Adorn Me: Book 2

By Crvdee

41.9K 762 142

It was hard to be mad at a guy like Cole. He had bronze hair that clung to his face. Deep blue eyes, and full... More

Adorn Me
I Hate You But...
Thanks Alot Cole
Losen Up
This Is Bad
To Late
Gone With The Wind
Tag You're It
Set Up
Pieces to the Puzzle
I Knew You Were Trouble
The Last Day

Time Well Spent

358 13 13
By Crvdee

"Hey?" said Cole.I looked at our intertwined fingers and smiled.This felt so good.So right.I looked up towards the sky where I knew heaven was,and smiled.Because part of me knew and sort of felt Ana,Luke and Candice were smiling back at me.I looked over at Luke saying "Yea?"

"You think that'll ever happen again? I mean to others like us?"

I thought about it.Beginning from end. How it all started,the hate,the kiss the whole story. It was all to overwhelming."I hope not.I hope they can just be happy, live their lives like any other couple ya know?"

He nodded.Looking back up at the sky. "Sometimes I talk to her.In my dreams mostly, it's like she never left.But,she did.When I wakeup she's gone.I still feel as if it was my fault as if I dragged her into my mess."

"Our" I corrected. "Our mess.It's not anyones fault.No one chose this. But,I'm glad to have you.I'm glad you're never gonna leave.

I was about to speak when a sudden flash submerged my brain.I was sucked in to one of my visions, Luke usually sent them to me.And other times my mind felt obligated to do it.

"She's coming here tommorow?" said my mother

"Yea." answered Luke, "her and Cole.We want to all be at the same place. So meet us at Soul Savers."

"My baby is really alive.Lord thank you. Babe did you hear that Angel is still alive."

"Bless her heart." says his husky voice.Ana is beside Luke smiling. Luke smiles at me and then the show is over.I come into contact with the real world.

"Bad vision? Luke needs to learn how to send them more efficient."

"No" said Luke "he needs to learn to keep his hands off you.I don't wanna be a grandpa."

"Luke get out of here." I yell.It was weird to do,because I was yelling in my own head.

"Fine,see you tonight then?"

I nodd. And Cole gives me the wide eyes. "What?"


"You nodded...

"Nothing, let's go out to Steak and Shake to eat."

"Shouldn't we return to the palace first?" he questioned with assertiveness. "They didn't ask us to rule for nothin'."

"Who said I wanted to be Queen?" she squeaks. Wrapping the cover over her body for warmth. Sluggishly getting off the truck. "You did,  when you decide to love me."

"Oh,hush up." she snapped.

"C'mon" he said."Let's go get ready to go visit heaven."

She smiled sitting herself in his truck. They opened the portal for their dimension, and they were instantly sucked in.

-12 years laters-

"Stephanie get down here now" called her mother. "We're gonna be late." she shouted.

Good she thought. She didn't like going anyways. She used to when she was like what six but she's all grown up,she's officially double digits and that means she's totally on the old enough scale.

Besides she could visit her aunt,unlce and grandparents anytime. But,her mom always chosed this day.She got it this was The Last Day and it marks an important milestone in their family line.She could hear her mother saying it now.

She waved goodbye to Lily as the car strolled off.Part of Stephanie always felt bad.She always told Lily she was going on her annual camping trip when really she was teleporting to this other dimension in which her parents controlled and also contained a new passageway to heaven.

"Can't I just stay with Lily while you guys visit" she asked.

"Steph," began her father ."We've went over this.You should be happy to see your family.Don't you know they died so that you can be here?"

She mimicked his words and sighed.Her father, Cole always said that.Every time and her mom would just nod her head and agree.

The car ride was never long. She was familiar with everything and didn't wait for her parents to guide her.She was eleven for crying out loud.Hello that meant old enough, right?

She turned the left corner at Holy Street and continued where she'd know she'd find uncle Temperance and auntie Candice. She loved how Candice always knew she was coming and made her a special batch of cookies.

She tapped on the door and Ana answered.Ana was sorta like her aunt .She was her mother's bestfriend so it felt like she was also hers'.


She flung unto Ana,hugging her tightly. "Where's Luke?"

She loved Luke the most.Her mother would always say because Luke was somehow apart of her just like he was apart of her.

"He's with his family for a while.Seems like there's some important thing he has to get straightened before he can meet us.

She walked in immediately going into the kitchen where a fresh plate of cookies where. "Yes." she picked one up and shoved into her mouth. She could hear Temperance chucking and turned around.

"Don't laugh." she tried to scold. But it really came out more like "Donn lofff." She swalloed the cookie and rubbed her tummy.

"Stephanie," began Angel. "Who told you that you could leave without permission?"

She thought about it for a second. "Myself. C'mon mom I'm like almost twelve." she said as if that was a real grown.

"Lord,please help her before I kill her."

Stephanie rolled her eyes.

"Where's my favorite little niece?" asked Candy. She was giving her that mushy kissy voice.Coming at her with wide arms,and puckered lips.

"Here I am" she squeaked grabbing another cookie from the tray.

Candice smushed her with a hug.Temperance and Cole were already on the coutch with a pack of Coca Cola's and a bag of Lay's setting the television timer for a game.

Ana was on the laptop watching re-runs of Whose Line Is It Anyway,like always. Oh and her mom was in the kicthen making a dinner big enough for The Twelve Disciples.

The only ones whoever cared enough to talk to her was Candice, Luke, and her grandparents. She began to wonder where they were.

"Luke, said he'll be here soon" said her mother. It was cool how her and Luke could talk to one another in thier heads,she wondered how hard that must be.

"Luke has a surprise for you Steph," encouraged Ana.Stephanie hated surprises.She really did.Unless they were really good.

"I'll get it." said Temperance. At first Stephanie looked at him crazily, but,then she remembered Temperance had a power just like the rest of them.Her grandparents didn't even get a chance to knock. He opened the door before they could even think about it.

"Where's my granddaughter"  Edna asked,looking everywhere else except the place she was at."Here" she piped up.

She looked back at Harold."Did you hear that?"

He chuckled and then said "It was our beautiful granddaughter sitting right there." he joke.Edna hit his shoulder and laughed. "Oh,sweetie come here."

Stephanie did as she said. "Hey, grandma." Her grandfather ran his wrinkly hands over her hair and shuffled it up. "Grandpaaa." she cried.

"Hey there kiddo.How's ya been?"

"Good." she answered.  "I missed you guys."

Cole laughed turning his head towards her."Is that why you didn't wanna come?" She ignored her father.

"Now all we have to do is wait for,Luke."

Edna made her way into the kitchen,hugging her daughter and then helping her prepare the food.

Harold began telling the guys about stories in his day like he always did.Usually starting with "You know back in my day...." And then it went downhill from there.

Stephanie was usually the one who watched everyone do there annul meet and greet but,this time she felt as if she was entitled to do something else. Like talk about her twelve birthday, droll over her powers, or take gift orders.See down here turning twelve was the real deal holyfil. It meant you were high of rank.That you had grown.Like it was big news.Especially since every twelve year old got their very first power.

Stephanie felt that she'd have more then one.She was right too. Because her parents had more powers to offer.Unlike some of the rest.

She dreamed of the day she could go to school and "accidentally" cause or problems for other students. She could see Rebecca now,running into class screaming because somehow her makeup went all willy nilly on her. I'd be like her own inside joke.And if her parents let her I'd be Lily's too.

"I'll get it."

She watched Temperance get up to get the door.She knew who it was.She felt his happiness from here.

As they turned the corner. She spots a boy with dark brown hair,a chiseled face, and freckles.

Please don't tell me that's her.

She watches the boy and Luke.Wondering who he is.Why she could hear his thoughts.

She's weak. I knew she'd be weak.

She frowned.Was he talking about he? Why could she even hear him? She wouldn't fully get a power till next week on her birthday. So what was this?

"Stephanie. Meet Ethan.He's your Bond."

"Bond?" she whispered

Great.So she's weak and stupid.How better can this get?

"I'm not stupid or weak." she hissed.

"What?" he said.

"I can hear you.Stop." she scolded. She thought of something in her own head.It wasn't long before he was snapping on her too.

"Hey,I can hear you also.I'm not rude."

She rolled her eyes.

Little did she know Ethan was going to turn her life upside down.And that there would be nothing she could do.

Sorry for typos off to school I go.So who likes the ending? Book Three?

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