Supernatural Imagines

By FanFicWarrior

6.8K 130 5

Just your typical supernatural preferences and reader inserts. I'll take requests, and I'll post any you have... More

Saved and Save
Who gets the Bed (Dean)
Nightmare (Sam)
New Pet (Castiel)
Vamp Attack (Dean)
Save Me (Sam)
Part Angel (Castiel)
Torture (Dean)
Flashback (Sam)
Black Eyed Bitch (Sam)
Characters (Dean)
Not Good Enough (Sam)
Loved From Afar (Michael)
Stalker (Cas)
Flirt (Dean)
Sammy Dies (Sam)
Ex (Dean)
Fighting Demons (Cas)
Not So Different (Sam)
Cage Keeper (Adam)
Never Have I Ever (Dean)
Catcalled (Cas)
Unrequited Love (Sam)
Back From Hell (Dean)
Back in Time
Secret Admirer (Gabriel)
Saved by the Dean (Dean)
Braids (Sam)
Wings of Protection (Cas)
God's Sister
Tattoo (Sam)
Telling It How It Is (Dean)


155 2 0
By FanFicWarrior

"I swear to God Dean, if you don't let me go on this hunt, I'll go on my own." You hissed at your older brother. 

"You will do no such thing." Dean growled as he packed a bag full of weapons he would need to kill a dragon. "You will stay right here in this motel room until Sammy and I get back." 

"Sam!" You cried looking to your other brother. 

"He's right Y/N, it's dangerous, especially for someone like you." He said.

"Fine, I'll just go have a quickie, and then I won't be a virgin anymore, and then can I go help you?" You asked, but judging by the look on Dean's face, he looked close to murder. "I don't see what the big deal is, Dean you've slept with so many-"

"Yeah, but I'm older." 

"I'm 20, you probably already slept with 30 different girls by that age!" You argued. 

"My baby sister is not going to turn out like me, or even Sam for that matter." 

"If you keep me locked up in here for the rest of my life, I'm not going to turn out like anyone! I should have just stayed in my dead moms house." Dean and Sam weren't really your whole siblings, they were your half siblings, and they found you when your mother was killed by a skin changer, and ever since then they took it as their responsibility to watch over you. "I came with you guys to become a hunter, not a damsel in distress. I'm going with you on this hunt." 

"CAS!" Dean yelled. 

Before you could utter a curse under your breath, you heard the fluttering of wings, and you turned to see Cas standing there awkward as ever in his tan trench coat. "Yes, Dean?" He asked in his low voice. 

"I have a very important job that only you can do." Dean said making you roll your eyes. Cas perked up like he wanted to feel important. "We need you to protect Y/N here, while me and Sam go hunt this dragon." 

Cas scrunched his eyes confused, so you decided to elaborate. "They want you to babysit me so that I don't wander off." 

Just when you thought Cas would deny them, he looked at you with a smile. "Sure." 

"What?!" You exclaimed. "No, I would rather die then have a babysitter." Cas looked hurt. "Not that I don't love your company Cas." 

"Don't let her leave this room." Dean said grabbing his bag and leaving with Sam before you could say or do anything else. 

You muttered a few choice words as they left, and then you fell back onto one of the beds. "You are not happy." Cas pointed out. 

"What gave you that idea?" You sassed. 

 "Your face is contorted in the same way when you're mad." Cas pointed out. When you didn't answer Castiel took a seat on the bed you were laying on. "Is it because Dean didn't let you go on the hunt? Or is it because it's that time-" 

"If you value your life Cas, don't finish that sentence." You said glaring over at him. 


After about an hour of you laying there and Cas sitting next to you, not saying a word, you drifted off into a sleep. You awoke to pounding on the motel door. "Cas, get the door." You grunted, but when the pounding didn't subside you sat up angrily. "Damn it Cas."

As you looked around the room, Cas wasn't there, and you wondered if he left to help your brothers. You walked to the door wondering who the hell it could be, and to make sure you grabbed the knife Sam had given you, and you grasped it tightly in your hand. 

Peeking through the peep hole you saw a strong attractive looking man standing there with concern in his eyes. Opening the door, you saw that he was covered in cuts. "Are you okay?" You asked putting your knife down and stepping outside the door. 

However, his weak stance changed, and he looked up with his eyes showing hunger. You stepped back, but he grabbed your arm, and unlike other's who have grabbed you, his grasp of strong. Letting out a small whimper, you tried to grab your knife, but the guy pulled you out of the room, and before you knew what was happening he hit you across the head and you were knocked out. 


"Hey," You groaned as your head pounded. "Are you okay?" You opened your eyes to see that it was dark, but there was a small light that allowed you to see a few figures around you. Backing up scared that it was the man who kidnapped you, your back hit a cold hard wall. "We're not going to hurt you. We were kidnapped like you." 

After blinking a couple of times you saw the girls faces more clearly. They were young, maybe your age and a bit younger, and they all looked innocent, and that's when you knew right away that it was the dragon that had got you. 

Standing up and wobbling, you looked up to see that you were in some sort of caged well, and the only way out was through a locked heavy cage. A warm liquid dripped down you face, and you touched it to see that you were bleeding. 

"You're hurt." The one girl said walking forward taking off her scarf, and putting it to your head. 

"Thank you." You smiled holding the scarf to your head to stop the bleeding. "How long have you guys been here?" 

"I've been here the longest of two days." The girl who gave you scarf said. "There were some girls before me, but when the guys come they take one of us, and they don't return." 

You could tell she was scared cause she knew she was next. "Don't worry, my brothers are coming to save us." You said. 

"Your brothers?" 

"Yeah, we came here to hunt the creatures that took us, and while they were out hunting that monster took me." 

"Monster, are you saying that, that things not human?" One girl asked. 

"It's a dragon." You said waiting for the laughter to start. 

"I told you." The one girl said. "I woke up when it was taking me to this place, and it was... well... a dragon." 

"Dragon's exist, and you and your brothers hunt them?" Scarf girl asked. 

"Not just dragons, ghost, werewolves, vampires, demons, anything supernatural." You smiled, you could tell by the admiration in the girls eyes that they thought it was the coolest thing ever. "Now, they just need to hurry up." 


Two hours passed with you learning the other girls names. The girl who gave you the scarf was, Mary. The girl who woke up during  her kidnapping was, Becca, and the girl who looked the youngest was, Cassie. 

Just as you were about to fall asleep once more, you heard footsteps approaching, and you instinctively moved closer to Mary in hopes to protect her. A man appeared over the grate, and you saw he wasn't the same man who kidnapped you. 

He pulled at the grate, and it opened and he reached for Mary. "Don't touch her!" You hissed stepping in between them. 

"Move girl, it's not your turn." He growled. 

"Touch her, and it will be the last thing you do." It was an empty threat, but you had to do whatever you could to protect this girl. 

"Fine, if you want to be up, then by all means." He grabbed your arm, and yanked you up. 

"NO!" Mary screamed, but you just gave her a reassuring smile. 

Slamming the grate down once more, he held you close as he sniffed your neck. "A virgin with courage, it's a pity we have to eat you." 

Before he could do anything else, you pushed him with all your might, breaking free long enough to grab a loose pipe, and swing it hitting him hard on the head. If he were any other man, that blow would have killed him, but instead he just crumpled to the ground. 

Still holding the pipe, you ran back over to the grate. "Y/N!" Mary smiled widely.

"Hold on." You said putting the pipe under the grate, and using all your might, trying to pry it up, but you weren't strong enough. "Let me go get help." 

As you turned something grabbed you and threw you up against the wall. Your head hit the hard concrete, making you yelp in pain. Before you could do regain your posture, whoever it was charged forward, and punched you hard across the face making you fall back to the floor. Peering through the blood, you saw that it was the dragon who kidnapped you, and you watched as he pulled back his leg to kick you, but before the blow was given, a bright light filled the room, and the dragon was thrown to the other end. 

Castiel, Dean, and Sam all stood there in their glory as they went into fighting mode. The dragon who you had managed to knock out early was back up, and he was fighting Dean and Sam, while Cas took the other one. 

Now you couldn't see much through the blood, and the excruciating headache, but you could have sworn you saw the look of pure hatred and murder in Cas' eyes. After a few punches to the dragons face, Cas pressed his hand to dragons forehead, vaporizing his soul. He crumpled to the ground, just as Dean and Sam stabbed the other dragon through the heart. 

All three went immediately towards you, but you raised your hand. "Get the others." You pointed to the grate. 

Cas and Dean went over as Sam bent down next to you. You were slowly drifting out of conciseness. "Stay with us Y/N" Sam said touching you face. But you couldn't stay awake, you were just so exhausted. "Y/N!" Was the last thing you heard before passing out. 


"When will she wake?" It was Dean, and you could tell he was pacing. 

"She's healed, she just needs sleep." Cas said, you could tell he was close by. 

"You sure she's healed completely?" Sam asked. You could almost hear Cas' deadpanned look. "Sorry." 

Letting your eyes flutter open you could see that Cas was sitting next to the bed on which you laid while Dean and Sam were both pacing back and forth at the foot of the bed. "Y/N," Cas said reaching out his hand and stroking your face. 

Dean and Sam both wiped their heads and they rushed to your side. "Are you okay? Do you still hurt? How many fingers am I holding up?" Were just some of the questions they asked. 

"I'm fine." You insisted with a smile as you sat up. "Thanks for showing up when you did, or I might have been a goner." It was a joke, but judging by the looks on everyone else's faces they weren't amused. "Oh, come one, I'm fine." 

"You could have died." Sam said. 

"Yeah, and you know what's funny, I didn't even go on the hunt, I stayed right in this room just like you told me, and you know what? I still got kidnapped, now if I was with you, you could have protected me." 

"We're not going over this." Dean said harshly. 

"Speaking of protection, where was mine." You glanced over to Cas who hung his head in shame. 

"They asked for my help, I am truly sorry I left you, but it was only for a minute, I swear." Cas said. 

"If I wasn't so helpless, I probably would have been fine." You said. "Not training me just makes me weak, and open for another attack. So what's it going to be?" 

All three of them looked between each other, all of them with unpleasant looks.

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