Ross and Laura, Something Mor...

Da AustinandAlly225

85.7K 1.5K 215

Ross Lynch and Laura Marano have always had chemistry but couldn't see it. With the help of their friends and... Altro

Something More?
Frights and Feelings
Dreams and Dilemmas
Sparks and Speechs
Schemes and Sleepovers
Snuggling and Snoozing
Success and Silence
Songs and Suprises
Crying and Comforting
Answers and Apologies
Sympathy and Suprises
Offers and Options
Calls and Confrontations
Emotions and Embraces
Goodnights and Goodbyes
Reuniting and Revealing
Shocks and Shame
Ends and Explanations
Flashbacks and Friends
Resignations and Returning
Siblings and Secrets
Froyo and Feelings
Assumptions and Accidents
Texts and Tears
Rambling and Relief
Fathers and Forgetting
Informing and Injuries
New Story!
Operations and Objectives
Convincing and Carnivals
Threats and Thoughts
Assuring and Apoligising
Regularity and Requests
Short Hiatus
Arrangement and Astonishment
Shopping and Spas
Limos and Luxury
Premieres and Paparazzi
Searches and Sorrow
Persisting and Ponds
Bickering and Blackmail~ Final Chapter

Nightmares and Naps

1.7K 26 10
Da AustinandAlly225

Thanks guys for the support! My reads are going up about 100 a day! Enjoy!

-14 hours later-

Ross' POV

I was tapped on the shoulder as I slowly opened my eyes to see an air hostess trying to wake me up. I stretched in my comfy business class seat and wiped the sleep out of my eyes.

"Um. When is the flight landing?" I asked her. "Sir. We are disembarking the flight." She replied. I looked around to see no one around me. I frowned realizing that we weren't in LA. "Hmph. Girl problems?" She asked. I gave her a confused look. "How did you know?" She smiled. "I have 3 boys. I know these things. Do you want to talk about it?" She asked making me giggle. I nodded responding to her question.

"Well. I just left to Puerto Rico for a movie, I'm shooting for 2 months. Anyway, I had to leave my girlfriend because it was a closed set. I overheard that she was worried that I would forget her and now I don't know what to do to make sure that she knows that I wouldn't forget about her." I explained. She nodded. "Well, I guess there isn't much you can do except keep in contact with her. Email, Text, Call. Anything to reassure her. But, right now. Your biggest issue is getting out of the plane before they take away the bridge!" She replied making us laugh. "Thank you so much." I said as I ran out and waved. She shouted back, "No problem!"

After I got through security and stuff I was finally at my hotel! It felt like years to get here!

I checked in and got my room number. As soon as I entered my room I threw my bags away and collapsed on the bed.

As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out like a light...

Laura's POV

I shed silent tears most of the way home. Riker dropped Vanessa and I off at our house.

I walked inside and into my bedroom. I was exhausted from crying so much, so once I got into my PJs and took a shower I hit the sack.


Yay! Today is the day that Ross gets back I can't wait to see him again!

We were waiting at his house for him to arrive. When I heard the opening of a door I ran over and saw Ross!

I nearly jumped through the roof. I ran up to him and threw my arms around him. "Ross! I can't believe that your finally back!" I screamed happily.

The weird thing about the hug was that he didn't hug back. He lightly pushed me away from him and gave me a confused look.

"Who are you? ARE YOU A CRAZY FAN! HOW DID YOU GET IN HERE?!?" He screamed making me really scared.

"Um. Ross. I'm your girlfriend." Once again he gave me a confused face. "You aren't my girlfriend. My co-star of my movie is." And at that moment. My world came crashing down as I poured out tears.

-End of Dream-

I woke up with tears streaming down my face and me breathing heavily. I'm being taunted by a movie I don't even know the name of!

I looked to my clock and saw that it was 6.42pm. I rolled over and hopped in the shower. I got out and changed back into my PJs.

I walked downstairs and saw Vanessa sitting on the couch with Riker. They didn't see me so I decided to listen in on their conversation.

"Ok then! Lets keep this under wraps for a while." I decided to walk into the room at this point and what I saw shocked me.

Riker and Vanessa just kissed! "Eep!!! Yay! Yay! Yay!" I said making me cover my mouth and them pull away quickly shocked.

"Err. Did you- Err. Umm see that?" I nodded and replied. "Don't worry! I won't say anything! My lips, are sealed!" They smiled and nodded. "Thanks little sis! I love this little Lynch!" Ness said as they kissed again making me realise something! Ross! I need to call him!

I ran to my room and got out my laptop and video called him. He picked up nearly instantly.

Ross: Hey Laur! I was just going to call you!

Laura: Hi Ross! How's Puerto Rico?

Ross: It's beautiful. Almost as beautiful as you...

Laura: *blushes and smiles* Oh hush Ross. Your such a flirt

Ross: Baby. I really want to talk but I need to get to a meeting with the producers but I'll text and call tomorrow. I love you!

Laura: Ok Ross. Bye! Love ya!

He logged off as I frowned. Oh well. I'll text him tomorrow. I was still tired so I decided to log on to twitter and answer some messages.

Ross' POV

I took the limo over to the studios where the producers were meeting us. I still don't know what the movie was called or the setting and I didn't know any of my co-stars.

When the limo got to the studio, I hopped out and walked into the building. I found the office and knocked on the door before entering. I was the first one there as I was greeted by a man that I was guessing to be the producer.

After a few minutes another guy walked in who looked about 4 years older than me (Garret Clayton). We shook hands and talked for a while. Minute after minute, different people piled into the room as we talked. The producer came in and began to talk, "Hey guys! I assume that you have all been acquainted with each other. Well, the lead female actress is running late but should be here soon. So, some of you might not know but this movie is called Teen Beach Movie." He said and continued as we told everyone more about ourselves.

After about 10 minutes of introductions I heard a door open and close. I turned my head and saw a beautiful girl with an amazing smile. No Ross! You're heart belongs to Laura! "Ah. Here is the female lead. Her name is Maia Mitchell. She will be playing Mack. Everyone introduce yourself to Maia. After that you can all leave. By the way, be down here by 10am. Thank you all!" The producer said.

After a few more minutes, we all left to our hotels again. As soon as I got into my room, I went to bed and passed out.


Sorry guys for the long wait! I had serious writers block! This was really a boring chapter in my opinion... Thanks again for all the reads! I'll have 4-5 chapters up on Friday, Saturday and Sunday in my time zone by the way! And as you saw Ranessa is happening!


Please Vote, Comment, Share and Follow Me on Wattpad and Twitter at YayNoahP225

Thanks For Reading!

Stay Rossome!

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