Error!Sans x Reader {[(Under...

By SkyBlueShadow

144K 5.1K 3.5K

A special human is going to need all the help they can, when a certain child is trying to destroy an undergro... More

Chapter 1: A New Puppet
Chapter 2: Very Lost in the Anti-Void
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4
Run (Y/N) RUN!
Error! POV
Your POV
Perseverance and Determination...
The Fall
Do I Know You?
Battle and Betrayal
Flower Power
Back to Basics
Out of Ideas
*Sniff Sniff, Tear*
Is this ME?
A Resolution, Doesn't Have to Mean an Ending
The Return
Statue Garden
Freedom with a little death
Team Get Rid Of Chara Squad-Force Assemble!
Wolf Pack
Inter-Dimensional Hit Man
*Sniff Sniff Tear 2*
Saki and Zero
Why We Do, What We Do
When It All Comes Crashing Down
Keys and Curls
Soul Searchers
Bring them back for me...will you
I'm Sorry
The End

I Don't Wanna Be Loved

2K 74 27
By SkyBlueShadow


You see a streak of blue and gray flash in front of you, and shut your eyes tightly, bracing for impact of the monsters coming to hit you. The feeling never came.

You opened your eyes, and what you saw almost stopped your heart. Lying in front of you, on the ground, was Sans. His battle armor was scattered all over the ground, and one of the wolf boys was chewing on a couple of his ribs, while Medi was lifting up his discarded clothin, muttering something about dress up with her statues. The wort part, was when the figure from behind the window stepped out, and walked over to Sans' lifeless body. It was Chara. They knelt down beside the skeleton, and lifted his skull in their arms. The demon child began to laugh. It was ear-splitting. The silence was shattered, and they laughed like a mad-man. They lifted the skull above their head, and placed it atop their hair. "What a nice crown. I think I look lovely. Like an evil princess. Now, glitch girl who's on my side," "My name is Sa-" "I frankly don't care. Now, make sure the thing doesn't turn to dust. I like my crown." They said, turning, and sashaying away. The minions waltzed over to Error and I, and Saki wrapped us up in her strings. "Now, if you don't mind, it's time we got paid for hunting down you two." Said Medi. 

"Medi, wait." Saki started. "You take the wolves and leave, but, before I turn them in, I wanna know ~HIC~ where my sister is." she finished. "Zero? She's ov-" Error began, but was cut off when a yell resounded through the area. "(Y/N)! ERROR!" Blue ran off! I can't find him anyw-" The sentence was cut off. Everyone turned their heads, to see Zero standing in the road. "Saki? What's going on?" she said, cocking her head slightly. The others left quickly, as Saki screamed "ZERO! You're alive! Did they hurt you? Were you fed, did they question you?" Saki asked, relief and worry filling her voice. "T-they didn't hurt me, we don't need to eat, and I told them everything of my own volition." Zero said. "You what?" Saki asked. "You were going to hurt them, when they did nothing to us. Why?" "Z-zero?" "Saki, I can't side with someone wrong. Even if they are my family." Zero looked down, and her green finger strings wrapped around Saki's legs, lifting her up in the air. 

"TRAITOR!" Saki yelled. "No, you are the traitor." Zero dropped Saki to the pavement, and cut the roped binding you and Error. "Okay, this might seem crazy, but you need to leave, and go back to the anti-void." Error said to you. "WHAT!?" You yelled. "Are you crazy?" You asked him. "No, I want you to be safe, if I'm not. I might not always show it, but I care about you, more than I do for anyone, so can you do this one thing for me?" Error pleaded with you. "Error, I-i cant let you fight Chara on your own. You could get killed. Erro-" "(Y/N) Look me in the eyes." You did "I want you to be safe, I'm bringing you back to the void, and the experienced glitches." 

Error planted a kiss on your lips, and lifted you up bridal style. He tore open a portal and threw you in, closing the portal behind him. You ran to get out, but to no avail. You tried to open your own portal, nothing happened. You call for help, but nobody came. The void was on lock-down, and no portal, windows, or dimensional doors could open. No objects could be summoned, and the CPS, along with the beds, books, table chairs, and Chara cage were gone. It was like when you first arrived. Nothing, just an empty white void. 

You blacked out...

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