My EX Next Door

By regulusglow

1.4K 40 20

What if you've already moved on and continued the flow of your life? And what if your Ex-boyfriend,who broke... More

《Chapter 1》
《Chapter 2》
《Chapter 3》
《Chapter 4》
《Chapter 5》
《Chapter 6》
《Chapter 7》
《Chapter 8》
《Chapter 9》
《Chapter 10》
《Chapter 11》
《Chapter 12》
《Chapter 13》
《Chapter 14》
《Chapter 15》
《Chapter 16》
《Chapter 17》
《Chapter 18》
《Chapter 19》
《Chapter 20》
《Chapter 22》
《Chapter 23》
《Chapter 24》
《Chapter 25》
《Author's Note》

《Chapter 21》

24 1 0
By regulusglow

"Where were you for the past few days?" I asked Bernard after I opened the door for him to come inside my bedroom. He sat down on the mini couch that Dad bought me. "I haven't seen you since the Sunday I went to the park. The last time I saw you was when you brought me to the rooftop."

"Uh,you know." He started,scratching his head. "I was on a vacation with my friends in the beach."

"You have friends?" I exclaimed. Since this is something interesting,I sat down on my bed,pillon on my lap.

"Well,yeah." He said, "Our childhood friends found me without a single reason how. Can you still remember them? I can't,though."

"Let me see." I said,trying to remember our mutual friends. I haven't seen them for the 5th year already. "Trisha,Andrea, Craig, Vernon, and Joshua. Aren't they?"

"You forgot our oldest friend." I tried to think again but he already said it. "How can your forget the one who always brings you food whenever you're sick?"

"Nash!" I yelled. "I knew it. I want to see them,too."

"They're still here in the city so I'll try to talk to them." He asked, "Are you free tomorrow?"

"We can have an overnight swimming." I suggested. "I'll be free from 6:30pm tomorrow and then until 10am the next day. Just try to talk to them if they'll be okay with that."

"That's great." He said, "I'll make sure to talk to them while you're working later. You know a private pool near here?"

"Yeah,yeah." I answered. "Confirm everything and I'll reserve us from tomorrow night until morning."

"How about the fee?" He asked me. "I'm sure they'll not pay for it."

"I will do."

"Ya sure?"

"Of course." I said, "I'm the one who needs to pay her debt for her friends,this time."

"Okay,okay." Bernard said, "I'll send you to work now."

"Nah." I stood up and started to walk outside my room. He followed me and I said, "I'll be riding my bike today."

"Take care!" Bernard sent me off as I hopped on my bike. Starting the day that I became late for work,I'm always 10 minutes early.

At the end of the day,Joaquin cleaned the store with me. By the time we're finished, be offered to hold my bag as we walked back home.

"Are going to do this everytime?" I asked as I looked up to him.

"Why not?" He asked, "Am I not allowed to bring back home my girlfriend? What if she's in a dangerous state?"

"I will not be,okay?" I reassured him. Joaquin kissed my head and we just walked hand on hand. We had a moment of silence until I asked him, "May I hang out with my childhood friends tomorrow?"

"Of course." He said to me. Since then, he have trust in me. In whatever I do, wherever I go. Joaquin was that sure that I'll not replace him in my life. "Will there be boys?" I nodded. "Okay. Just don't wear revealing clothes. I'm the only one that can see you even bra-less."

"Joaquin!" I slapped him on his right shoulder using my right hand since he was holding my left. "It's an overnight swimming. What do you mean by not revealing my skin? Do you want me to wear shirts and pajamas while they're swimming?" We stopped walking.

"Fine,fine." He then,agreed. "I'm just being an overprotective boyfriend."

We walked again until we reached home. He went inside with me. But because he saw Bernard,sitting on the couch,he tempted to leave us.

"No,no." Bernard stopped him from going outside the house. "It's fine. We're just going to talk about the outing tomorrow."

"Okay,then." Joaquin said. We sat down beside Bernard and he confirmed that our childhood friends will go to the swimming tomorrow. After that,he already left.

Joaquin watched me as I packed my clothes for tomorrow. Oh,and he ate with me and my parents. I already told them that there will be an outing tomorrow and they gave me the permission.

Dad also suggested that he'll drive us to the private pool resort using the company's van so I just said yes.

"Take care,tomorrow." Joaquin said after I finished packing everything. He sat down beside me on the bed. "May I stay beside you,tonight?"

"Fine." And he slept beside me until morning. He also sent me to work by biking with me.

Bernard invited our friends in the afternoon to eat in Cool Summer. They liked it and they said that they will go more often. Indeed,many loved it.

While I cleaned the store,Bernard asked me, "Is that your boyfriend?" He was referring to the guy he saw in our house last night. I nodded. "Oh,glad you already have one to take care of you." I smiled to him. Our friends were talking while we were waiting for Dad.

After I closed the store,we stayed outisde for a few minutes until a blue van stopped infront of the store. The driver's window opened and Dad said, "Come in."

I sat down beside Dad. My bag was already there. Stupid me. I forgot to bring it. Good thing,Dad brought it. All of them sat at the back while Dad drove us to the resort.

It was a one-hour trip wherein we talked, sang along to the popular songs and just felt the wind coming to our faces.

By the time we reached the private pool resort,they all reacted.

"Woah." Andrea exclaimed. "This is beautiful,Krystal."

"How did you managed to suggest something like this?" Nash asked.

"It's great." Craig and Joshua reacted.

Then Trisha said, "We'll be having a lot of fun for the night and morning!"

"Nice." Vernon said shortly.

"How,Krystal?" Bernard looked at me after scanning the place.

I looked at my Dad and then I said to them, "Well,it's owned by my Dad so.."

Then we really had a lot of fun. Partying all night, singing along and whatever.

Still, I didn't forgot to call or report everything to Joaquin.

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