
By raaain_liiily

3K 104 66

"Why did you do it" Sean cried "Suicidal people are just angels who want to go home, I wanted to go home" More

Then I Fell
is it my fault
A nice, happy family
I missed you

Im alive

210 9 1
By raaain_liiily

••Lily's pov••
I woke up and immediately felt pain all over my body. I tried lifting my head and It hurt so bad "ow fuk" I mumbled as I let my head drop back on the pillow. I'm in a hospital. Great! Just fuking great...
It didn't work! Why did I live!

The doctor walked in and smiled at me, "well good morning miss lily, how are you feeling".

"That's a redundant question" I mumbled through the tears that had started to leak from my eyes.

"Well let me inform you about your condition" the doctor said completely ignoring my comment.

"I need pain meds" I cried while trying to lift my arm to wipe my tears. It had a cast and the other was strapped to the bed. What the hell.

The doctor connected some white stuff to my Iv which I'm guessing is pain medication, "a week ago you attempted suicide, but we will discuss that later. You have a severe break in your wrist and ankle, a broken collarbone and three broken ribs, slight head damage that put you out for the past week, and some cuts that we have stitched up"

I felt the medication take affect and I slowly stopped crying "where's Sean?".

"Who is Sean?"

"My my friend, he was there.."

"He wanted to visit but because of your mental state you aren't allowed visitors unless they are family"

"He's like my family though, we grew up together! And I'm not crazy!"

"Yes actually you are and too bad about your friend, once you heal you will go to a different hospital for your eating disorder and self harming problem"

"Too bad my ass! Why the hell is my arm strapped down?"

"We don't want you self harming"

"Bitch I can't there is nothing to cut with! I need to see my friend!"

The doctor shook his head and walked out "your parents were right, you are a little shit"

He was already gone but what the fuck. This is a ghetto ass hospital! Why would they treat me like this?! I need to see Jack. I need to move my fucking arm. I need to get out of here... But I'm guessing I can't walk. Well shit! I'm screwed.

A nurse walked in and smiled at me, "hi I'm Emily, I have to inform you about a few things okay?"

"Okay as long as your not an ass like doctor dickhead"

"I'm not don't worry" she laughed.... Okay she seems kinda nice

"Okay well first we are going to talk about getting you out of here, I don't work here, I'm just here to pick you up because I don't agree with this hospitals doctors and the way they treat their patients... Now for something more serious. Your parents have said that they don't want custody of you, I'm sorry, but you will go to a girls home until someone adopts you or you turn eighteen"

I gulped and shut my eyes. Am I dreaming? Do I actually get to leave them!?
I opened my eyes and smiled "Seriously! I can't wait!"

Emily scrunched her nose "you're happy about that?"

"My dad beat me and my mom was a drunk, all I wanted was to leave them!" I didn't care that I just blurted that out! It doesn't matter anymore! He can't hurt me! Three years in a girls home is fine!

"Oh uh we didn't know that! Do you want to take them to court because we can definitely do that!?"

"No, I never want to see them again"

"Okay then, are you ready?"

"Well I don't know what I could do to get ready so yea I guess"

"Awesome, I'll just wheel you out in your bed because I don't think you want to stand on that leg, and you won't be needing these" she said unhooking the straps on my arm. "I trust you"

"Thanks" I smiled and lifted my arm. It was bruised, but not broken. I'm still depressed and I don't know if it will go away, but the main thing causing my depression is now gone, my parents.

"Hey can I call my friend, he's probably worried about me..." I said while staring at my phone on the table with my backpack. Jack probably isn't worried about me but I really do want to talk to him....

Emily smiled and handed it to me " go ahead, but you're not allowed to make unsupervised calls so I'll have to stay in here with you until you're done and then we can leave to the hospital that I work at"

"Okay" I said while grabbing the phone from her and looking through my contacts. I still had Sean's number even though we didn't talk much. I called... "The number you are calling has been disconnected". He must have gotten a new phone number since last year... I felt a tear go down my cheek again. Every cut that it passed on my face started to burn.

Emily walked over and gave me a careful hug, "lily, what's wrong? You can confide in me, I want to be your friend through all this"

"It's a long story"

"Do you want to tell me in the ambulance while we transport you"

I shook my head yes and she pushed my hospital bed out to an ambulance and they loaded me in. She sat next to me as the driver shut the door "I want to hear your long story now"

I told her everything about how Jack and I were best friends and how I got depressed and then he ignored me which made my depression a lot more severe and led to more self harm, and how he found out and then when I jumped... What he had said. Wait he said he loved me.... Did he really mean it?

Authors note: oooo so lily is alive... You probably figured that cause she's the main character beside Jack so that would be stupid to kill her off.. Oh whale🐳 ~Rain

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