insecurities » malum

By officialmalum

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"i'm not pretty calum." "michael, i swear to god, you're the most prettiest human being i've ever laid my fuc... More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six


2K 89 22
By officialmalum

1 year later...

after graduation, everything that michael and calum planned didn't go as they expected. michael had made it to university and calum surprisingly was offered to join the national football team. it was mostly a good thing for their own good and they were both happy for each other. though neither of them would admit it, but they felt like their relationship was fading.

as for luke and ashton, their relationship had grew more intense. michael and calum doesn't see them as much anymore as the two were now worldwide famous vloggers. luke and ashton were paid and sponsored to go travel around the world, which was an amazing opportunity for the two. ashton also had proposed to luke while they were in paris, and their wedding was expected soon. maybe it was a bit too early for ashton to propose as they were only nineteen-twenty one, but he loved luke too much and won't risk letting him go.

deep inside, michael despised lashton's happiness because he himself didn't get the happiness that he deserved. and little did calum know that michael wasn't happy at all in university. calum was very (maybe too) happy on being able to play football in his team that he didn't notice michael's despair.

apparently, university is supposed to be the matured version of high school but no. it was thirty times worst than in high school. maybe michael wasn't bullied mentally, but being verbally bullied left a bruise lingering in his heart. especially since 'varsity teams' exist.

"fag", "ugly", "fat", and a few other more insults had been thrown at him whenever he was seen publically in the university. even in his dorm, his roommate would laugh and disrespect michael with his friends until michael couldn't handle it anymore and practically begged the secretary for him to stay in a dorm without a roommate because 'he wanted to study in peace'. thankfully, the secretary was nice enough to give the last room to michael.

ever since the insults started, michael had stopped wearing feminine clothing and awfully uncomfortable 'boy' clothes instead in hope that the insults would be stopped, but it still went on and on. all he wanted was it to stop. the day calum found out about this was when he facetimed michael at lunch, and michael hesitantly accepted the call.

the first thing calum noticed was that michael wasn't wearing his normal clothes, instead a white shirt with a big smiley face on it. calum just shrugged it off, maybe michael was just about to nap. but thinking back, michael always slept and napped in his cute matching pajamas or even calum's shirts. and that wasn't even one of his shirts. calum knitted his eyebrows when he noticed dark circles around michael's eyes, michael really didn't look like himself. michael nervously fidgeted as calum looked at him suspiciously through the screen. "michael?" calum paused, his gaze moving to michael's messy uncolored hair. "are you okay?"

michael hesitantly nodded, feeling a lump forming in his throat as he did. "you're lying." calum spoke, furrowing his eyebrows. michael teared up, attempting to lie once again, "i'm not." but it failed as his voice cracked at the end.

"mikey, babe. please, tell me what's wrong." calum asked, his voice more softer now and laced with concern. michael swallowed, feeling like he was going to burst into tears in any second. he willed himself not to cry but failed as he suddenly broke into tears, sobbing loudly, murmuring that he's a 'fag', 'stupid', 'fag' and saying that calum doesn't care and love him anymore. it was back to square one all over again.

it was heartbreaking, knowing that someone you love was hurting and you're one of the reasons why, when you're the one who should be making them happy. calum really didn't know how to react and wanted to cry when seeing his boyfriend in this condition. michael didn't deserve this, he deserves to be happy.

after the incident, calum would call him everyday to tell him otherwise, and that he cares and loves him very much. calum had informed karen and daryl that michael was not at all happy in university. michael's parents were upset when hearing the news from calum and called their son, telling him that university just wasn't the place for michael and that they wouldn't hate michael if he decides to drop out.
it was times like this that michael was grateful for having understanding parents. and although michael was a bit upset with calum at the moment, calum would still occasionally make time to visit michael if he wasn't busy, apologizing for not looking out for michael everytime he visited. he would also take michael out and buy him lunch and sometimes dinner.

"cally?" michael squeaked out as they were waiting for their food arrive. calum's ears perked up, averting his attention to his boyfriend. "yes, princess?"

michael fiddled with the ends of his (calum's) sweatshirt, he still didn't want to wear his own clothes yet and calum knew the reason as michael accidentally blurted it out him. "i-i was thinking of quiting uni."

a small genuine smile formed on calum's lips and he sighed in relief. calum really hated michael going to this university anyways. he would beat the shit out of the people who disrespects his lover but michael didn't like violence. "i support whatever you do, mikey." calum spoke, reaching out to hold michael's hand across the table.

michael smiled, squeezing calum's hand. "but w-where will i stay? do i have to stay with my parents? i mean like, i don't wanna bug them and--"

"you can always stay at mine." calum interrupted with a big grin. calum owned his own apartment and it was quite big, maybe enough for three people and it was also conveniently not too far.

"what? are you sure? i can--"

"baby girl, no worries. i don't mind. plus, i get really lonely sometimes. there's no problem, i am your boyfriend after all." calum spoke, pressing his lips onto the back of michael's hand. michael beamed and nodded. he got up and sat next to calum, pressing a chaste kiss on his boyfriend's lips. "i love you so much. thank you."

"i love you so much more, mikey." calum breathed out, pressing a longing kiss on michael's forehead before wrapping an arm around michael's waist and pulled him close.

after a few minutes of moving boxes, calum let out a loud tired sigh when he was done moving all of michael's boxes to their room and plopped down on the couch next to michael. michael giggled, pressing a kiss on calum's squishy cheek. "thank you, cally."

"you're welcome, baby." calum murmured, pulling michael onto his lap before their lips met into a passionate kiss.

after living with calun for awhile, michael suddenly had the confidence to wear his skirts because calum manages to boost up michael's self esteem everyday. he felt pretty around calum.

a few days after that, michael conveniently got a job in american apparel whilst he shopping for skirts with calum, and was hired to be their cashier. calum would pay a visit to american apparel after his training, just to see if michael doing was alright. the job paid well, enough to help calum pay the bills. of course, calum didn't need help, but michael would feel guilty. calum was his boyfriend, not his sugar daddy. but despite that, he loved being spoiled to death by calum.

michael's birthday came in soon, and sadly, calum couldn't spend every hour of the day celebrating his boyfriend's birthday as he had football training. michael didn't mind much but he was a bit upset. to make it up to his lover, calum went to an animal shelter and adopted the most prettiest kitten and the cutest puppy. michael liked cats, and calum liked dogs, so why not get both. michael squealed when calum brought in the pets in his apartment. michael engulfed calum into a hug and almost cried at how cute the little creatures were. of course, calum had bought more things for michael such as lingeries and skirts, but michael was attracted to the pets more which calum didn't mind because he had alot of money.

luke and ashtom visited all the way from italy, bringing michael presents from all over the world. michael felt loved from all of these presents, and maybe he just loved being spoiled not just by calum. luke's reaction to the pets were similar to michael's when he entered the room. it was quite amusing to watch. ashton pointed out that the kitten looked like calum as it had a pair brown eyes, and that the puppy looked like michael as it had green eyes. the two ended up naming the puppy 'calico' and the kitten 'tubbs', with the help of luke and ashton. michael didn't like kids that much and neither did calum so they basically treated calico and tubbs like their own children.

calum loves michael so much and likewise, so a few months later, calum proposed to michael (in a cheesy way) and of course, michael said yes. but unfortunately, michael's parents didn't approve as it was too early in their age and they would 'get a divorce' if its too early. michael was upset, but didn't bother on comforting his parents as they were probably right. they just wanted to look out for him. calum was bummed as well, but he didn't want to fight his future father and mother in law. meanwhile, calum's parents were more than happy that their son had picked such a loving boy.

calum kept counting down the time he would propose again to michael and after two in a half more years, calum proposed again, but with a diamond ring this time. both love each other so much, and it was impossible to separate them from each other as to everything that happened.

and let's just say, everyone will be expecting a double wedding.



if yall didnt get the ending, its supposed to be like lashton+malum wedding. and i was too lazy to write more. btw michael and calum lives happily ever after bc theyre basically soulmates. oh and imagine calico as the ring bearer.

i cant believe this book is ending :'(. anywhore, there will not be a sequel bc i dont wanna be adding problems to malum's life. you'll be expecting more stories from me tho.

and yes, lashton got engaged for 2 years, dont ask why, whats another story.

bye everyone, *passes tissues* see yall real soon.

'@mikeyclifford all the love, c.'

yall get banana bread for finishing this book. ily all.

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