Naruto characters...HERE?! ON...

By SophieMeade6

46.6K 1.1K 248

Sophie and her friends LOVE the naruto series, but...what happens when the naruto characters all come from th... More

Naruto characters...HERE?! ON EARTH?! ONE WORD! EPIC!
A unexpected new beginning
Just a little bit of info
Settling in
Just a little shopping.
Not good
Killer mode
Training and...the Jinchuriki book
Ideas and a moment...
more training...and some fun
tiny freak out...?
Well...great! not great...
wow...angry! and
All around surprise!
learning new things...
Memories and finally getting there
first day...well...eventful?
a birthday date and...trouble...
beatin the guys and annoy amy day XD
game night and finding something out...
Information and...a scary vision...
Stressed out and...oh oh...
The start of drama...
Yeah...what can I say...complicated...'s finally over...
Getting back to normal. Sorta...
Pranks and getting ready for a date
The hyuga ; part 1
The Hyuga; part 2
There and back


1.5K 41 6
By SophieMeade6

It had been at lest a day since Noah came back, and he looked different, he still had his curly sort dark brown hair and everything, but he was taller and...Well...different...

I sighed and got out of bed, I couldn't all...I was still thinking over what Gaara had said to me the other night, and this is me up at 2:30am still thinking of I know how Gaara feels, he doesn't sleep...

Walking out my door, I walked across the hall and chapped Gaara's door lightly.

"Come in" he said.

I opened the door and walked in, closing the door behind me and walked over to his bed, sitting at the edge.

"I cant all..."

" decided to come to me?"

"Yeah" I nodded and gave a small smile.

"Um...ok...what's bothering you enough for you not to sleep?" He asked, his voice, husky as normal, but was even huskier than normal.

"...its what you said the other night...I don't think...that was just a coincidence...I've never done that's not like me...and...To be's...scaring me a little..." I said looking down.

He looked towards me "You don't need to be scared," he paused and almost struggled for words, which was understandable because he hadn't ever needed to talk so much, "Kiba deserved it."

"Yeah...he did" I silently laughed "Sometime someone just needs to get punched for what they say.

"You look..."

"Shattered? Yeah, probably, but I can't sleep..." I mumbled.

As I stood in the door Gaara moved awkwardly across to on side of the bed. He didn't manage to offer me to come beside him, but I knew he wanted me to anyway.

"You sure? I might fall asleep on you" I laughed.

"I'm sure" he mumbled.

Nodding, I moved up and lay down next to've just noticed...I'm in bed with Gaara...that sounds incredibly dodgy...but it wasn't so bad...was it?

I just don't know.

"Just close you eyes and relax, you will fall asleep."

"You sure know a lot about sleep for someone who doesn't" I yawned.

I snuggled up into his pillow and groaned, his bed was so comfy, more comfy than my bed had been previously tonight.

"I think its working" he whispered.

"Sure is..." I mumbled.

Somewhere across my half sleep state, I managed to crawl beside Gaara. I was lying on his shoulder.

I felt his body stiffen uncomfortably, and his fingers twitched at his sides.

Sighing, I went into a half sleep state...still listening but also being a little asleep.

I could hear the creaks of the doors and whisper of hushed voices.

"Finally!" someone whispered, "It's about time you two got closer,"

"Go away" Gaara said, I could recognise it was Gaara, his voice was to easy to distinguish out of everyone's.

"Ok...well I'll see you both in the morning." The person said, and ten the faint cry of the door sounded again.

Gaara's POV

I was stiff and uncomfortable while Sophie was lying on my shoulder. I had never had such contact by another person in so long. I had forgotten what this feels like. Her body was warm and generates heat onto mine. It was a comfortable heat, but also an uncomfortable get for me. I had never surrounded myself with another persons body heat.

After I was sure that Sophie was sound, I had lifted her up and set her comfortably in the middle of my bed. I navigated my way away from her and found a chair in the Conor of the room which I then sat in.

I felt this cramped feeling in my lower gut, I didn't know what it was really, but I knew it was bit something that was natural towards myself.

I didn't know how long I sat contemplating for, but soon the sky was getting brighter. Soon after the sky was bright and birds were chirping loudly a knock sounded at the door before someone entered.

"Hey...Gaara...have you seen Sophie?" Amy asked from the door.

She opened the door wider and looked towards the bed. "Oh..." she smirked "Well...I guess one day off school couldn't hurt us..." she smirked even wider "Come down for breakfast when your ready." With that she disappeared and I closed he door behind her.

With the clang of the door shut, Sophie stirred and sprang up suddenly.

"OH MY GOD! IM SORRY!" she gasped, covering her mouth.

She had wide eyes and a panicle look on her face "I fell asleep, I'm so sorry that you could rest."

She shuffled around with the covers, "Yeah...I better go..." She awkwardly toyed with her shirt and crawled slowly out of the bed. "I'll see you downstairs later." She walked towards the door and quickly ran out, her feet padding loudly as she raced into her room.

Sophie's POV

Oh gosh. I feel asleep, with Gaara, in his bed. All night. And he didn't even glance back at it.

It was just perfect chance that I had trouble sleeping and decided to go to Gaara. Just perfect.

Shaking my head to myself, u changed out of my grubby and wrinkled cloths for an fresh pair.

I quickly brushed my hair and fluffed it up after I washed my face and brushed my teeth thoroughly.

After fully refreshed I trotted down the stairs and found everyone comfortably sitting in the living room. Naruto looked fresh and well rested, more than yesterday, and the glue and feathers were completely gone which I found odd.

"Hi everyone, isn't it a beautiful weekend?" I questioned.

"It isn't the weekend get Sophie," Amy noted as she looked up from her book.

I thought about that for a minute and then realisation set in. "Oh shoot! Why didn't you wake me up? We've missed school!"

"I decided that we had a meeting to attend. You were to busy...sleeping,"

"I've decided we are not going, you were to busy...sleeping..." Amy smirked.

My eyes widened and I gave her a pointed look, as if to say 'Don't...say...anything...'

She laughed at my face, and headed towards the kitchen. I followed after her quickly on her heels.

" and Gaara..." Amy started.

"There is absolutely nothing going on..." I stated quickly.

"Really, because it looked as if you were very cozy in his bed. And he didn't seem to mind."

I flushed red, "We did not look 'Cozy' Amy. I was simply having trouble sleeping and went in to speak to him and just happened to fall asleep." I explained "Nothing happened, nothing will happen."


"HEY! NOT MY FAULT I COULDNT SLEEP!" I pointed at her with an angry face.

"Ok! Ok." she pushed up her hands in a surrender motion.


"So how was it?" she suddenly asked.

"How was what?" I asked confused.

"Being in Gaara's room, I mean, you are the only one who he talks to like its was it...?"

"Well...he does talk to me, but not much. He's a man of few words. He doesn't spout long sentences...and its awesome, he's awesome."

"Aw, well that sounds nice. Seems like he's took a shining to you then."

I laughed and got my cereal out of the cabinet while Amy did the same.

I ate my cereal quickly as did any, and when we finished we went back into the living room after cleaning up.

"Hey, where is everyone?" I asked.

"Out training in the garden" Bella said.

"Oh! I'm going to watch" I said running out the back door.

Some trees were scraped all around and everyone was training on the pitch we had, they were all practicing there jutsus. Neji and Gaara were fighting each other, Naruto and Sasuke, Kiba and Rock lee. Kakashi was just watching.

Walking, I stopped next to Kakashi and watched Gaara fight Neji. He was constantly blocking Neji with his sand; he didn't even have to move...

That's the part I always found interesting.

"Wow...never thought it would be actually like this training..." I spoke, looking at Kakashi.

"Well...this is it...not what you expected?" he asked, glancing at me with his eye.

"No, I thought there would be more action" I laughed.

He laughed along with me, and smiled his closed eye smile.

"So...can we do something? I want to train, see what its like" Amy said.

"Um...sure, get a shuriken and practice throwing them at the tree..." he said, obviously he thought that this was a joke...

Grabbing a few I went and stood facing a tree.

"Ok..." I spoke to myself.

I closed my eyes and focused, bringing my hand back I let the shuriken fly to the tree. Opening my eyes it was strait on the target.

"YES!" I jumped up, shooting my hands up in victory "I can't believe I actually done that!"

"WOW! Awesome Sophie!" Amy clapped her hands together.

"Thanks! You to!" I said when I seen she hit the target as well.

"Wow...I didn't actually think you two could do it" Kakashi said, he gave a surprised face towards us both.

I laughed, "Surprised you didn't we."

"Well...yeah...keep doing that" he mumbled walking away.

"Ok..." I mumbled back.

Hours of hitting the target, I got bored and finally lay on the ground, looking up at the clouds.

"HAHA! That one looks like a bunny on steroids" I laughed.

"Hamster," Gaara said.

"HAHA! it does..." I sighed "Oh, I seen your fight with Neji, he couldn't even get close to you" I laughed.

"He's good. So were you." He replied simply.

"I have no clue how I did it. I just closed my eyes, focused and flung it...and it was always on target. Not to sound big headed but it was."

He nodded, standing up and offering me a hand, which I took.

"Wait Sophie, Amy!" Kakashi shouted.

I looked over and walked over to him.

"Yeah?" we asked.

"I want you two to train with us from now on...Be up early tomorrow, no school, training, full day tomorrow" he said.

I groaned "Alright then, I can just for you."

As I walked in the door I noticed how late it actually was, we were out there all day, and I haven't even thought of anything, we all needed to eat and I was really sleepy now.

Making toast I went up to my room and changed into my pyjamas after I ate.

I got under the covers and lay down, I never actually noticed...but my arm was killing me...I don't know how, but it was...I sighed, turning on the TV.

Flipping through the channels nothing was on...just great...sighing I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Amy's POV

I groaned as my alarm clock went off...I had to set it to 5am because Kakashi wanted me and Sophie up early...and knowing Sophie, I had to wake her cause she doesn't believe in alarm clocks...she says there a dumb thing to invent cause it wakes you true...

Forcing myself out of bed I went in for a quick shower and then went to wake Sophie up.

Walking into her I suspected, she was still asleep.

I took a deep breath "SOPHIE GET YOUR BUTT OUT OF BED! TRAINING STARTS IN HALF AN HOUR!" I yelled and walked out smirking. Hearing a thump, I knew she had fallen on the floor.

Sophie's POV

"AH!" I squeaked as I fell onto the floor..."WHY?!" I yelled at Amy, but I knew she was already down half the stairs.

Struggling out of my covers I ran to the shower.

When I came out I dried my hair and changed into shorts and a tank top with my converse.

I slowly went down the stairs and into the kitchen, getting my cereal out. After I was done I went out to the field with Amy.

"Girls, you can practice with the kunai today" Kakashi said.

"Ok..." I said.

Grabbing one I gave another to Amy.

"Ok...what do we do now?"

"I don't know..."

"We will help you" I heard Neji say.

I turned around to see Neji and Gaara.

"Awesome..." I whispered.

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