The Guide Home (under Revisio...

By Twistering-Winds

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This story is under heavy revision. Some parts might not make sense The day had started normally, there was n... More

Author's Note
Prologue: Boring Day
Chapter 1:


75 7 0
By Twistering-Winds

Phantom rushed out of the gym and through the halls towards the front door. Unfortunately, just as Poindexter had said, Vlad was waiting there in human form with an insane grin on his face. He held an ecto gun to Jack's head. Jack looked between Danny and Vlad confusion clear on his face. Danny sighed. Of course his poor dad was confused, after all, Phantom had nothing to lose from Vald shooting the ghost hunter. If it were to do anything it would help the kid

"Hello there boy." Vlad grinned.

"Plasmius." Danny growled back. "What do you want? Why did you shoot all those people? Even you're not that crazy."

"Ahh but I am. You took something very dear away from me. I want it BACK!" Yelled Vlad.

"What did Phantom take away from you?" Jack Fenton asked glaring at the ghost boy.

"He took my life, My wife, EVERYTHING!" Vlad screamed in Jack's ear. Danny winced in pity for his dad's ear.

"Then let me help you get him. Why are you pointing the gun at me?" Jack asked pleading with the insane man.

"NO! You took her away as well. You threw me into this hell. YOU ALLOWED ME TO DIE!" Vlad screeched.

"You're a ghost?" Jack whispered, then decided to ignore it and turned to the bigger question at hand. "How did I allow you to die?"

At this point the rest of the class had floated to the doors and were watching their deranged mayor.

"What happened to him?" Dash whispered in Danny's ear.

"I don't know." Danny muttered back, "I always knew he was insane... but just not this insane."

Mikey looked very angry. "Is this the guy who killed us?" He seethed. Everyone, even Jack and Vlad turned to look at him in surprised at his anger.

"No." Melody answered for Danny. "He sent someone else to kill us."

"The ghosts were more than happy to obey me." Vlad smirked. "The same beings who killed me now obey me."

"I thought you said I killed you?" Jack said confused.

"Oh you did. You brainwashed Maddie to throw me through that portal of hers."

"The Fenton portal?" Danny asked.

"No boy! Surely you remember? The Maddie Portal! Right after I had almost ended you existence molecule by molecule?" Vlad said glaring at the boy.

A look of Horror dawned on the ghost boy's face. He remembered that event almost two years ago in an alternate timeline.

Where Jack became half ghost instead of Vlad.

"Why did you kill all those people?" Danny asked.

"He killed more?" Cried Leanna quietly. Even the happy go lucky nothing can ruin my day girl was horrified.

"Why not? It won't matter once the true timeline is restored. Only two people can do it;Clockwork and the Ghost king." Vlad smirked at Danny's anger.

"If the timeline is restored will we return to being alive?" Mikey asked hope dawning in his eyes.

"Yes." Vlad nodded. "But the Boy and His sister are erased from existence."

"Where is the Ghost king?" Mikey asked ignoring his classmates protests of "He's lying!" And "Dude, you want to wipe Phantom from existence?"

"The boy is the ghost king." Vlad pointed at Danny.

The group of ghostly teens gasped. Then mikey shouted, "You say you're the hero! You said you'll find a way to bring us back to life! Change the timeline!"

"To give you more incentive, Change the timeline or I'll kill your father!" Vlad demanded.

"No Danny! Don't do it! We were meant to die. Don't make the world lose its hero because of us!" Melody cried.

"Phantom, you'll find a way. Please don't erase yourself!" Paulina cried.

Jack looked at the boy. "Do what you think is right Phantom."

Danny looked at the group with a sad smile. He was just about to change the timeline when he saw a woman in gray.

"Don't listen to Vlad Danny. Don't change the timeline. Everything will be alright." A soft whisper said in his ear.

Danny's eyes lit up with hope. "Mikey, I'm not going to change the time stream. Everything will be okay. Trust me."

Mikey looked angrily at Danny. "How can you say that when you're still alive?"

Dash grabbed onto Mikey to hold him back.

"So you won't change the timeline? I guess I'll have to kill your father then after all."

A green blast was shot.

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