Fix Me I'm Not Broken.

By countingfeathers

77.4K 1.9K 454

Slave!Dean and Owner!Cas Hurt!Dean Human!Cas Lots of violence, mentions of rape,and torture. TONS of Hurt... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Please Read My Bio

Chapter 7

4.1K 100 19
By countingfeathers

Castiel was a little confused until he remembered that Dean had shouted at Pamela, usually Dean's voice barely went above a whisper, but this time he fully spoke, even a little louder than necessary.
"Dean, it's alright, I'm not mad at you"
Castiel said reassuringly and started petting Dean's hair. The Doctor walked in on the scene and took a seat with his computer in front of them.
"Hello, I'm doctor Robert Singer, but you probably already knew that"
"Thank you Doctor singer, for checking Dean out" Castiel said
"Oh call me Bobby, no need to be formal here and no problem always happy to help"
Yeah right, Dean thought, happy to help cut my balls off.
"Why don't we get Dean seated on the table and we can get started" Dean began trembling, no oh god please no, he knew he couldn't trust them, trust Cas, everything was way to good to be true, oh god.  He clung to the only piece of hope he had left and then whispered
"Sir, please don't"
"Dean it's okay, you're just gonna go and sit on the table, you're going to be perfectly safe"
"Sir" Dean whimpered "please don't lie to me sir, I'll behave I promise, it's just-"  Dean trailed off
"Just what Dean?" Castiel prompted
"It's just- I'm sc-scared, I don't I-I. The last time I went to the doctor sir, he um he drugged me."
"He drugged you?" Castiel said, his voice was concerned and a little mad.
"Ye-yes, I think, and then I couldn't move for like 3 days, they had to feed me with a tube a-and while I was like that a lot of people used me sir, maybe 10 or 12 people per day and I just, I was so sore afterwards I-"
Dean was cut short when he felt strong arms around his thin frame and he let go, he started crying into his masters neck while Cas assured him that everything he had been through was gonna stay behind him, but Dean knew that even though he was pretty fast,  some things were faster and would eventually catch up with him.
Castiel's heart broke, shattered, and bled out of his body when he heard what Dean had been through, and the worst part is that he knew it wasn't even all of it. He had just felt a strong urge to hug the man and he did. He rubbed his back and felt the protruding bones from his spine. Oh god, Castiel thought, how could he never notice that Dean was so malnourished.
"I'll get on the table sir" he heard the barely there whisper from Dean.
"Dean everything is gonna be okay" he didn't know if he was talking to himself or Dean this time.
Dean got up, wiped his tear streaked face and shyly sat on the table.
Dean decided that he was going to behave for Cas after all that he had done for him, whatever was going to happen there in the office he was going to be good and take it.
"Okay boy" the doctor said "I don't know what just happened there, but I promise I won't try nothing without you knowing that alright with you kid?"
Dean nodded slowly, but began trembling when the doctor stood from the chair that he had been sitting on this whole time and brought out a weird metal thing from a drawer.
"You know what this is kid?" The doctor asked him.
"No, um- no sir, are-I'm sorry sir don't hurt me please, I-I don't know what that is, I'm stupid sir, I can barely read and-" He was interrupted by Cas
"You are not stupid Dean"
"But-but I-"
"He's right Dean, you ain't stupid" the doctor soothed and Dean blushed furiously and vowed his head. If he was with one of his old masters he would've surely gotten the beating of his life right now, as it was he just got a comforting hand on his shoulder and a sad smile.
"Okay, let me explain to you, so this is a stethoscope and the metal end goes on your chest and it allows me to listen to your heart, it won't hurt you, it may just feel a little cold because I'm gonna ask you to take off your shirt alright? So we can get a look at that rib of yours" Dean was trembling like crazy as he took off his shirt and handed it to Cas who was still sitting a fair distance away from him. He heard Castiel and the doctor simultaneously gasp. He knew why, his whole chest and back were covered in bruises and cuts and even though Castiel had bandaged him and had seen some of the damage, right now with the lighting of the office the bruises and cuts looked more prominent than ever.
"What happened to you boy!?" The doctor said
"I-it's not- they're not all my fault, my last owner said he liked when I- when I screamed so he just um- he did whatever" Dean said adding a quick sir at the end just to be safe.
"Okay, well I'll listen to your heart now alright?"
Dean felt the cold metal part touching his chest.
"Damn kid your heart is going way too fast, you gotta relax a bit" he chuckled
Then Dean saw the doctor get behind him and felt his eyes on the whip marks that littered his back.
"Is he going to need stitches?" Castiel asked with concern.
"He would've, but the healing is in too far, no worries though I'll give you a prescription for some antibiotics and pain meds, maybe a cream to help scarring, you know all the good stuff"
"Sounds good" Castiel said.
Dean felt the cold metal thing on his back and he whimpered a little bit, at least it wasn't on one of his lashes.
"Breath in deep for me"
Dean did.
"Now out"
Dean exhaled
They repeated that at least 5 times while the doctor placed the metal end on different parts of Dean's back and rushed to write something down on his computer.
"Well you have a broken rib for sure, I'll prescribe you some stuff for that. Anything else bothering you kid?"
"Um- my, never mind, nothing sir"
"Dean it's okay " Castiel assured
"My feet they're pretty messed up sir"
"Okay, let me see"
He knelt in front of where Dean was sitting took his right foot on his hand and took his shoe off.
"Oh boy" the doctor gasped. Dean's feet were covered with sores and they had no skin in a few places as well as bruises and some broken nails.
"I wasn't allowed to wear shoes, I'm sorry sir, I don't want to cause any trouble"
"No trouble Dean"
"Novak, bandage his feet and his back, once a day you hear, and if he's still in pain after three weeks you bring him back alright?"
"Of course"
"For the rib, we'll just need to keep the pain down and hope for the best, but it'll heal just fine if left alone, as well as the feet and back"
"Now Dean I'm going to have to know about your sexual history and draw blood to test for sugar levels and STDS"
Fuck! Dean was scared now, well he was always scared, but this time it was worse, the doctor just told him they were going to make him bleed! Why? What does it matter if he has STDS or diabetes? Oh wouldn't that be a show if he had diabetes! With how much he ate the past 20 years they would be lucky to find a grain of sugar in his whole system. Nonetheless it was what Castiel wanted so he nodded weakly, the doctor sat on his chair and asked
"Do you want Castiel here? Or do you want him to leave? It's just 3 questions, but they might be private"
"Can-can he stay?" He said to the doctor but directed his eyes at Castiel.
"Of course" Castiel said.
"Alright, First question, since when have you been sexually active?"
Shit. Now Cas was going to think he is a slut.
"Um- since I was 9 I think, maybe 10 sir I'm not sure"
"What?!" Castiel asked enraged, "You were 9 years old, Jesus Dean"
"I'm sorry" Dean whispered
"Don't apologize kid, it wasn't your fault"
Dean couldn't answer, didn't know how, he was a SEX slave for crying out loud. He was used for that and nothing more, he didn't want to cause pity, gosh he hated when people pitied him.
"Next question, how many partners have you had the last year?"
Castiel gasped again and Dean resisted the urge to roll his eyes.
"Most of them were man I assume" The doctor said.
"Yes sir"
"Did you use a condom in any of the sexual encounters?" The doctor was looking at him with that stupid kicked puppy look and Dean had enough with Castiel's bullshit and this Doctor's fake sympathy. A condom, yeah a fucking condom, what kind of question was that? Of course he never wore a goddamn condom it was never his fucking choice, he didn't care if he got beat at this point he laughed out loud, it was a fake laugh, and he basically screamed
Cas was looking at him with a dumbfounded look and doctor Singer just looked guilt, they didn't look mad though which was a relief.
"I'm- I'm sorry, I didn't mean I- sorry"
"It's okay Dean I get it. You have every right to be mad, just one more question and we're almost done."
"Okay"Dean said quietly.
"Ever been tested for STDS?"
"No sir"
"Okay, well you are about to"Bobby said cheerily.
Dean looked up at him, he hadn't even realized he had vowed his head since it was such a natural position.
The doctor stood up and brought a needle.
"No sir please don't drug me! I'm sorry for being rude sir don't please master please don't let him drug me Cas please!" Dean cried out.
"It's just a needle kid, for your blood remember? You might feel a small pinch, but it won't hurt you I promise"
Dean was shaking.
"Here, hold on to my hand" Castiel said, standing up and offering Dean his hand. Dean took it and clutched it like a lifeline. The doctor cleaned a part of Dean's fore arm with cotton and alcohol and stuck the needle in for a few seconds and then pulled it out and put a band-aid on Dean's little bruise that had begun to form.
"Great! You did good kid" Doctor Singer said.
"Thank you sir" Dean said with a trembling voice.
"Novak, remember what I said about his injuries, the medicine should be already in the pharmacy, under your name, just go and pick them up. They come with instructions too, so you know when and how to take them an all that good stuff"
"I'll take care of it" Castiel said
"How you feelin' Dean?"
"Good sir"
"Well, then you guys are free to go, I want to see Dean again next month, if not sooner"
"I'll call you"
Castiel shook the doctor's hand and then the doctor offered his hand to Dean. Dean took it shyly and noticed the doctor's strong grip compared to his barely there grip.
"Nice meeting you sir" Dean meant it genuinely.
"You too" Doctor singer said.
"Goodbye" Castiel said
And with that they walked out the door and a huge weight was lifted off of Dean's chest.
What did y'all think?! I loved writing this chapter!!!!! It was kind of emotional for me. I feel really bad for Dean, but he's changing little by little and I'm very proud of him. CAS is so freaking nice and BOBBY OMG!
Okay so, supernatural finally comes back this week and I was gonna get this chapter out as a celebratory chapter on Wednesday, but I finished early so I figured why not?
Anyway, I might take longer to update the next chapter since I'm having more and more and more tests!! Yey how fun!!!
Um.... What else? Just be cool and love yourself cuz you're worth it, also if that jerk is not treating you right get away from them (this applies to everyone) cause you only need yourself to be happy. I love y'all and I hope To see you soon. :)
Music recommendation: Renegades by X Ambassadors.

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