Mrs. Girlyplier - Markiplier...

By brokenheartedz

19.8K 335 79

Kate is a 18 year old girl, living a normal life with her dad, after her parents divorce, she has a hard time... More

Inspired by a dream
Dreams come true
getting to know even more
A Thousand Years
Je t'aime
Coffee with the neighbour
A few weeks later
The doctor appointment
Two miracles

Big news

1.5K 21 5
By brokenheartedz

I woke up as Mark made noises around the bed room to get cloths on.

I pretended to be asleep as he went downstairs with Scott to walk a morning walk with him.

As soon as I heard the front door shut and lock I jumped out of bed and out on the bed room.

I took yet another pregnacy test, it was positiv as well.

I decided to take the other one, later on the day.

I went back to bed, and feel asleep again, I was awaken by Mark singing Happy birthday to me and hour later

I sat up in the bed, sleepy

"Good morning, my beautiful wife. I bring you breakfast on the bed on this special day" he said smiling

He sat tray down on the bed and watched me eating.

"What?" I said as I finished my breakfast

"Nothing, I just like to admire you, especially when you eat" he said and laughed

"Yeah, right"

"But thanks for the breakfast, I tasted amazing!" I said and leant over to kiss him on the cheek

"You welcome, love" he answered

"I'll go out get ready" I said and walked out on the bath room to get make up and get dressed afterwards

After I found a cute birthday outfit, I walked over to the drawer to get the last pregnancy test. It was positiv was well.

Now I just had to find the perfect moment to tell Mark, that he was going to be a daddy.

I went downstairs and Mark called on me, from the living room. I went into the living room. He held a box in his hands

"Here's your birthday present, love" he said and gave me the box.

I opened the box, and it was a jewlery necklace.

"Oh my. Mark it so beautiful, I love it. Thank you!" I said and hugged and kissed him

"I knew you would love it!" He said

"Let me help you get it on!" He said and took the necklace and pusher my hair aside to put it on

"Here you go" he Said and turned me around

"It looks amazing on you honey. You are so beautiful with it on!" He said and looked at me

I blushed slightly

"After this beautiful present of yours. I got something for you as well" I said

He looked at me weirdly

"But it's not my..." He started

"I know, but I can't keep it secret anymore" I said

He looked confused at me.

"Sit down, please. I have to get something quick" I said and walked out of the living room to get the two packs with pregnancy test upstairs

How was I going to tell him, I had no idea, I thought to myself as I walked down the stairs

He looked up at me when I came back into the living room, and hide the pregnancy test behind my back.

He still looked at me confused and worried

"Please stop looking so worried, Mark. I promise it's not bad surprise for you!" I said as I sat down

"Okay, I'm just gonna say this straight out"

"You're going to be a daddy!" I said excited and looked at him, he looked at me

"Mark?" I said worrying

"I'm sorry, what did you say love?" He said an shook his head

"I said, you're going to be a daddy!" I repeated

Still no reaction, but then a big smile appeared on his face

"I'm going to be a daddy?" He said excited

"How, when did you found?" He said and pulled closer to me

"Yep, I'm pretty sure" I said and pulled the six pregnacy test out from behind my bag

He looked at them.

"All positive?"

"Yep!" I answered

He looked at me, then smiled and then hugged me thigtly

He let me go and kissed me

"I'm so happy, you have no idea. It's the best present ever!" He said and stood up

"I'm going to be a dad!" He said, he kneeled down to Scott and pet him

"Scott, we're going to have a little baby soon, I'm going to be a daddy and you have to help me protect the baby" he said and stood up

I laughed "I think we got it" I said

"Kate, your parents are coming over tonight for dinner, we have to tell them" he said and walked over to me and pulled me up

"Ops, not so fast Mark, you're going to hurt the baby" he said and put his hand my stomach.

"Babe, please try to relax, you're not hurting the baby!" I said and put my hand on his cheek

He smiled and placed his hand on top of mine

"Of cause not" he said

The day went by quickly, and before I knew it both my folks were standing outside the front door ringing on the door bell.

Dad had brought me flowers and a lovely ring. Mum had brought me a dress.

It was now seeing them again, they looked older, of cause, but not as much as I had feared.

The time came, to tell them the big news

"Mum and dad, Mark and I have something important to tell you" I said as we was sitting in the living room

"I'm pregnate, your going to have a grandkid" I said excited

My mum jumped out of the couch and over to Mark and I and hugged us both at them same time

"I'm so happy. I can't wait to get a grandson or daughter" she said and let go"

My dad walked to Mark and hugged him "congratulations, Mark!" He said

And then walked over to me and hugged me as well "and congratulations to you too, my little girl"

"Too bad Chad couldn't make it" he said

Chad is my little brother, he's currently travling around Europe, he left shortly after our wedding.

"Yeah, he would have loved it" I answered

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