A Road Trip to Remember (Katn...

By HannahVorhees

188K 5.7K 1.5K

So when Katniss is only 20 minutes into her drive and her car get struck by a dodge pick up truck, what does... More

A Road Trip To Remember (Katniss and Peeta Story)
Part One: The Accident
Part Two: On The Road
Part Three: Learning
Part Four: An Early Start
Part Five: Kings Island
Part Six: Singing
Part Seven: Kiss Cam
Part Nine: Change of Plans.
Part Ten: A Party Gone Wrong
Part Eleven: Find Katniss
Part Twelve: Awkward
Part Thirteen: Hanging Out
Part Fourteen: Hospital
Part Fifteen: The Storm
Part Sixteen: In The Truck
Part Seventeen: Hospital Again
Part Eighteen: Talking With Gale
Part Nineteen: Explaining
Part Twenty: Taking Him Off
Part Twenty One: Staying With Him
Part Twenty Two: Peeta Goes Home
Part Twenty Three: Gale
Part Twenty Four: First Date
Part Twenty Five: Going Back To College
Part Twenty Six: Talking to Prim
Part Twenty Seven: Leavin
Part Twenty Eight: Step Father
Part Twenty Nine: Robbed
Part Thirty: Girls Night
Part Thirty One: Calling Her
Part Thirty Two: Taken
Part Thirty Three: Help
Part Thirty Four: Black Ops
Part Thirty Five: He's Mine
Part Thirty Six: Telling Gale
Part Thirty Seven: Christmas
Authors Note!!!

Part Eight: Leaving Cincinnati

4.6K 156 1
By HannahVorhees

***Katniss's POV***
"The perfect day for a baseball gem don't you think?" Peeta asks me. I look around and I'm at Great American Ballpark. Actually, it's only me and Peeta. Looks like the Reds are playing the Mets. But no one is actually playing. The mets are standing by the first base line and the Reds on the third baseline. Wait, shouldn't that be switched?
"And now for the singing of our national anthem. George Everdeen." Says the announcer. I look up and see my dad at home plate. Dad. Instead of the national anthem, he sings my old lullaby.
"Deep in the meadow." He sings with the voice I have missed so much. I start to stand up, but someone sits me down. It's Gale. He sits on my right and Peeta on my left.
"You are going to miss the show." They say at the same time watching the field. I'm confused, but I look up. My dad is standing directly on home plate. First, 3rd base explodes. Killing all the Reds players. Then, 1st base explodes. Killing all the Mets players. Then, gale and Peeta are no longer beside me. Gale is on the pitchers mound and Peeta is at second base.
"Katniss." I hear someone say. I look around and behind me is my family, Gale's family, and Peeta's family. "Katniss." I hear again. "Choose one person to save. Only one." The voice says and I die a little inside. One person? Who can I choose? These are three people I truly care about the most. How can I choose only one? Then, I watch home plate explode and my father goes flying into the air, being blown away. Just like the explosion that really killed him. I cry out but I make no sound.
"Katniss. You may choose one person. If you don't, they will both die." Te voice says. I turn around and see my mother and Prim have vanished. So if I lose the person out there, their family goes too.
"I choose." But I stop because I don't know who to choose. I don't have time because both the second base and pitchers mound explode. I scream as loud as I can but I does me no good. I'm there alone. All alone in the stadium when the fire starts. It begins in the outfield and works its way up to me. I can't get out of my chair and when the fire has finally covered me completely, I wake up.
End Of Dream
I still hear screaming and my eyes are shut, but someone has their hands on my shoulders.
"Katniss wake up." A voice so familiar says. It is a sweet voice. But that's impossible. He is dead. I am still burning alive, or I should be anyways. My eyes fly open and my screams stop. I continue to cry as I stare into his blue eyes. Without thinking, and without weighing out the consequences, I wrap my arms around Peeta. At the moment, I don't care about anything except the fact that he is alive. He isn't dead.
"You aren't dead." I say.
"Of course not. Why would I be dead?" He asks rubbing my back.
"I dreamt that you were dead. That you were standing on second base and the base exploded along with my father and friend Gale." I admit. I hold on to him tighter.
"It was only a dream. You are okay now. I saw you stirring and knew you were having a nightmare." He says.
"I have never had anyone wake me up from a nightmare before. No one to help me through it." I admit.
"We'll I'm here for now. Are you okay?" He asks.
"Yes. Thank you." I say. He gives me one last squeeze before letting go.
"It's about 6 a.m. I doubt you want to go back to sleep so we should probably get going." He says. I nod in agreement and we gather our things into our bags. I must admit, I miss his comfort already. I miss his touch and his soft words that help me calm down. I miss it a lot and it was only 5 minutes ago. We eat a breakfast and then we check out if the hotel. Getting in the truck, we drive out of Cincinnati. We drive away from the one place that I actually felt happy. It's been years since I have been happy. With one last look at the city, I smile. Something else I rarely do. And we are on our way.

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