The Alphas Abused Mate

By khloe2346

1.3M 42.7K 3.6K

His abused mate Kelli Clerck is a sweet girl. good grades. always does what she is told. But for the last se... More

The Alphas Abused Mate
Chapter 2- New Home
Chapter 3- Advanced
Chapter 4- Zoned Out
Chapter 5- Confused
Chapter 6- Broken
Chapter 7- Whats That?
Chapter 8- Did You Just Growl?
Chapter 9- What Did You Just Do?
Chapter 10- CPS
Chapter 11- Mine
Chapter 12- Screams
Chapter 13- Rape
Chapter 14- Failed Attempt.
Chapter 15- Gabe Curk
Chapter 16- Dead
Chapter 17- A Strange Place
Chapter 18- The Switch
Chapter 19- Confusion
Chapter 20- Sobbing
Chapter 21- Hello, there.
Chapter 22- Get Ready
Chapter 24- Plan B

Chapter 1- Caught

71.1K 2.2K 120
By khloe2346

Chapter 1- Caught.

Kelli's p.o.v

I looked into the mirror of my small room. I saw my long black hair that fell down my back in waves. I saw my dull greens eyes that used to be bright and full of happiness. that was until my parents died and I got sent to my adoptive father.

I saw bruises.. lots and lots of bruises. on my arms, legs, abdomen. everywhere but my face. that's only because people can see the one on my face when I go to school, that's what got us to move out of our last town, I'm fear of him going to jail. I'm only 17 and I look like a punching bag.

I wore long denim jeans and air walk shoes along with a baggy sweater.i rushed down the stairs only to be greeted by Steve, my oh so wonderful adoptive father.

I looked at him and only got me a punch to the gut. I gasped for air and tell to the ground.

"Go make me breakfast whore" he spat at me. I rushed up to my feet. running off to the kitchen. I cook fast so I avoid a beating.

I cooked him an omelet and some coffee like usual.

I else's over to the blinds and opened them so I didn't have to turn to the lights and waist money.

I set the food in front of Steve and he smirked at me. oh no. "Where's my napkin, slut" he yelled at me.

I gulped and rushed Into the kitchen and grabbed the napkins from the stove only to see that Steve is right behind me.

He smiled a creepy smile before grabbing me hand andy olefins or on the still hot pan. I screamed in pain.

He held it there for about two minutes then dropped me and left. I stood and looked out the window to see the woman across the street and her husband looking at me wide eyed and. Horrified.

My 'father' looked at them then growled. they got into the car into to get to the phone to call who I'm guessing is either CPS or the cops.

"Pack your shit, where going to California" Steve growled or then stomped up the stairs.

With in ten minutes we had all of our stuff packed considering most of it is still packed from last time, which was a month ago.

I jumped into our black truck with tinted windows and watched the trees past as we drove by. my wolf begging me jut to get out and ran.. From steve...for my life.

I can't do that.. he'll find me. I won't put anyone else in danger of the monster that is Steve.

California here I come.. or who knows how long.

~the more comments and votes I get the faster I update.

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