. I broke up with Renee last night and Kelsey went to get my stuff then let me crash in her room," Dean said like it was nothing.

I quickly turned and slapped his arm playfully. "Dean, you don't need to let the whole world know you stayed in my room. Not cool, bro," I mimicked.

Roman set his fork down and folded his hands over his plate while his elbows rested on the table. "Let me get this straight, you broke up with Renee and then stayed the night with Kelsey? Don't you realize Renee has to interview the both of you? Isn't she going to be pissed?"

Dean and I shared a look. We had completely forgotten about that little tid bit. "She doesn't know he stayed in my room," I quickly stated.

"yeah and hopefully she won't kill me on live tv," Dean added.

"You two didn't... I mean, did you guys..." Roman stuttered.

"No!" I shouted loudly. People around us stopped and looked at us. I lowered my voice before continuing. "Hell no, Roman. He had the floor and I had my bed. I kind of have a thing for Sheamus."

I seen Dean clench his fist next to me. I knew he was playing a game with me. He was trying to get close to me but he didn't know that I had realized this and I didn't want a repeat of what had happened the last time we had shared an intimate moment. My heart couldn't handle another month of not knowing where I stand with him.

"If you're so hung up on Sheamus, why did you come tonight with Dean?" Roman asked.

I sighed. "Ro, you know me. I don't break my promises and I promised Dean two weeks ago that I would be his date. There is nothing going on between Dean and I so can you please stop, dad."

Roman chuckled and shook his head before returning to his food. I took that moment to steal a glance at Dean and noticed the tension in his body. He was staring at the doorway and kept clenching and unclenching his fist. I glanced up at the doorway and noticed the reason to Dean's tension. There stood Sheamus with the rest of his League of Nation friends.

I smiled and quickly stood from my seat. I turned to leave but felt a hand grip my arm. "Where are you going?" Dean asked.

His grip on my arm was rough and almost hurt. I had never seen this side of Dean but I wasn't falling for it. I shook out of his grasp and said over my shoulder as I walked around the table, "To see Sheamus."

I didn't look back at Dean as I made my way to Sheamus. A smile crept onto my face and it was hard to contain the butterflies that had decided to attack my stomach again. Lana smiled and waved at me as I approached making Sheamus and Wade turn around. I watch as Sheamus' eyes raked over my body and I felt a heat start to burn in me deep down.

"Kelsey, you look beautiful," Sheamus said as he took my hand and lightly kissed the top of it.

"Thank you, you look pretty good yourself," I commented.

Sheamus smiled and leaned down to whisper in my ear, "I'd look better with you on my arm."

I felt my cheeks burn as I looked up at Sheamus. It felt amazing to be treated so well by a man that wasn't afraid of my friends that I forgot I was there with Dean. I stood and talked with Lana, Rusev and Wade Barret while we waited for the red carpet to start. Sheamus easily slid his arm around my waist and I snuggled into him more as time passed. However, the red carpet began and I had to say goodbye to Sheamus to find Dean once again.

"Do you want to meet for breakfast before going to the arena tomorrow?" Sheamus asked.

"I'd love that," I replied shyly. Sheamus kissed my cheek before moving to catch up to Barrett.

I let out a sigh. Things were good. So very good and I was happy that for once, things might actually go my way. "You know, things aren't going to work out between you and him," I heard a voice behind me.

I turned to find Dean, he had put his sunglasses back on and he stood, looking like he was ready for a fight. "Why can't you just be happy for me? Why do you always have to be a Debby downer?" I asked as I stared hard at him.

Dean shrugged. "I have my reasons. Now let's try to avoid Renee as much as possible."

Dean held out his arm. I hesitated but decided to accept his offer and placed my hand in the crook of his arm. Dean was tense and I wasn't sure if it was because of Wrestlemania the next day, Renee being in the other room waiting for an interview or the fact that I wanted Sheamus. Either way, it made for an awfully long night. Dean hardly said a word and even seemed cold. Once we were back at the hotel, Dean quickly went to bed without a word to me. It made me feel cold despite the warm thoughts of Sheamus filling my dreams...

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