Come Alive (Seth Rollins & Pa...

By ReignsAmbrose143

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*** "You shouldn't be getting involved with me Rollins" Paige Says As She Looks Into The Eyes Of The Two Tone... More

Shit Happens.
The Bullies
A Helping Hand.
Uh Oh.
I Love You
Drama Club
Rumors always get worse.
Why did you do it?
Fights and Plays
Unexpected Events
She can stay with me
Patience Is A Virtue.
Returning To School
What the Hell?
2 Months Later
Messed Up.
Payback's A Bitch
Making It Official
Showing True Colors
Having to ask Roman.
Staying Sane.
Two Tones Is Home
Another Attack
Calling For Help
The Big Brother
Two Weeks Later
Nothing is ever 'Perfect'.
Druken Mistakes.
Family sticks together.
Six Flags & Secrets Revealed
Dare Devil Dive.
Talking out the problems
Fixing whats broken.
Motusia (Broken.)
Getting Arrested
Double Arrest.
'Im Locked Up, They Won't Let Me Out'
Visiting Princess & Deano.
'If I Go Crazy, Will you still call me superman?'
Getting Bailed Out.
Reliving reality in a dream.
Going Home.
Surprise Suprise
2 Months Later
Hospital Visits.
Back To Keeping Secrets
Finally Coming Face To Face
Jeff Comes Home

Planning the trip.

382 6 5
By ReignsAmbrose143


Seth: we were thinking of taking a trip to Six flags this weekend.

Paige: I'm all for it. I'm getting paid tomorrow.

Seth: one problem.

Paige: and that is?

Seth: none of us are over 18. We need an adult....

Paige: what are you getting at Dimples?

Seth: it wasn't my idea, I swear. Roman suggested Corey tag along with us, since he's 'cool'.

Paige: I'll ask him.

Seth: only thing is, if he does agree, he has to talk to all our parent's... Tonight. So we're good to go you know?

Paige: your pushing it Dimples. My brother isn't exactly nice if you haven't noticed.

Seth: Blame the Samoan.

I shove the phone back into my pocket as I take another drag off the cigarette between my fingers.

"Smoking's bad for you mouse."

I look up to see Corey standing in front of me with a shop rag, wiping the oil off his hands.

"You do it." I point out.

He takes the short out of my hand and takes a drag "I do. You shouldn't though."

"Hypocrite." I mumble.

He chuckles ''Don't want you ending up like me."

"But why? Your life's better then mine."

He sighs and sits on the bench next to me. I lay my head on his shoulder and look up at the stars in the sky as he wraps an arm around me loosly.

"We were raised with two different families. I wish I could have taken your spot so you didn't have to go threw what you have. Your strong mouse. I want you to do something with your life. Finish high school, go to college. Get married, get a good job. Become the best female mechanic in the world. Be better then our parents." He says.

I look up at him ''Have some kids?"

He looks down at me with wide eyes and shakes his head "If you have kids before your my age, I'll kill you and Seth."

I chuckle ''Admit it Corey, you like Seth."

"I do. He's a good kid. But your only 16. Your my baby sister. If you guys make me an uncle at 25 ill kill him." He says.

I chuckle again.

"Please tell me your still a Virgin." He begs.

"Your not gonna like my awnser." I admit.

He sighs ''I'm gonna kill him. Has he at least wrapped his stick?"

"Corey, were not talking about my sex life."

"No, i need to know if I'm gonna just hurt him or kill him." He says.

"Your not killing My Dimples." I say.

"Your avoiding the question Mouse." He points out.

I smirk ''No Glove, No Love My Brother."

"At least your smart." He sighs.

"I've got a question."


"Me and my friends want to fonto six flags this weekend. We don't want to take any parents because there lame, but we need an adult so-"

"No." He says, cutting me off.

"Come on! I'll pay for you! Please?" I beg, wrapping my arms around him.

"Fine, whatever." He mumbles.

"You gotta talk to everyone's parents."

"Your pushing it mouse." He says.

"I know, but you love me and care about my happiness, so you'll do it." I say, smiling.

"Something like that." He mumbles.

I roll my eyes at him "by the way.. You have to talk to them tonight."

He groans "then let's get this Honda done so we can go."

"I don't want to do this." Corey mumbles as we walk up to Roman's house.

''But you will." I say, smiling.

"Well hopefully Roman's parents are better then The twins." He mumbles.

When we talked to Nikki and Brie's Mom, she stared at Corey in disgust. Brie apologized and said it was the Tattoo's and the fact that me and him were still dirty from just working on cars. I had to bite my tounge to stop myself from snapping at Her mom for looking and speaking to my brother the way she did.

But I know Roman's parents. They aren't the ones to judge Corey. Hopefully.

"Romans parents are nice." I insist before knocking on the door.

"Get the door Dean!" I hear Roman yell.

"You get it you lazy ass Samoan!" Dean yells back.

"Me Lazy?! Your just laying there!" Roman yells again.

"So are you!" He yells back.

" O se tasi nei maua le faitotoa!"I hear his mom yell.

I have no idea what she just said.

"I swear this is normal." I tell Corey with a small laugh.

The door opens and its Dean. He smiles slightly and scratches the back of His neck.

"Um.. Hi.." He says, awkwardly.

I chuckle ''You gonna let me in or not?"

"Oh.. Oh! Yeah, yeah. Sorry?" He says.

I chuckle and shake my head "you gotta move so I can get in."

"Oh yeah." He mumbles and moves out of my way.

I shake my head and walk inside, Corey following behind me.

"Dean, who is it?" Ms Reigns calls out.

She walks into the living room and her eyes light up as she smiles at Me.

"Paige! Hello sweetheart!" She exclaims, pulling me into a tight embrace.

"Hello Momma Reigns." I say, hugging her back.

"Sunshine, I have a bone to pick with you!" Roman yells as he comes into view.

"Leave Paige alone Roman." She orders.

"But Ma-"

"Don't argue with me Roman! Your Aunt already called and told me what you pulled today and I'm not in the mood to deal with your Bullshit!" She scolds.

"Ha!" Dean yells.

"Dean Ambrose! Your no better!" She yells.

"Ha." I tease.

"But Mom!" Dean yells.

"Don't you dare disrespect Momma Reigns Dean or I'll personally drop your ass." I warn.

"Bullshit." He mumbles.

"Excuse me?" She says, raising an eyebrow at Dean.

"I didn't say anything." He says, sticking his hands in the air.

"Didn't think so." She huffs. "So what brings you here Paige?"

"Roman having a brilliant idea." I mumble.

She eyes Corey who's standing behind me silently "Who's this cute guy belong to?"

"Ma!" Roman yells.

"What?! He's cute!" She yells defensively.

I chuckle ''This is my older brother."

"Corey Graves Ma'am." He says politely, sticking his hand out.

She pulls him into a tight embrace "We hug in this family. Call me Patricia."

Corey chuckles and hugs her back gently.

I feel someone grab ahold of my hand and begin to pull me away. I look to see Roman, not bothering to look down at me.

"Roman! Where Are taking her?!" Patricia yells, making Roman stop dead in her tracks.

"Ma." He sighs "malolo faamolemole."

She sighs and nods.

Corey grabs my other wrist ''I don't know what you said."

"He said he wanted to show her his new blanket." Dean says quickly.

Dean doesn't know Samoan..

He's lying.

Instead of pointing out Deans lie, I just stay quiet. Corey sighs and let's my wrist go. Roman nods and pulls me out of the living room. He pulls me up the stairs and into the bedroom, closing the door behind him.

"Whats wrong Rome-"

"You asked Jey to teach you?" He asks, cutting me off.

I tilt my head slightly "Asked Jey to teach me what?"

"Our Language."

"I did? When was-" I cut myself off, rembering "Oh! Yeah I did. Is there a problem with that?"

"Why didn't you ask me?" He asks.

I sigh ''I don't know. Wasn't interested until I saw Jey speaking it. Sounded cool so I asked him."

"But I could teach you." He insists.

"Romeo, you can teach me. I don't care. Why are you making a big deal out of this?" I ask.

"Because." He sighs, leaning against the door.

"Because why?" I ask, pushing him to tell me.

"Because.." He sighs "oute alofa ia oe."

"Roman, you know I don't know what that means" I say.

"When you learn it, everything will make sense Sunshine."

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