Her Life Story.

By eve_j_agirl

1.5K 144 181

"The one who promises Must keep it The one who gives pain Must feel it The one who loves Must abuse it ... More

Prologue Eve
Chapter 1 - school day
Chapter 2 - Lee's Back Story
Chapter 3- Base 1127
Chapter 4- Being A Team Player
Chapter 5 - My Partner
Chapter 6 - Mountain Climbing
Chapter 8- All Girls
Chapter 9- Mr. Adam
Chapter 10- Just A Theory
Chapter 11- Bubble Bath
Chapter 12- Pranks
Chapter 13- Invitations
Chapter 14- Forgiveness
Chapter 15- The First Meet Up
Chapter 16- Four Figures
Chapter 17- Kidnapped
Chapter 18- Dress Up
Chapter 19- In A Pickle
Chapter 20- Angry Eve
Chapter 21- Choices
Chapter 22- Carnival
Chapter 23- A Ferris Wheel Ride
Chapter 24- Part one/The last meeting
Chapter 25- Part two/ Let's Get This Party Started
Chapter 26- Part three/ Perfect Timing
Chapter 27- Part four/ Suprise!
Author's Note Left On Fridge
Chapter 28- Purple?
Chapter 29- What Did I Miss
Chapter 30- Lil Pup
Chapter 31- First Encounter
Chapter 32- On The Run
Chapter 33- Friends, Flirting, and A Figure
Chapter 34- Suicidal
Chapter 35- Awkward
Chapter 36- Magic Lesson
Chapter 37- Another One Lost
Chapter 38- Where Are We?
Chapter 39- Tiny Angry People
Chapter 40- Daisy Isn't Cute
Chapter 41- Flamin' Independent Woman Who Doesn't Need A Man.
Chapter 42- Lost n' Found
Chapter 43- The Opened Case
Chapter 44- Dad's home
Chapter 45- Shot Dead
Chapter 46- No Fighting
Chapter 47- Prisoners
Chapter 48- Pressured Dreaming
Chapter 49- The Raven Leaves the Nest and Finds a Waterfall
Chapter 50- Amber Alert
Chapter 51- 2, 1, 9, 6, 44, 00
Chapter 52- Elevator Spy
Chapter 53- Your Life Is A Lie
Chapter 54- Back In Time
Chapter 55- The End Is Just The Beginning
Chapter 56- Back To Running

Chapter 7- Lunch Time

34 3 0
By eve_j_agirl

The simulator stopped. Swoosh. The doors opened for them. The kids rushed out. They all cheered and said yay. Some kids walked up to Eve.
  "Did you really fall down that mountain" asked a girl with blonde hair
  "That was staged. Look she has no bruises" pointed out a boy with hazel hair
  "Forget that. She took a nap!" Laughed a group in the back
  Behind Eve, Matt was getting closed in by girls.
  "Oh my gosh! I can't believe how heroic you are" gasped one of them
  "Saving her like that and all" added in another girl
  "Did she even thank you" asked another girl
  "No" Matt turned to Eve "but you can say it now that we aren't busy"
  "May I remind you, I was the one who found the rock" Eve pointed out
  "May I remind you princess, your knight had to come save you ,or you wouldn't have found that in the first place"
  "Whatever" Eve turned around angrily. Why is he so idiotic. It just makes me want to rip his head off. She turned around to look back. Matt was being followed by all the girls that even Sir Trent looked lonely.
Who cares. Maybe I should go look for Bailee. Eve went over to where she saw Casper and Bailee before she left to the simulators. She saw Bailee sitting near Casper laughing. Eve walked over.
  "Oh hi Eve" waved Bailee
  Casper looked up "how did the simulation go"
  "Well I fell down a mountain and took a nap. I would say pretty good" she sat down next to them
  "Why aren't you damaged" asked Casper
  Eve shrugged "that's what a nap does to a person"
  "Yeah I walked by to take a peak. You literally found a cave and took a nap. It looked like you were having a pretty bad dream though. Anything wrong Eve" Bailee looked over
  "No. Nothing wrong. Just a plane old nightmare" she chuckled, but something was wrong. She knew someone was coming for her. She didn't feel safe anymore.
  "Well I'm going to put up my bag. I will be back" Bailee stood up and walked away
  "So you and your partner" said Casper
  "What about me and my partner"
  "Do you like him" Casper leaned in and whispered to her
  Eve backed away "Ew no! I hate him. He's so annoying"
  "He's not that annoying. Matt's cool. You should give him a chance"
  Eve responded with "Casper you don't understand. Matt is just ugh ok. He gives me these stupid names. He does the most idiotic things. Don't even get me started on sharing a bathroom with the guy"
  Casper burst into a laugh. "Ok. I get your point"
  "Anyway what about you and Bailee huh" Eve looked over to him
  "She beautiful. Any guy would be lucky to have her" he said calmly
  "So why don't you date her" Eve poked him
  He shrugged "She's like my sister. It would feel weird you know"
  "That's the same thing she said" Eve noted
  "I'm back" Bailee sat down again
  Eve got up "I guess I'll have to be getting back to class anyway"
  "Ok see you at lunch" added in Casper
  "Bye" Eve waved as she walked back to the simulators. She could still see Matt being sweet talked by girls.
  She sat down where she was earlier. Matt sat in the front with a bunch of girls. The continued the exam. The next team finished and another team went. Eve just sat there, not even paying attention. She was thinking of that dream. Is there really someone out there looking for me. What about what the guy said on the phone. He had till next Tuesday. What's going to happen then.
Ring. The bell on the wall went alerting the kids for lunch. Eve didn't realize they had no breakfast. She was starving now. She walked along the other kids again friendless.
The cafeteria wasn't like the normal school one that you would see in a typical school. No. This was different. Everything was painted to look like the outside. Plants grew on the wall and in the floor. A sun was painted on the roof. You could see butterflies fluttering around like they were outside. On the wall was a big banner. It read: Courtesy of Nature Club.
Kids sat down on picnic tables. Each table was made of wood and had a wooden picnic basket. Eve sat down at an empty table. Why couldn't I be the same age as Bailee. Eve actually didn't want to be alone. This surprised her.
She opened the basket. There was ten warm sandwiches, ten cookies, a box of fruits, ten bags of carrot sticks. She looked over to the right. There was a pitcher of lemonade. She filled her a glass and took a sandwich, a cookie, a bag of carrots, and some of the fruits. Eve started eating her food and enjoying the low amounts of attention. But then that went away quickly.
  "What are you doing all alone" cracked a deep voice from behind her. He had black spiked hair. It was Sir Trent.
  "Why are you here" she asked with annoyance. He's like another Matt but older and worse.
  "Well I can't let something as pretty as you go to waste. I like your dark style. So I decided to come over hang for a while" he smiled
  "I don't take visitors" replied Eve
  "Well I don't take orders, so you are stuck with me" he shot back
  "Fine" she grumbled
  "I knew you couldn't resist" he snickered
  "Sure. Keep telling yourself those things"
  "There's no need to be rude doll face. We both are equal" he moved close to her
  "How old are you anyway" asked Eve
  "I'm the same age as anybody else in this room" he chuckled "but I'm more complicated"
  She looked at him "Whatever you say"
  "It's true. If I was older, I would be dating an older women. I'm only twelve"
  "You seem older. With your special job and all. I never knew" she admitted
  "There are a lot of things you don't know about me" he stroked her chin and Eve quickly pulled away
  Someone finally saved her. "I'm sorry is he bothering you"
  They both turned around to see Mr. Adam looking down at them. He had his arms crossed. Sir Trent scooted away from Eve.
"I wasn't bothering anyone" he sputtered
"He wasn't" Eve looked up at Mr. Adam
"Mm ok. Sir Trent why don't you go break up that cat fight" Mr. Adam pointed to table five. Two girls where fighting over a seat next to Matt.
"Fine" he huffed. Sir Trent walked steadily over to the table. Once he was there, Mr. Adam turned to Eve.
"My brother can be so annoying sometimes. Are you alright"
"Yes, but he is your brother. You two look nothing alike" Eve got interested
"What? We are twins"
Eve realized that their facial features where exactly the same. But everything else was different, the hair, the eyes, the clothes. Just different!
"Yeah. We are both twelve, but we learned early that we were special. I guess that's what you can call it. But you wouldn't want to hear about it would you"
"What? No! I would love to hear about it" she said enthusiastically
"Ok. I'll tell you. Me and my brother grew up twins. We could always sense something would happen when it did. We just get it like that. It happens a lot. So they made us teachers. Well they quickly learned my brother wasn't really up for that" they both looked over to see Matt and Sir Trent arguing with each other.
  "So you can both predict the future. Like you can both tell if somethings going to happen" Eve looked very curious to know
  "Yes if that's what you would want to call it, but we've never seen anything bad so far. I'm just getting an itch though. Like I can feel it. I can't tell what, but somethings going down Tuesday"
  Eve gasped. He knew. Well not quite, but he knew it was coming. "You have no idea" she murmured
  "Well bye" he waved "and by the way, I like that necklace"
  "Ok bye" Eve couldn't eat her sandwich anymore. Someone else knew. That something was going to happen. Eve wondered the possibilities of what could happen, but then was interrupted again by the sound of kids screaming.
  "Fight! Fight! Fight!" They yelled
  Eve pushed her way through the crowed. Kids slashed and pulled, but she made it to the front. All she could see was fists and two bodies wrestling. The tumble across the floor. Then they both got up again. When they slowed a bit down, Eve could make our the two faces. It was Matt and Sir Trent. What is going on.
  "I'm going to kill you" yelled Matt
  "What are you going to do nerd. Couldn't even save your girlfriend right" he snarled
  Are they talking about me? Eve looked at both of them.
  "She's here isn't she. She's still alive. That's enough for me" he shot back
  Sir Trent threw a punch then he said "She didn't even thank you. That's sad. She would probably like me better"
  "I'm going to rip your smart mouth of your fake face" Matt lunged forward and so did Sir Trent. That's when Eve jumped in.
Stop!!!! She yelled. Everyone stopped shouting and talking. All eyes on her. It was dead silent.
"Just stop" she looked around. She felt pressure for no reason. Like what she was about to say could change what people thought of her.
  "Stop fighting like animals. I have no clue what's going on or why, but fighting isn't going to solve it" she huffed
  "Oh darling why don't you ask your boyfriend" chimed in Sir Trent
  "Matt?" Eve turned to look at Matt. He was red from head to toe.
  "Well.... I'm..... um......." He squeaked out, but that's all he could say
  "Ugh. Let me break it down for you. Matt your 'boyfriend', told everyone you two were dating. I knew that was wrong and called him out" Sir Trent confessed for Matt
  "Matt? He is my partner. And only my partner" she stated
  "I'm sorry" Matt mumbled
  "Matt! Why would you lie about that. I don't even like you. I'm not your girlfriend. You can't just go around telling people those things" she huffed away. I can't believe he did that. Why? Why am I so important? Why does he have to lie? I don't like him like that. He's my partner. He is annoying, stupid, lying, dirty, flirty, ignorant, stubborn, and soft person.
Ring! The bell signaled to end lunch and to move on to the next class. Eve rushed herself to the class room. There Mrs. Phoenix will teach them.
           Somewhere in Antarctica
    "Here you go master" the lady squeak like she always did
  He took the necklace from her hand "I think you are late again"
  "Sorry. There was a slight turbulence on the plane" she responded
  "Well let's hurry up next time, or I'll cut you off"
  "Ok master" she nodded
"I just got off the phone with him" he put the necklace with the other one "He hasn't done much since he left. He has till Tuesday"
"What will happen if he doesn't" she worried
"You know what will happen. If we have more delays like this, I'll cut you both off. Is that understood. We have not time to waste what so ever"
"Yes master" she whimpered
"Now go and find the last one. Bring it back to me. Hurry up this time"
"Yes master" she hurried out the room they were in. She left the man there.
  He looked around then slammed his hands on the table. Tuesday. That's all he has. I need it. I have to do everything myself. I'll cut them both off. He thought in his head.
  "Tuesday" he mumbled

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