6 Teens and a Spy School

By Itn3v3erends

10.5K 289 49

Ryder Callihan A well respected spy and has the worlds best spy as a dad. But Ryder just wants a break. No m... More

6 Teens and a Spy School
The Best Spies Show No Emotion
It's The Alarm Clock's Fault!
Escaping A Spy School Sounds Easy Right? Wrong.
A smelly hotel room, 6 spies, and a nerd. A good mix? Afraid not.
The Plan
I smell your fear
Don't Play Pool With Dangerous Bikers
Don't underestimate a computer nerd
Even Jesus can't save you
Lost in a big city
We make a good team

Food Fight at McDonalds!

414 18 3
By Itn3v3erends


Sam's POV


We had just passed the sign saying that New York City is 2 miles away. Hallelujah!

We have been on these bikes for I don't know how long, but I do know that I have a major butt rash.

We haven't talked at all during the ride because of the bikes, so it left me a lot of time to think.

I wonder if Xander likes me. I mean, he sends me secret little smiles all the time and winks at me. But, like, 5 seconds later he is giving me glares or ignores me. I don't know if he is bi-polar or what. But it is really confusing the hell out of me.

About 15 minutes later we pull over and get off our bikes. I slowly edge off my seat and stretch out my poor back muscles. I rub my bum and groan at how much it hurts. I go to take a step but I fall forward.

I expect to hit the ground, but I never do. Xander grabs my arm and gently pulls me up. He turns me around so I'm facing his face. His warm brown eyes meet my blue ones and I hear my breath catch.

His brown eyes look so gently and comforting and some other hidden emotion that I can't identify. I lose myself in his gaze but when I hear a shrill scream I snap out of it.

Evelyn is climbing onto Skylar, who is trying to hold her but she keeps fidgeting, and has her eyes wide in terror as she screams again.

A possum, who looks to be a baby, is either playing dead or actually is, is lying in front of Skylar's feet. The possum moved a little, making me look closer. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

"Guys, its just scared, lets go" I stated, my mind still on Xander. I slung my foot around the bike's till something caught it. Xander had a smirk on his face. I furrowed my eyebrows at him, he pulled my foot towards him. I hopped on foot till I reached him.

"What are you doing?" I questioned looking down at my foot. He wrapped my leg around his waist, making me blush. He placed his hand on my middle thigh and leaned closer to me. I raised my eyebrow, but then became flustered at how close he was to me.

"I'm driving this time" He whispered huskily into my ear. My breath hitched in my throat as he let me go, and jumped onto the front of the bike. It took me a couple of seconds to blink again. I walked over and slung my leg over the back of the bike and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Flustered I see"

"You wish". I felt my cheeks flush as I looked away from him. I really hope he didn't see that, but knowing him he probably did. I watched him sling his leg over the motorcycle, turning the key to switch it on. I walked up behind him, putting my hand on his shoulder. Swinging my leg around the back of the motorcycle, plopping my butt down on the seat.

Xander revved the engine and turned his head around to look at me. He smirked.

"You might want to hold on" He stated grabbing my hands softly and wrapping them around his waist. My arms felt warm around him. My cheeks flushed again and he pulled off the side of the road.


Rafe's P.O.V


We were driving across the Brooklyn Bridge, into New York City. Since it was almost Winter, it was freezing. My teeth chattered as the wind blew in my face. I mean I am a man, but a man cannot simply stand freezing temperatures. Everyone else had someone else on their bikes, but of course I didn't. After we drove over a few bumpy roads, we came across giant signs lite up. I grazed my eyes over the McDonalds sign. I pulled over, with everyone else following me. I stretched rubbing my stomach.

"I'm so hungry I could eat everyone here" I said loudly earning a few stares from people. Evelyn scrunched her nose up in disgust.

"Ew Cannibalism". I rolled my eyes and shrugged, walking to the cross walk. As soon as the little person walking said we could go we walked across the busy street into the crowded McDonalds. I walked proudly up to the cash register, and looked up at him. I gave him a serious face.

"I would like....

5 Big Macs

2 Quarter Pounders

5 Medium French Fries

and a soft drink please" I stated, he gave me a weird face and punched in everything. I gave him a cheeky smile and waited for my order. I was a growing man, I need my food. Everyone were giving me glares. I just simply shrugged and grabbed my order when it came up.

We all got our stuff and headed to the back where two booths were open.

We passed a group of guys who looked like our age and they eyed the girls. Nobody else seemed to notice, but I did and I flung one of my fries at the idiots head who was staring at Riley's butt like it was a candy bar. Jeez, that's was a terrible analogy.

The doofus whipped his head to me and I narrowed my eyes and gave him a look that can kill. And it has. Well, it killed a monkey, but still.

He looked away and nudged his friends to stop looking and I walked past them and to the booth. I slid in next to Xander, across from Ryder and Riley.

I have no idea why they would sit together. Aren't they supposed to hate each other? Eh, they must have done it or something. Maybe that's why Ryder is a bit more cheery. I knew it!

I take out one of my Big Macs and take a bite. Ahh, so good!

"Hey Ryder," I start," did you and Riley do it or something, you seem happier."

Ryder chokes on his drink and Riley spits the food she had in her mouth on Xander.

"Ewwwww!" Xander says, wiping the food off and throwing it at a red faced Riley.

Ryder has finally finished choking on his drink and glares at me."Shut up Rafe," he mutters.

Before I can respond, dork boy comes up to our table with Evelyn and says," Hey you guys! Me and Evelyn just found something really useful!"

He starts to blab about techy stuff and I tune him out and look around the restaurant.

Those idiots who were staring at the girls, were getting up to leave. The one I threw my fry at looks back at me and smirks. I glare at him, but he seems not to care. He just glances over to Riley and starts walking out. But right when he reaches the door, a drink comes out of nowhere and hits the back of his head.

He whips around and pins his eyes on me. I raise my hands up in surrender and I hear Evelyn's timid voice cut through the noisy fast food place.

"Stop staring at us you weird pedo!" Wow Evelyn, nice remark. Not.

He smirks at Evelyn and says in a cocky voice," Oh yeah? Whatcha gonna do about it?"

Evelyn gets this evil glint in her eye as she smirks back," This." 

And she threw Skylar's chocolate milkshake in his face.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how the great food fight at McDonalds started.


Hey Everyone! This is Kaylynn here! I decided to finish this chapter and get it up for you lovely people! So yeah. Tell us what you think in a comment!! We would love to hear!!!

Remember to please; Vote, Comment, Share, And Fan, if you haven't already :D



Oh and comment below which couple you think is the cutest! :3 ~Kelsey

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