Fix Me I'm Not Broken.

By countingfeathers

77.4K 1.9K 454

Slave!Dean and Owner!Cas Hurt!Dean Human!Cas Lots of violence, mentions of rape,and torture. TONS of Hurt... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Please Read My Bio

Chapter 9

3.6K 101 16
By countingfeathers

By the time they parked at the mall, Dean was sweating and shaking. Cas gave him a reassuring smile.
"If you feel uncomfortable we can step out, just let me know" Castiel said and put his hand on Dean's shoulder. Dean exhaled nervously and nodded. They stepped out of the car and Dean couldn't control the panic that swept over him. The mall was small  and there wasn't much people, but it still made Dean scared. He stood next to his master and whispered "Sir, I-I can't"
"Shhh Dean, it's okay, there's nothing to be afraid of I got you"
Dean suddenly became self conscious of the burden that he was to Cas, first the doctor, then the stupid escape attempt and now this, oh god he was so fucking untrained that it wouldn't surprise him if Cas went back on his word and punished him as soon as they got home.
"I'm sorry sir"
Castiel looked at him, confused.
"Sorry for what Dean?"
"Just- for misbehaving"
"Dean, you didn't do anything wrong, it's alright"
"Please don't punish me sir"
Cas rushed to stand in front of Dean and said "I would never hurt you Dean"
He offered his hand to the slave.
"Come on"
Dean took it warily and shook the whole way from the parking lot to the mall.
Once inside, Castiel asked Dean where he wanted to go.
"Um... I don't know sir, wherever you want to go" Dean tried to mask his answer by giving his master the choice, he was embarrassed to tell him that all the time he was either naked, or his other masters bought clothes for him, which were humiliating and degrading.
"Dean, it's up to you. It's your clothes"
"I-I don't know any of the stores sir" Dean confessed quietly.
"Oh" Castiel said in surprise "Well, do you see something you find interesting"
" I.." His gaze shifted to the toy store, which had this beautiful car collectibles. He had to concentrate, they weren't here for stupid car toys, they were here for essential stuff that according to Cas he needed. "It wouldn't hurt to try" Dean tried to convince himself, he knew that it would  damn hurt, if his back and ribs weren't reminder enough.
"We can go there first if you want Dean, we have a lot of time" 
"Wh-what?" Dean said, taken aback by his master's insinuation. He must've caught Dean staring at some point.
"If you want to go to the toy store we can, then we'll get your clothes"
"Okay" Dean said.

"Do you see something you like?" Castiel asked when Dean's eyes went wide as he looked at all the collectibles.
"Um." Dean didn't how to answer or the answer that his master wanted. Yes, everything was amazing and he was particularly interested in the red, 1957 Corvette, but what if this was a trick and the moment when Dean said yes his master would just use that as a reason for punishment, so after a good amount of awkward silence Dean said "I don't know sir" 
Castiel smiled, confusing Dean's fear for a weak attempt at humor.
"Anything you wish to get?"
"I-" okay now Dean was scared, he was never allowed to "want" anything, oh well he was going to get beat no matter what his answer was.
"Yes sir" he said in an almost inaudible whisper. 
"Really, which one?"
"I- the red Corvette sir"  Dean flinched, expecting some kind of pain to come his way.  
"Oh, that's a very nice car"
"Sir, I-" Dean slumped. " what-what do I have to do for it. Is this a game? I-I'll do anything you want sir"
Castiel looked at him with the same look he had in the doctor's office.
"Dean, you don't have to do anything. If you want it I'll buy it for you"
"Okay" the slave said with a hint of skepticism in his voice. Either Castiel didn't notice or decided not to comment on it.
"So, do you want it?"
"Yes sir, please"

They bought the car and Castiel handed Desn the bag to carry.
"Where do we go now?"
Dean was still in shock, he always dreamed about owning one of those little cars and now Castiel had bought him one.
"Thank you so much sir" he said for the millionth time.
Castiel chuckled "Really no problem Dean, we should really decide on where to go though, it's getting late and we haven't even had lunch yet"
"We-um, maybe we should go to a place you know Cas" 
"Are you sure?"
"Yes sir"
Castiel led Dean to a store and took him to the men's section.
"Do you know your size?" Castiel asked him.
"Yes sir, I'm a medium"
"Alright, well you should choose your clothes. Pants and shirts and whatever else you need"
"Thank you sir"
They went around the store, Dean choosing soft, comfortable clothes. Long sleeves, short sleeves, button downs, and plaid. He got 3 pairs of shoes he also got socks and underwear. When he was done he handed the clothes to Cas and they headed to the cashier. Something stopped Dean in his tracks. It was a beautiful leather jacket, long and thick. Dean touched it, admiring the fabric, but stopped when he noticed the price, he wasn't very good with numbers, but knew that Cas was already going to spend a lot on him and Castiel only said get what you need not what you want, and Dean was sure he didn't need a leather jacket in the middle of spring. He let go, a little regretfully and went over to stand next to Cas while he paid. When they got out of the store Castiel cussed. "Dammit, I can't find my phone, I might've left it in there. Dean wait here okay? I'll try to be quick" Castiel said as he took the few bags Dean was carrying.
"I don't want us to get robbed" Cas explained "Sit on the bench, I'll only be a minute" 
Dean rushed to sit on the bench Cas pointed out to wait for his master.
Castiel had seen Dean admiring the leather jacket, but knew that if he asked Dean if he wanted it, the slave would say no even though it was completely obvious that he did. So he made a whole show of losing his phone and taking the bags so that he could buy the leather jacket and give it to Dean as a surprise when they got home. The cashier scanned the item and gave it to him in a bag, as he got out, an extra item in hand, Dean straightened on his spot in the bench and asked "sir did you find it?"
"Never lost it, it was in my back pocket the whole time"
He noticed Dean trying to hide his smile, gosh the poor guy was even afraid to smile.
"It's funny Dean, you can laugh"
Dean's eyes widened and he couldn't hold back the small snort that escaped his barely smiling lips.
That made Cas smile.
"Let's go home and eat, I don't know about you, but I'm starving"
Dean nodded and they headed to the car, Dean never noticing the extra bag hanging from Castiel's hand.
After a 2 hour long drive, Dean was exhausted. Both of them unloaded the bags from the car and Castiel heated some kind of casserole he had prepared earlier. They ate, Dean considerably faster than Castiel. After lunch/dinner, Castiel read all the instructions for Dean's medicines and gave them to him, explaining what each one of them would do. The fact that he did that warmed something in Dean's heart and he took each pill accordingly. Then Castiel told him to go to the living room and to close his eyes. Dean became scared, was he going to get punished or raped? He didn't understand what was happening, he had behaved hadn't he? Except for the visit to the doctor he had behaved. He felt the heat radiating from the man in front of him, he heard plastic rustling and then Castiel said "Open your eyes"
Dean exhaled and did what he was told.  Out of all the things he was expecting, seeing Castiel with the gorgeous leather jacket wasn't one of them.
"Sir" he breathed
"What do you think Dean? I saw you looking at it in the store and I guessed you liked it"
"I-I love it"
"Good, because it's yours".
"Yes Dean, here try it on"
Castiel helped Dean put the leather jacket on and Dean smiled at how the jacket fitted, it was big on him, maybe a little too big because of how underweight he was, but nonetheless the jacket was perfect. Dean realized how many good, kind things Castiel had done for him today. First the Doctor, then the car, and now this! Suddenly a strong burst of emotions hit him and he found himself hugging the man hard, Castiel returned the favor. "Thank you so so much sir, I love it thank you" Dean breathed into Castiel's neck.
"I'm glad you liked it"
Dean felt the tears coming and he clutched the man's shirt like a lifeline, his whole body shook with his sobs  and Castiel just held him, whispering nice and beautiful words to him.
And they stood there, the broken man and the repairer. Holding unto each other until one of them could heal the other.
I'm alright!!! I haven't updated In like forever jeez. Tests are driving me freaking nuts. I'm supposed to be studying right now but oh well I'm screwed one way or the other. So, what did you guys think? I really like this chapter idk why exactly, but it was fun to write. I love y'all!!! Thank you so much for reading and STUDY for all your tests guys this is no joke, I repeat this is no joke.  
I hope I get to see you soon....
Music recommendation: Daddy Issues by The Neighborhood .

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