Save Me

Da Blondestopher_

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Christopher Brown, a high school senior truant who hasn't been to school since getting suspended the first we... Altro



856 72 10
Da Blondestopher_

"Cara, honey wake up. You're gonna be late for school."

My mother was shaking my supposedly sleeping body while beckoning for me to get up. No part of me had any desire to leave my bed this morning. However, she continued shaking me until I was so annoyed that I was forced to.

"I'm up..." I groan, my voice cracking.
"Good morning, sunshine. Get dressed. You have to go soon."
"Yes ma'am..."

My mother left my room, leaving me to drag myself out of bed and began preparing myself for school.

About an hour later and I still hated life and wanted to be in my bed but I was dressed and ready to leave. The contents of my backpack rattled when I snatched it from its position next to my bedroom door.

"Have a good day, boo." My mother smiled.
"Thanks mommy. I love you." I replied, hugging her before I walked out the door.

On my way to school I had to walk past that house again. Memories of yesterday flooded through my mind. Why was he so angry? Why did he think it was appropriate to get that close to me without my permission? He was sitting outside smoking. It was clearly marijuana. My eyes locked with his briefly before I snapped my head forward as if he hadn't already seen me staring.

"Aye! Carrier pigeon!" He yelled from his position sitting on the trunk of the car in his driveway.
"He can't be talking to you..." I whispered to myself.
"Messenger girl! I know you can hear me." He barked.
"What?" I asked, pausing to respond to him.
"I got something for you to take Serggero."

He jumped off of the car and disappeared inside. I stood for a few moments and waited for him to return. When he did, he was carrying the envelope I gave him yesterday. I tensed noticeably the closer he got. He held the envelope out to me. I hesitantly took it, not believing for a second that he finished the entire packet in one night.

"Give that shit to Sergerro and tell him you not comin back here."

I didn't respond. He narrowed his eyes at me and began to invade my personal space again.

"What, you don't talk?"
"You reek of cannabis..."
"Yeah?" He asked before lifting his hand to take a drag from the rolled blunt he was holding. Then he proceeded to blow the smoke in my face. "You tryna catch a contact?"

I fanned the smoke out of my face and rolled my eyes. I always wanted to work up the courage to speak to my peers, but this guy is just flat out unpleasant. I didn't respond, just turned to walk away from the irritation that is Christopher Brown. I could hear him chuckling as I walked in the direction of my school.


The bell sounded signaling the end of class. Since I didn't have Mr. Serggero today I had to travel to his classroom in time to catch him leaving for the day. I spotted him just as he was locking his classroom up. He stopped in his tracks as soon as he laid eyes on me. I handed him the envelope he had given me the day before.

"Is this Christopher's homework?"
"I think so..."
"Good. Stop by the office and pick up today's work to deliver."
"I'm not going back..."
"Why? Did he threaten you?"
"He makes me uncomfortable."
"He makes everyone uncomfortable. That's how he is. Keep working on him."
"Mr. Serggero I don't feel comfortable going back around him. He blew smoke in my face this morning." I stated firmly.
"Oh yeah? He got close enough to you to blow smoke in your face? He likes you. He's never gotten close to anyone."
"I'm not going back."
"Listen, Cara. You have to pass his house on your way home. You may as well do the school a favor and drop off Christopher's work. He actually sent work back this time! You're the first to get him to do that! I'll even mark it as extra credit."
"Mr. Serggero..."
"Listen, I'm worried about your borderline antisocial behavior. I think this'll be a great opportunity for you to make a friend. Not only that, but Christopher needs a positive influence in his life. Someone who tries their hardest in school— someone who actually attends school."
"So you're just playing matchmaker, then?"

He shrugged. I contemplated the conversation I'd just had.

"Extra credit?" I echoed.
"Oh, you're interested in the extra credit?"
"I need the extra credit..."
"So you'll do it...?"
"..." I sighed before answering. "Sure...but if he continues to invade my personal space I will not continue to do this."
"Set a boundary with him. Tell him not to invade your personal space."
"Yes, because people telling him to do something has worked so well in the past, right?" I remarked sarcastically.

He smiled, but I could tell it was just a cover-up for not having a rebuttal. I readjusted he strap on my backpack and prepared to head to the main office.

"I'll see you in class, miss Thomas."
"Yes sir."

With that, I was on my way. I had zoned out after picking up the envelope and was almost past his home when he called out to me.

"Hey messenger girl!"

I frowned. I didn't necessarily have to speak to him. I walked calmly up to his car where he was sitting on the trunk, placed the envelope next to him, and turned to walk away.

"What, no speech about how I should start goin to school?"
"You don't have to do anything you don't want to." I responded dryly.
"Word? Shorty learned her place already?"
"I have a name."
"Well I don't know it so you shorty."
"It's Cara. And we don't have to speak to each other. I deliver your homework. That doesn't mean we're friends or even associates. We're not even classmates since you don't attend."

He had an amused look on his face. He looked like he wanted to say something but he just couldn't find the words. Instead of waiting around for more irritating banter, I walked swiftly off his driveway.

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