
By DragonStudios

5.1K 176 36

~Completed~ Kuro, a teenage girl who can't get her mothers last words out of her head, her mother called her... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Authors Note

Chapter Sixteen

143 5 1
By DragonStudios

After the explosion the only choice was to find the was back home to New York City. If it was true and I really was in Texas, most of the state was not civilized. I had no idea where the nearest airport was, my only chance at survival was to find civilization, fast.

I had been traveling for a few days, as a camel. Funny yes, but I figured it was the best way to go about.

Currently I was stopping for a rest to eat the last of my food. I was sitting on a rock, no idea where I was, eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Whenever I did stop to sleep I had nightmares, about Vanessa, Violet, my father, the explosion. I would always wake up sweating. Every nightmare would end with the explosion. The ground collapsing, all those people dying and suffering. So much death, I had to stay awake so I wouldn't have those dreams.

Reaching into my food bag, in search of more to eat, I felt an envelope. Pulling it out there was my name in big, bold, handwritten letters; my fathers handwriting.

Opening the envelope I pulled out a folded piece of paper. Unwrapping it I gasped, it was a photo. My mom, dad, and little baby me. I was dressed in a bright pink dress, chubby cheeks, and goofy smile. My dad was smiling at me, while my mom was looking at the camera. This photo must've been taken before my dad left. Quickly folding the paper and placing it back into the envelope.

Next thing I saw was a letter. It was only a page long, in the same beautiful handwriting I saw earlier.

My Kuro,

I'm sorry I was never there for you. I regretted not being able to watch you grow up everyday that I left. This letter is to explain everything. The truth is, I wasn't in love with another woman. Violet had gotten ahold of me all those years ago and offered me a job. The only thing is that no one could know about it. I had to leave you and mom without saying a word. At the time I had no idea what I would be doing in the job, just that it would help and change the world for the better. After I saw what Violet was doing I argued and threatened to leave. She wouldn't let me quit, and promised she would use me as her test subject if I ever tried.

I'm so sorry you didn't know about this until now. I missed you and your mother every second of every day. Now that I'm planning to blow up the FDSI Texas Facility I'm making it up to you. Saving you from the evil of Violet. I know there are other facilities out there, so be on edge. Find someone you can trust and never let go.

Your mother had the same powers, and seeing them in you reminded me of her. I know she passed and I wish I was there for you when she died.

I'm making it right for you now. I love you Kuro.

Love, Dad

I was crying by the time I finished it. He didn't leave us because he loved someone else. I put the letter back in and saw the last thing in the envelope my father gave me. Pulling out at least $5000 and a passport, I gaped and quickly hid it back into the paper. I had enough money to fly back to New York City and stay in a hotel till I get situated.

The grumble of a car motor made me look up. It was around sunrise, and I could see it was a bright red jeep driving on an almost non-existent dirt road that I hadn't noticed till now. I immediately stood up and stuck out my thumb. The jeep stopped next to me.

"Where you to?" I asked.

"Airport, need a lift?" The stranger asked me. The driver was male, he couldn't have been older than 20. Young face, short hair, small beard, sunglasses, and beanie. Typical 20 year old hipster.

"That's exactly where I need to go!" I exclaimed. The chances of him going to the airport also.....

Don't think about it! Just get in and don't question anything. I pulled my backpack on and opened the car door. Buckling my seatbelt he turned to me.

"My names Brady. Yours?" He pulled the car into gear and started driving.

"Kuro, nice to meet you Brady." I stared at the horizon ahead. He tried to make small conversation after that, but I acted like I was sleeping. Eventually I did fall asleep and woke to Brady lightly shaking my shoulder.

"Kuro, Kuro. We're here you have to get up now." Sleepily opening my eyes, Brady smiled. I awkwardly got out and thanked him.

"Well this is goodbye." I stated. He waved goodbye and I walked to buy a ticket.

"One ticket to New York City." I mumbled to the worker on the other side of the plexi-glass wall.

"$560 please." I pulled out the envelope and handed her the money. The cash register dinged and my receipt slowly cranked out. The lady handed me my receipt and my ticket. The plane ticket said it boarded at 3:00 pm, glancing around for a clock, it was 2:26. I hurriedly rushed through security and then to my gate, sitting down in one of the airport seats.

"New York City, boarding now." A robotic voice announced over the airport. I grabbed my deflating backpack and waited in line, ticket in hand. "Next." I walked up. The guy scanned my ticket and motioned me forward.

I made my way to my seat, window, and sat down, sighing. It was going to be a long flight.

"Kuro?" Someone asked. I turned and saw Brady. "What a coincidence. It's like fate." He laughed and sat down. Seeing the look of sadness on my face he stopped. "I'm sorry, do you have a boyfriend already?"

I shook my head no. "My father, um, died a few days ago."

"Oh, Kuro, I didn't know. I'm so sorry." He said, frowning.

"It's okay, you didn't know. You headed to New York City, huh?" I asked, changing the subject off my father.

"Yup, I live there." I just nodded trying to hide my shock.

"I live there too..." I started. He looked at me shocked.

The rest of the flight Brady and I talked and laughed. Time seemed to fly by and before I knew it we had landed. I said my farewell and stepped out of the airport. Breathing in the New York City air I had missed so much.

"It's good to be back." I mumbled to myself. I called a cab and directed him to a hotel near where Finn and I last saw each other. I wonder if he has been looking for me.

Walking to the front desk of the hotel I booked a room. For one night it cost $129. I still had plenty of the money that my father gave me left.

My room was on the 10th floor. Walking to the elevator and pushing the button. Thoughts were racing through my mind as I climbed higher and higher. The ding went off and I hesitantly walked out. Finding my room rather fast and sliding the key card. It was a one room hotel. Double bed and small bathroom and kitchen.

I cleaned myself up by taking a shower. The hot water washed away the dirt and grime I had from Texas. Walking out of the bathroom in the robe, too tired to do anything else tonight I collapsed on the bed and fell asleep.


A knocking on the door woke me up. Looking around, for a moment forgetting I was in a hotel before I sleepily walked up and looked through the small glass viewer. Gasping I immediately opened the door. He turned around and our eyes met.

"Kuro." He breathed.


There's just one more chapter to Shifters! Then it's over. *Sad but relieved* I honestly love writing for any of you. It's fun and I enjoy it a lot, even if I'm constantly typing it and nothing else.

Lol, I have no social life.

Hahaha, anyways hope you like it. If you have any questions feel free to comment and I'll do a Q&A. Comment, Read, vote, follow!


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