The Fox And The Village Girl

By FoxesandHumans

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A New Story > Tomoe has just become the Familiar of Mikage shrine two months ago; He has no interest other th... More

The Village Girl
At Night?
The Festival Of Lights
Lets Do It Again!
Foxes Hate Water, Nuf said...
The Land of My Birth...


369 13 2
By FoxesandHumans


Tomoe groaned and whined out as he slept, his head was buried in his pillow... his eyes weak. He felt horrble, why? He had been out all night once again, and this time he took an unwanted swim. He had fallen into a hot spring and even though his body liked the quick bath, he hated the fact he got wet.

When he climbed into the window his pants almost caught him. WHY!? There was a nail by the window seal and it nearly made him slip into the ground. It was embarrassing but he had to be VERY quiet at the time, and his pants was wet and soaked to the skin. He was red n the face when he flopped on hs futon, AFTER he dried his pants.

He then passed out, slightly feeling like he had a shower. But his mind was swimming at what had happened tonght. He had pushed into a hot spring by Nanami, they had hid in a tight inclosed space, and got chased by a samurai. It was also strange to see Nanami dressed like a tanuki from the red light district.'

Talk about weird to see a human looking... like that. Attractively drawing, he didn't know what to think about that... to him yokai woman could hold a beauitful air about them, but seeing a human dressed like that.....

It was utterly strange for him.

Meanwhile the fox whined out, his eyes closed as he laid on the bed, his eyes closed. He seemed rather out of it, his hair was messed up and he seemed to sigh out slightly as he slept.. his lips were parted from being conked out, until his door slammed open and Mikage smiled brightly

" WAKEY! WAKEY!! EGGS AND BACY!!" He giggled but then blinked when Tomoe gurgled and didn't even move.. the air turned awkward before he poked the teen making Tomoe whine out and sniff a bit,

" Leave me be..' he groaned, his voice cracking as Mikage rolled hs eyes a bit. Teenagers, always sleeping in and acting like they owned the world. He shook his head and then pouted a bit before titling his head slightly,

" But you HAVE To get up! We have a guest..' He whined slightly and almost trailed off a bit. Tomoe then whined and paused as he opened his eyes and stared up at the man weakly, his hair a mess as he twitched from waking himself up to quickly.

" And Who is that?" He whispered and winced from the light when Mikage opened the blinds. Mikage then turned and looked at him slightly, hs blond hiar almost glimmering in the bright sunlight,

"I'm not sure.. some type of girrrllll." he cooed slightly, " I'm so happy I could almost jump for joy. A girl coming to this shrine!! " he laughed slightly, " And I want you to see her!! Shes a looker.. innocent looking with bright eyes-

He suddenly froze up when Tomeo held up his hand. He then slowly looked at Mikage with half asleep eyes... if this idiot was going to wake him up this early he was going to make sense!!

" And... Whats her name?" he mutttered slightly and almost casuiously... He then froze up when Mikage paused, tapped his finger to his mouth bbefore giggling happily,

" Nanami something?" he smiled brightly making her pause and then twitch in shock. His eyes went wide and he nearly twitched. He then shot up and then yelped when he slipped and flopped on the gorund, landing on his back slightly,

" Ow! OW! OW!.' Tomeo whined out and groaned as he cringed and Mikage helped him up and then slightly checked his back. He then winced slightly,

" Be more careful..." he winced as Tomoe shooed him off and quickly pulled another Hakamashita type. He then rushed out of his room shocking the man. Mikage then paused slightly and arched his brow a bit but shrugged it off and skipped out of the room.

Meanwhile Tomoe grabbed Nanami's arma nd yanked her behind a door, his eyes wide in panic as he did so,

" WHAT THE HELL!?!" He screeched as she then smiled weakly and held up his fan.. Tomoe blinked, his eyes wide in shock... He stared at it and he paused weakly before slowly grabbing it and then groaning,

" How did I not notice!?" he whined and then opened it, it seemed to be okay which made him look at her slightly,

" Why did you bring it here?" he muttered weakly and then pulled her back inside, avoiding Mikage as he did so. But Mikage didn't seem to be listening anyway, in fact he seemed out of it as he started to make them tea.'

" Well.. I had a feeling you were going to miss it.' She nodded a bit and paused when she sat down at their table and Tomoe stared at her weakly and sat down as well.

" I truly didn't even notice.. i was still sleeping." he muttered blankly making her blink and wince slightly,

" O-OH! Sorry.. I didn't mean to wake you..' she whispered befroe Mikage popped up beside them and Almost made Tomeo fall over from being freaked out from the sudden interuption.'

"SOOOOO Tomoe, Whos your friend!?" he smiled brightly making Tomoe roll his eyes weakly and then slowly looked at Nanami with a 'Say something smart.' look. Nanami then paled and smiled weakly,

" U-Um.. Im Nanami?" She smiled weakly, " I'm just here returning Tomoes fan... t-that he dropped.. u-um... when he was getting food a few days ago!" She smiled weakly and then quickly changed the subject, " S-So.. Who are you?" She smiled weakly making Mikage blink but giggle as he sat down,

" Welllll, I'm Tomoe's father!" He smiled brightly making Nanam pause and then choke on her tea. She looked up, her eyes wide as her brown hair seemed to frame her petite face.' HOW WAS THAT POSSIBLE!? She looked back and forth from Tomoe ad Mikage and noticed how.. similar they truly looked..... Whoa.. How had she not seen that?

" O-Oh?" She gasped as Tomoe sent her a weak glare, he then rolled his eyes slightly making mikage giggle a bit and then pause slightly,

" OH!! Where are my manners, I'll just let you too... converse, I won't walk in.. Bye now!" he squealed and ran out of the room leaving Tomoe to pale and then groan as he let his head hit the table with a loud plop. Nanami then looked at him and smiled weakly,

" Your father is uh..'

" A match maker.' he whispered leaving her to blink, " Hes a match maker and you just made everything worse.' he ground out and twitched slightly, " i swear.. now I gotta deal with this fool more then ever now..' he huffed and leaned his head on his hand. Nanami on the other hand suddenly felt bad...'

" S-Sorry..' She whispered and bit her lip as he slightly looked up at her, his glance was slightly sideways and she almost blushed his his violet eyes scaled into hers, he then shrugged and huffed slightly,

" Its nothing.." he muttered and then yawned slightly, " So what now? Do you have something to do in the village? " he arched his brow as Nanami blinked but shook her head slightly.. She bit her lip and Tomoe noticed they were slightly red.. she probably scrubbed off the red lipstick from last night..

: No Not really..' She whispered and then titled her head a bit, " What about you? What do you familiars do?" She blinked as Tomoe paused and then shrugged slightly... He breathed out a long sigh as he swallowed.

" We work.." he shrugged as Nanami blinked.. Her eyes grew wide before she paused and then swallowed some tea that she had sipped form her cup.. Tomoe had looked up and almost blanched from how her cheeks were full like a chimpmuck... he then glared slightly and without thinking reached across the table.

Nanami blanched and gulped the tea down before Tomoe pintched her cheeks and then pulled them slightly and glared a bit,

" Your so chubby...." He huffed a she twitched and whined slightly,

" Welt gwo of meh fawce!!"

" Stop talking..' Tomoe huffed and then let go before sitting back on his hands and glaring at her as she rubbed her face and pouted a bit. She then recovered before she slightly looked at him and his tested eyes... She knew what he was thinking, Oi Human.. get out of my domain! Something like that. But she didn't care... She wanted to know a bit more about him.. and his weirdo of a father.'

: U-Um..' she whined slightly and rubbed her cheek, " W-What do you need to do today?" She muttered slightly as Tomoe blinked and then slightly looked out the window, his expression turned pensive and thoughtful before he shrugged slightly,

" Maybe weeding the yard.." he muttered a bit and then shrugged idolly with one of his shoulders. Nanami on the other hand blinked and then lit up slightly,

" Weeding the yard? We do that all the time in the village! Can I help?" She smiled brightly and then giggled slightly,

" No..' he muttered darkly.'

"Awwww P-Please!!" She wailed out and sniffed before Mikage popped his head in and sent Tomoe a weak look,

" Tomoe.. never deny a girl her right..'

" Yeah Tomoe!!" Nanami whined, " I'm a girl and I have a right!" She huffed and folded her arms slightly. She pouted and nearly sniffed, her eyes narrowed slightly before Tomoe graoned out and then hissed a bit.

" FINE!! Just don't slow me down!!" Tomoe suddenyl snapped and then got up slightly.. Nanami blinked and paused as she watched his walk away, his hips seemed to sway and she blushed when he bent down and pulled on his Tabi.' When he was done he turned his head towards her making her blush and look away.. Tomoe blinked and then arched his brow before shrugging and sighing out.

" Come on.." he ground out and could of swore he saw Mikage giggling with the most pure of all happiness in the background- curse him.... Why did he have to act so... SO STUPID! Tomoe ground his teeth and then walked out into the yard with Nanami.'

Meanwhile Nanami found his father rather nice and humorous.. not that she was going to tell Tomoe this sense he was glaring at the man like he was posion to the earth. She shook her head and almost chuckled. At least he had a father that he could rely on, right? She didnt have that much... And her mother had dided when she was little..

Nanami almost let out a sgh but then shut her mouth when she looked at Tomoe. He wasn't carrying a bag out, he then dropped to his knees and started to pick at the grass. He then started to pluck up some extra strands.'

" So do I just? Sit and pluck?

" Yep..' Tomeo rolled hsi eyes before the girl lit up and then dropped to her knees. She started to pluck at the strands before Tomoe paused and arched his brow a bit,

" Isn't the village going to make a fuss about a girl being up here with a 'cursed' Demon?" he arched his brow and shoved some weeds in the brown bag. Nanami blinked, her eyes wide in shock.

" Nope.. I told my frend I went to pray for the whole week that has passed, shes innocent and fell for it right away.' The girl lit up and giggled slightly while Tomoe arched his brow but rolled his eyes, although she swore she saw him smile slightly,

" What?" She blinked in shock while he shrugged a bit,

" You lied..' he snickered and then started to pull out another weed. This took the girl by surprise before she glared weakly and then slightly pulled at a blade of grass herself only she yelped and winced slightly when it cut through her hand, she whined when her blood seemed to drip on the grass, staining the drt slightly.

" Ow..' She whispered slightly and winced as Tomo epaused when he smelt blood.. He felt a weird sense of nostalgia sweep over him, making him sick to the stomach.. he then slowly looked at Nanami and twitched darkly,

" Are you kidding me?" he ground slightly, " See? You humans are so weak...' he ground out as the gril whined as the blood continued to drip dangerously on ground as tears welled up in her eyes.

She then sniffed and groaned slightly before Tomoe rolled his eyes, grabbed her hand and then licked hotly over her palm... Nanami gasped her eyes wide before her face tinged pink, he then slightly sucked a bit on the cut before pulling back slightly... she was surprised when she saw that the red color was gone and the cut was slightly sealed.'

" H-How..' he whispered slightly before Tomoe rolled his eyes and wiped is mouth n his sleeve,

" I have healing in my spit..' he rolled is eyes leaving Nanami to blanch.

" Oh... I didn't know..

" Humans don't know anything good for them.' Tomoe rolled his eyes and then continued to pluck the grass...

While Mikage stared from the wndow and giggled like mad..


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