A Thousand Year Old Heart

By Ann-jey

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"It isn't the same thing to call the Devil and see him come." After having managed to lure him into New Orlea... More

✴Chapter 1: The Diaries
✴Chapter 2: Calling
✴Chapter 3: Dead End
✴Chapter 5: False Hopes
✴Chapter 6: Scandalous
✴Chapter 7: Mendacity
✴Chapter 8: Deceptive Eyes
✴Chapter 9: Confident Thoughts, Weak Minds
✴Chapter 10: A Game Of Catch
✴Chapter 11: Home
✴Chapter 12: Esther
✴Chapter 13: Bluff
✴Chapter 14: Straightforward
✴Chapter 15: A Penny For Your Thoughts
✴Chapter 16: Trust, Such A Fragile Word
✴Chapter 17: Behind A Closed Wall
✴Chapter 18: Closer
✴Chapter 19: Easy Target
✴Chapter 20: Red-Handed
✴Chapter 21: Whistle In The Wind
✴Chapter 22: Break The Ice
✴Chapter 23: Reflexes
✴Chapter 24: Remedy
✴Chapter 25: A Token Worth Cherishing
✴Chapter 26: Wrong Place, Wrong Time
✴Chapter 27: Square One
✴Chapter 28: Poison and Sarcasm
✴Chapter 29: Comparison
✴Chapter 30: Remember?
✴Chapter 31: The Greenhouse
✴Chapter 32: The Chemistry Of Two
✴Chapter 33: Late Night Talk
✴Chapter 34: Black Onyx
✴Chapter 35: The Guests
✴Chapter 36: Isn't That Good Enough?
✴Chapter 37: The Right Time
✴Chapter 38: Until
✴Chapter 39: Crestfallen

✴Chapter 4: If They Knew

1.8K 62 3
By Ann-jey


How boring.

He thought, a small sigh escaping from his lips. He looked down, glancing at the fast cars passing by. Drivers shouting at each other, couples wandering around the town and some drunk men hitting on some young girls. That was the routine of this town. Sure, the people tasted nice here, but it was so boring.

Certainly, things were much better in 1876.

Ever since the accident in Mystic Falls, four years ago, Kol had managed to flee and go to some other places he used to visit before being kept in a coffin for almost a century. He didn't even try to get in contact with his siblings; why would he anyway? All these years the only thing those people did for him was backstabbing him. Literally.

He could only rely on him. No one else was trustworthy and besides, what was the point of trusting someone? Eventually, people would betray you in order to survive. It's not their fault really. That was what humans were doing ever since they first walked on earth.

The Original stood on his feet as he took a big breath; staring at the view was something he could do later. For now, all he needed was to feed on some human.

In the next few minutes, a pain shot him; like a burning flame in his head, the pain took over his body and kneeled him down; he recognized this pain. Someone was trying to communicate with him.

A calling spell?

At first, it was a blurry image in his mind; fade faces with unfamiliar voices. How? How could someone contact him? To perform such a spell, you needed to have in your possession something which belonged to the person you were calling. At first, he thought Niklaus or Rebekah or even Elijah were trying to find him, but an image of a young girl made every previous thought vanish. He was sure he hadn't seen her before because certainly he would remember such a pretty face.

"Soo.... Did it work?" said the guy who was with her as he crossed his arms.

The girl hesitated for a moment before she answered him.
"Yes. But if he comes or not, it clearly depends on Kol's choice."

He furrowed his eyebrows. He knew that look. It was the look of a determined and strong person, a look he had seen once in that witch, Mary Alice Claire. Could it be..? Kol tried to focus not only on the two people but on their surroundings; a king-sized bed and lightened candles everywhere, a huge mirror near the door and two big windows, as the sunlight illuminated the whole room.

He flinched. How could he not notice it earlier? It was the attic of St. Anne's Church which is located in New Orleans. New Orleans.. How many years ago had it been since the last time he had been there? It's a little nostalgic owing to the fact it was the place he once called home, a place where he and his siblings were once ruling.

He hesitated for a moment as he regained control of his body, questions swirling around his mind. A Claire witch. He could only imagine why would she call him, from all people.

A wide smirk spread across his face as he shoved his hands in his pockets. Well, a trip to New Orleans sounds like fun. And if the Claire witch called him, that means his siblings must have been in New Orleans.

Time for a family reunion.


Davina slammed the door behind as she entered the attic. No! No, everything was wrong! She messed up and she couldn't do a thing about it! How, how could she have done something so foolish? She was supposed to get rid of the Originals, not to bring more!

Anger took over her as she tossed every book on the floor by one single glance, a glimpse of satisfaction glowing in her eyes. She needed that gold dagger. She had to find it and finish it, no matter what she had to do to get it.

A phone call from Marcel brought her back to reality.

“Hello Marcel.”

“D, hey. Is everything okay?”

She narrowed her eyes. No. Nothing was okay. She brought a lunatic serial killer in the city, not to mention his identity. But that moment, it wasn't the right time for him to learn the truth.

“Uh sure, why?”

Oh. Well, Camille called me and said you were kind of nervous tonight. So I thought that something happened and..” he trailed off.

“Worry not, Marcel. Everything is okay I'm just..a little tired that's all. I have been practicing on some spells all day.”

“Why don't you call it a day? I mean, in spite of being a witch, you still remain a teenager. You have to go out sometimes and.. have fun. Come tomorrow at my place, okay?”

“I'll think about it Marcel. Thanks for calling.”

“Talk to you soon, little girl. Take care.”

She just smiled at his words and hung up. The girl let out a sigh of desperation and sat down, staring at the scattered books on the floor. She had to clean this mess up tomorrow.

~ • ~

Tomorrow morning, Davina took the way to Marcel's apartment, which was across the river. Josh should be there too, since he spent most of the time helping Marcel. Or he could be at the bayou with Aiden. In that case, being alone with Marcel meant that she had to explain what happened last night and generally, her whole plan turning into a failure.

And unfortunately, no one was there except for Marcel.

“You came.” he smiled as he saw her approaching, opening wide his arms for her.

She smiled back as he wrapped her arms around him, “I missed you, Marcel.”

“It's been a while since the last time I saw you. Almost a week. I got worried that something happened to you and Josh avoids telling me what are you two talking about.”

About that...

She exhaled and pulled away from his embrace. It was time to explain about the mess she had recently made.

“Um.. Marcel?”

He looked at her with his eyes narrowed.

“Yeah, D?”

“What do you know about Kol Mikealson?”

His eyes darkened by the sound of his name. She was sure that, seeing his reaction meant that Marcel knew the wild Mikealson as well as he knew the others. And he was not pleased by her question.

“Why asking?” he replied as he took a sip of his bourbon, settling the glass on the table.

“Just answer me, please.”

Marcel sighed, shaking his head. “This guy is nuts, D. Like, beyond madness. Even Klaus seems to have feelings compared to him. You can't imagine what is going on in that guy's head. He is unpredictable and dangerous; he is killing without purpose, he manipulates people mercilessly. I don't even know that you knew he even exists but apparently, someone is digging up the Mikealson family tree.”

The girl looked down, the words which came from Marcel's mouth making her feel worse than before. She should have listened to Mary Alice's warnings. She should have never invited him here. How many things she should have done..or, haven't done actually.

“Now I am waiting to hear the real reason you asked about him, Davina. And don't tell me it's just simple curiosity.”

“Marcel I-”

“Good morning, Marcel and Davina.”

They both turned around only to see Elijah Mikealson standing a few meters away, fixing his tie with a chuckle. From all the Mikealsons, Elijah might be the one who Davina liked the most; not that he was innocent anyway. He claimed to be noble and moral, but eventually making promises that he couldn't keep. In addition, he was a pure liar just like his siblings. An Original Mikealson.

“I'm sorry if I interrupted a conversation, but something important happened.” replied Elijah, his gaze falling on Marcel.

“You can speak in front of her, Elijah. I trust her completely.”

Elijah hesitated for a moment as he glanced at her suspiciously. Did he know...? No, no that couldn't be possible. He wouldn't at least speak of it in front of Marcel since this was something she and only caused. If Kol had already reunited with his family and forgiven Klaus, then maybe Kol would have gone after her for wanting to kill his brother.

With other words, she was a goner.

“Then you should both hear about this.”

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