Untold Truths {Being Edited}

By biebs_richardismine

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[coмpleтed!!] "Ariana closed the door, and I heard her lock it. I let my tears fall, each one a memory of who... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter Unknown

Chapter 2

248 10 8
By biebs_richardismine

All throughout the first half of the day, I couldn't stop thinking about that blonde guy. HE didn't tell me his name, but said that Blondie was well known. I have to find out who Blondie is. HE must have a good reason to hate Blondie. Hopefully he's there at lunch.

The cafeteria: THE place to be if being judgmental is your thing. The staff avoid it; pretty sure they don't want to be incarcerated for shooting up the school because of someone bullying them. The kids love it..who wouldn't want to make out in public and have food fights and bully the different cliques around here? I was in line getting food, contemplating about the day so far. Earlier today, 2 of the populars here invited me to their table. I didn't want to go, but I didn't want to be rude. So I hesitantly agreed. They gave me the once-over and approved. So here I am, still deciding if I should go to the library, or sit with them. I ended up sitting with them. Low-key hypocrite, right?

The table has 4 girls, all populars. There are surrounding tables of amateurs who want to sit at the main table. Shannon is the top of the top popular, with thick platinum blond hair, tan skin, bright green eyes, a nice jawline, nails so long you could cut cake with them, straight eyebrows with a delicate arch, and a muscular body (round ass, might I include). Mariah is her second-in-command; she has ombre hair (dark brown with light brown), hazel eyes, dark skin, very arched eyebrows, small hands, big feet, and a slim body. You can tell she begs for Shannon's attention. Itzel is very pale with natural-thick straight black hair, tall, wears glasses, brown eyes(gray around them if you look closely), slim with growing curves, size 8 feet, Cara Delevigne eyebrows, and a cute crooked smile. Last but not least is Andrea. She looks like Selena Gomez, but with a skinnier face, a shade darker, and gray eyes. They all turned to face me with a smile and a fork in their hand.

"Hey guys," Shannon said, "This is Ariana. This is Andrea, Mariah, and Itzel. She's new to the 2nd semester and to the school." Mariah stared at me with jealousy in her eyes while Andrea and Itzel said hi and kept eating. I sat next to Itzel and began eating. "So," said Mariah, "how do you know Shannon?"

"Uh," I replied, " we have pre-calc together and she invited me here. She's really....chill."

"Chill? Is this 2015? We say cool, OK? Saying 'chill' makes it sound like you're a slut. Dumbass, I swear; right, Shannon?" said Mariah.

Excuse me? Who is this bitch calling 'dumbass'? Has she seen my grades? I must remain calm. I keep my mouth shut like a good girl and smile.

"You know, Mariah," I say calmly as I poke my salad. "It's not polite to call a girl a slut. Especially when the insulter looks like one herself.  But hey, that's just my opinion. Right, Mariah?"

Everyone is quiet for a moment. I see Itzel hiding a laugh, while Mariah opens her mouth in shock. It might be my first day, but how's that for a dumbass?

"Now, now," says Shannon, "let's not be rude to Ariana. It's her first day here. Sorry," she says to me, "Mariah sometimes forgets her manners. Don't you, Mariah?" Mariah looks down at her tray, hiding her anger.

"So, how do you like the school?," asks Shannon.

"It's big, and very...uh....nice."

"You know who is nice?" says Andrea. " Justin Blants. Damn, I would hit that real quick. No regrets."

"Andrea!" exclaims Itzel. "He's Shannon's ex. Man, there's something called limits."

"Yeaaahh," says Andrea while looking for this 'Justin'. "I never had those. Where is he?"

"At the dumpster, where he belongs." replies Shannon coldly. "I hate him, really." Shannon starts welling up and a tear falls from her eye. Mariah cleans her face before the tear reaches her nose.

"Oh it's ok, Shan," coos Mariah,  "He wasn't worth it. I hope he rots in hell. He never should have hurt you."

"I know." Shannon swats Mariah's hand away.

"He was probably cheating on you with Veronica. Biggest slut of all. Slept with the principal and geometry teacher, from what I heard. She'll never admit it, though," says Andrea.

"Yeah, I guess. I've seen her hang with him a lot nowadays. Well, lunch is almost over. Sorry by starting your day off with drama, Ariana," says Shannon. "How improper."

"It's fine."

"Speaking of boyfriends," said Itzel. "Do you have one?"

"Yes. I love him a lot."

"Who is he?"

"Let's call him HE for now. He prefers to not reveal his name."

"Oh. Any exes?" Asks Shannon.

"My ex was not...able to be with me," I hesitantly say.

"Why?" asked Mariah. "Was it because of a secret?"

"No. I just couldn't be with him. It was too much."

"What's his name?"

"Marc." Everyone at the table went quiet.

"From the ac-"

"Yes. I don't like to talk about it."

Shannon laid a hand on my arm. "I'm so sorry."

"Well, enough about me. I want to know who this Justin Bran is."

Everyone starts to laugh. "Blants," says Shannon. "It's Justin Blants. Hottest guy ever. But every prize has a catch. In his case, being a player."

Oh. He sounds divine. Very divine.

"There he goes." In walks Blondie. Oh damn. Andrea was right. I would hit that if I wasn't with HE. This time everything underneath the gray hoodie is free. Now, he's wearing a v-neck white shirt with blue jeans. He looks like an angel. He started to walk towards us. Here we go, I thought.

"Hey, girls," said Blondie. "Hey, have we seen each other before?"
Shannon turns to look at me with a hint of jealousy. "You've seen her before?" she asks him.

" Yeah.......oh yeah!!! I knocked you over on my skateboard!" He exclaims.

"Unfortunately," I say.

"Sorry we met that way. I'm Bie-, Blants! Justin Blants. My bad. Shay," he says while looking at Shannon, "used to call me that stupid Bieber guy. Says I look like him a lot."

She's not wrong. Wouldn't be surprised if they were related.

"Ariana." I introduce myself. He smiles and takes my extended hand. "Nice to meet you, Ariana." He shakes my hand and holds on 2 seconds too long. I pull away.

"So, um, how's your head?," he asks.

"It's fine. Got a little bump, but I feel fine. Fine, fine, divine!" What is up with me? Focus, Ari. He still likes Shannon. I can do this; I won't let my guard down. Just be cool and cute.

"Yeah. I'm fine," I say.

A moment passes.

"Well, I should be going now. I'll see you around, Ariana?"

"Yeah" I say, "See you."

He turns to leave and starts walking to the doors. Before he opens the door, he looks at me and smiles. He turns around and leaves. My knees went weak. FOCUS! I go back to my food and see Shannon giving me low-key death stares. This year is going to be great.

Give me your opinions in the comment section.

Thanks for reading!!

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