I Don't Belong In This Mental...

By xGeenax

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What would you do, if you were trapped behind white walls? What would you do if people thought you were crazy... More

Chapter One: Her Name Is Akura
Chapter Three: I Just Met A Normal Person.
Chapter Four: Sunday's With Max
Chapter Five: He can't be Ethan...
Chapter Six: They are after me...
Chapter Seven: The Yellow House
Chapter Eight: Hurting Myself feels good
Chapter Nine: He Repeated My Same Mistake
Chapter Ten: Change For Worst?
Chapter Eleven: He will never like me
Chapter Twelve: Something Is Going On
Chapter Thirteen: New Mysterious girl
Chapter Fourteen: Confused.
Chapter Fifteen: I Can't Remember A Thing...
Chapter Sixteen: Arrested
Chapter Seventeen: Hope...
Chapter Eighteen: Mumble your thoughts...
Chapter Nineteen: I Hate You

Chapter Two: All They See Is A Crazy Girl

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By xGeenax

Akura…She is one year and three months now… She is very creative and funny little girl, but doctors don’t see that… All they see is a little girl with serious mental problems.

Akura has been studied every single day. She has also been banned from interacting with other people in and out the institution.

Doctors don’t want her to interact until they know what illness she has.

She has been kept in a plane white room, inside a baby crib, isolated. If she is not in her room you can find her with the doctor or inside a padded room. 

No one truly understands her and why she is so different, but who can you blame? She is just a one year old baby…

“Okay Akura, show me what you learned” Doctor Bill said. Akura twisted her eyes and started drooling. Bill sighed and picked her up.

“I don’t know what is wrong with you, but I am going to find out” He said as he placed her in a padded room. He placed to foam blocks next to her and close locked the door.

Bill decided to watch over her through the camera today because he wanted to watch her closely. Akura looked around the room. She slowly touched the comfy floor analyzing it.

She spotted the two foam blocks and just stared at them. Akura poked one of the blocks and smiled. She did this repeatedly smiling within every poke and often laughing.

Akura spotted the left block and poked it too. But this time she didn’t smile. She poked it one more time and quickly covered her ears. She screamed very high and pressed her small hands harder in her ears. Doctor Bill watched this abnormal behavior of hers and wrote about it on his laptop.

Akura kept screaming and squeezed her eyes shut very tight. A few tears came out of her eyes. Bill found this really strange… He has never seen something like this before. Amused by her sudden behavior he transferred the video to his computer, to later show other doctors.

After several minutes Akura opened her beautiful greyish purple eyes. Bill didn’t notice this before but now he is amazed by her color of eyes. They have a unique color; He hasn’t seen any other person with that color. She suddenly tried standing up but failed the attempt. She tried once again but fell front wards. She hit her head lightly and started laughing.

She fell in front of the walls. She kept looking at it and slowly placed both of her hands on it. She pushed herself up and   amazingly stood up.

Bill couldn’t believe it. He was shocked, his eyes were wide and his mouth dropped.

Akura kept standing for a quite a while before doing her first step, holding until the wall. She walked the whole padded room held from the wall. She let go of it and struggled to keep her body up. She gave her first step without the wall and she headed towards the door.

The doctor still shocked started writing what happened.

In the meantime Akura managed to unlock the door and run out from the padded room.

That’s when the alarm went off.....

She escaped the padded room!! What a smart little girl! :D I feel so bad for her… she is being isolated! But she has some damn pretty eyes!!!!!! Well I hope you liked it. Pleaseee comment and voteee. Thaaaank youuu!!! <3 

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