
By ReigningMoxleys

21.9K 590 52

Layla and Randy never really got along on the best of terms. Layla doesn't understand why Randy is being a je... More

-"AllProblemsOfLoveandHate"- (WWE)
-Chapter 1-
-Chapter 2-
-Chapter 3-
-Chapter 4-
-Chapter 5-
-Chapter 6-
-Chapter 7-
-Chapter 8-
-Chapter 9-
-Chapter 10-
-Chapter 11-
-Chapter 12-
-Chapter 13-
-Chapter 14-
-Chapter 15-
-Chapter 16-
~Chapter 17~
~Chapter 18~
~Chapter 19~
~Chapter 20~
~Chapter 21~
-Chapter 22-
~Chapter 23~
~Chapter 24~
-Chapter 25-
~Chapter 26~

~Chapter 27~

611 24 3
By ReigningMoxleys

~3 months later~

   It has been three months and Randy and I have been going on strong. I love this man with all my heart and he is the sweetest thing. He is the best thing that has ever happened to mine. I had my wonderful friends Aj and Kaitlyn as well. I love life right now.

  Tonight Randy wants to take me out and yet again he refuses to tell me where we are going. I am debating on wether I should start hating surprises and or start enjoying them way more. I sat on my bed in the hotel room in my bra and under wear. It was 6: 30 at night and Randy told me to be reay by 7. He told me to dress casual so it shouldn't be so hard. I guess. I groan as I climb off the bed. The scent of strawberries filled my nose. It was my body wash that I used. I went into my suticase and I pulled out my  light blue skinny jeans, A white loose tak top and some comfortable sandals to match. Comfortable and casual enough right? I stood infront of the mirro and I honestly didn't feel like putting on any makeup so I just put on some lip gloss. I thought I looked presentable. I brushed my hair down and I felt satisfied with my appearance.

  I backed away from the mirror and I walked to the nightstand and I grabbed the hotel room key and my cell phone and I made my way out the room. I walked down the stairs this time. It was about 7 minutes to seven. I finally made it downstairs and I see Randy sitting on the couch in the lobby. I walked over to him and I kissed the back of his neck and he jumped. He looked back with hard eyes and then he relaxed when he looked at me. I chuckled softly and he stood up and he pulled me to him and he pecked my lips. "Don't do that!" He chuckles. I giggle and I kiss him and he grabs my hand. "Ready to go?" he asks smiling. I smile and I nod.

   He nodded and he led me out the hotel to a cab. We got inside and the car started driving. I honestly had no idea where we were going. He just held my hand the whole way. I smile and I lean my head on his shoulder and I relax. After a few minutes the car came to a stop. I looked out a window and I saw a fair. i smile hugely. I love the fairs. They are just so much fun. Randy and I got out of the car and he smiled down at me. I chuckled and I hugged him tightly. "Thank you Randy!!' I squeal happily. He chuckles and hugs me back. 'Anything for you baby" He said.

 ~Two Hours Later~

   We went on all of the rides that they had here. Randy and I won each other prizes. I got him a Bear holding a heart and he got me a big Penguin. We were now sitting down eating some pizza. I smile as we finish our food. I lean on his shoulder as I begin to get sleepy. "Baby?.. I wanna do something" Randy said softly. I sat up straight and I looked at him and nodded. I gave him a sleepy smile and he just chuckled. He got out of the seat and he got down on one knee. My eyes opened up completely and he smiled up at me. People began to gather around and I was just completely shocked. "baby you know you mean the world to me... I want you to be mine forever.. I love you so much baby..I dont want you to leave.. I want you to be my side.. and I know I will always be by yours... Layla.. babygirl.. Will you marry me?" He asked. He popped the question.

  I just sat there shocked. Tears were forming getting ready to fall down. I tried to open my mouth to say something but i couldn't. I was actually speechless. I just nodded my head like a bobble head. I was grinning from ear to ear. He smiled and tears were forming in his eyes as well as he put the ring on my finger. I hopped off the seat and I hugged him tightly as the crowd was cheering and clapping. I love Randy. I love My Fiance. I love my soon to be husband. I love him with all my heart. It has been crazy but I find it all worth it. I just knew it would work out some how in the end. I hated him but now I love him with every inch of my body.


 ( I hope all you lovely people enjoyed the story!!!!)

(The End of All Problems Of Love and HAte)

( Refer to friends if you want:) )

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