If My Memory Serves Me Right

By RageandBrutalLove

62.3K 2.1K 1.1K

*Sequel to As My Memory Rests* Cassandra has finally settled in with the Armstrongs, and is starting her Juni... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Author's Note

Chapter 13

1.8K 67 52
By RageandBrutalLove

Cassandra's POV:  

On the car ride home I texted Ryan saying  

'Hey, I'm really sorry I've pissed you off, but it's my life and you aren't my dad, you can't dictate what I do(well neither can he really) can we please forget about this?'  

but he hadn't responded and it was almost 8 now. I had finished my HW and was curled up in sweats and a thin, loose, zip up on the couch. I would be in my room, but Emily's Army was way too loud for me while I was in my room. I stared at my phone not saying anything just waiting for Ryan to text back. He had received my message but was choosing to ignore me. I felt a single tear roll down my cheek.  

"You okay Cassy?" Cole asked coming into the room. I quickly wiped away my tears and nodded. "Whats wrong?" he asked,  

I sighed and said, "Oh nothing."  

"C'mon princess, tell me!" Cole said sitting down next to me.  

"Really, it's not that big of a deal." I whispered.  

"Cassy, do you think I'm that stupid? Tell me what's wrong right now!" he demanded.  

"Well remember how I told you that Ryan was ignoring me and you said he will come around?" I asked.  

"Yep!" he said popping the 'P' and giving me a smile.  

"Well he hasn't come around. I texted him and he read it but ignored me! I don't know what to do." I sighed. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him, I was almost on his lap. I buried my head into his chest as he spoke.  

"Oh Cassy, just give it time. He would be stupid if he ignored you forever and I know he's not. Don't freak out, he's probably just jealous that someone asked you out. I mean even if he doesn't like you, as your friend he has the right to get jealous. Don't worry yourself too much princess." Cole said and he kissed my cheek.  

"Thanks I'm going to go to bed." I said. Cole nodded and let me up.  

"I love you." I said giving him another hug.  

"I love you too." he whispered. I walked out of the living room and ran into Joey, who look confused and slightly angry.  

"Hey." I smiled.  

"Hi." he said before running into the kitchen and living room area. Suddenly I heard yelling. "DUDE WHAT THE HELL? THAT'S MY SISTER DID I NOT MAKE IT CLEAR? SHE'S OFF LIMITS." Joey yelled.  

"Dude, calm Down! Nothing is going on between us!" Cole yelled back.  

"Nothing going on? NOTHING GOING ON? I saw you guys! I heard you too! Don't bullshit me Cole. I told all of you she's off limits." Joey screamed.  

"Look, even if I wanted something between us, it wouldn't happen. She has a date on Saturday!" Cole said. Dammit Cole, I didn't want him to find out, at least not yet.  

"Oh. She does? Well good for her, uh sorry Cole." Joey said. God Joey is protective but I'm not going to lie, it was nice. As I was about to walk up the stairs my phone buzzed. It was Ryan  

'Hey, Cassy. I'm sorry I was such an ass. I just don't want you getting hurt but I understand its your life and your decision. Please don't hate me! I love you Cassy.'  

I smiled wide.  

'It's okay. I love you too Ry.'  

I clicked send and ran back into the living room.  

"Hey Cole, guess who just texted me back?" I squealed and he smiled.  

"Aww good! I told you he'd come around!' Cole said and I gave him a huge hug.  

"Who are you talking about, your date?" Joey asked. I slapped Cole for telling Joey and rolled my eyes.  

"No, Ryan was being annoying and ignoring me but it's okay now. By the way, it's none of your business who I date." I said.  

"You heard?" "People in China could hear you!" "Well, as your older brother I think it is my business." Joey said.  

"Yeah okay Joey." I rolled my eyes but gave him a hug before running upstairs again.  


I finished straightening my hair and doing my makeup. Everything looked perfect. I wore a cream white flowing tank top with pink flowers, a grey cardigan, dark blue skinny jeans, and brown combat boots. I fixed my makeup one more time and grabbed my purse as the doorbell rang. I ran downstairs hoping to get to the door before Billie, but as I reached the bottom of the stairs, I saw Billie opening the door.  

"Hi, you must be Logan." Billie said.  

"Hello Mr. Armstrong, it's nice to meet you." Logan said putting out his hand to shake Billie's.  

"Cassy!!" Billie yelled.  

"God, calm down, I'm right here, no need to shout!" I giggled as I watched Billie jump, I don't think he was expecting me to be right there.  

"Oh hi." he said sheepishly.  

"Hi Logan." I said stepping out side and giving him a small hug. Logan smiled and hugged me. He rubbed my back his hand lingering only the slightest bit towards my butt.  

"Wow, you look great!" Logan exclaimed. Billie shot me a protective look but I rolled my eyes.   "Well have fun you two!" Billie said.  

"Thanks dad." I said.  

"I will have her back by 7 sir." Logan said and I giggled at Logan being so polite.  

"Alright, no worries see you tonight, Cassy!" Billie said I nodded.  

I give Billie a quick hug and whispered, "Thanks for letting me go." very quietly.  

"Love you kiddo." he whispered back equally as quiet. I smiled and walked away with Logan.  

"Wow Punk, never would've pegged you as a daddy's girl." Logan smirked as we drove away from my house.   "Yeah? I would've ever pegged you for a suck up!" I retorted.  

"Touché but is it so wrong I wanted to make a good impression?" Logan asked.  

I smiled, "No it's not at all."   

"So, you hungry?" he asked.  


"Pizza okay?"  

"Sounds perfect!" Logan swung into a parking space and we got out of the car. I stepped and walked beside Logan towards the pizza joint. My stomach knotted itself when I saw where we were. It was the place my mom and I used to go to.  

"Hey are you okay?" Logan asked,  

"I-" I tried speaking but I couldn't, Logan didn't really know why I lived with Billie and not my mom, but I think he just put it together. "Hey, it's alright, we don't have to eat here if you don't want." he said wrapping his arms around me. I wrapped my arms around him and inhaled his intense axe cologne, it was too much, I wanted dot gag, but I wasn't going to pass up hugging the hottest guy at Piedmont High.  

"Thanks. Lets go in, I'm okay now."  

"You sure?" he asked.  

"Yeah, seriously I want the pizza." I said and Logan smiled.  

"Well okay." he said. We walked in and waited in line.  

"So you used to live here, huh?" he asked.  

"Yup. Just a few blocks away from here actually!" I smiled.  

"Do you miss your old friends?" he asked.  

"Not really. I mean they weren't really the best friends you could have, I was kinda invisible." I said.  

"I can't imagine that!" Logan said.  

"Why not?" I asked genuinely curious.  

"Have you seen yourself? You're hot!" he said, I began blushing.  

"Well thanks, you're the first person to say that to me." I said truthfully.  

"You hang out with the wrong people then." Logan said hugging me from the side. We ordered pizza slices and sat down at a table.  

"So have you started on the science project yet?" I asked before shoving pizza in my mouth.  

"Really we are going to talk about school on a date?" he asked.  

"Well sorry, what do you wanna talk about?" I giggled.

"You know Grace, right?" Logan asked and I nodded. She was the most popular girl in school.

"She just got an abortion!"

" WHAT?"

"True story, she told me!"  

"Whose the Dad?" I asked.  

"My bets on Cole Becker." Logan said.  

"Ew no. It's definitely not. She's not even his type." I said.

"How would you know?" Logan raised an eyebrows with a smirk. I knew what he was thinking.  

"No! God no. Nothing like that. He's my friend, hell he's like my brother!"  

"Incest." Logan chuckled as he muttered under his breath.  

"Ugh. That's disgusting. I'm going to go jump off a cliff now. Thanks for ruining my life!" I said sarcastically, kicking him under the table.  

"Ow! Ow! Okay, let's go get ice cream!" Logan said, throwing away our cups and plates. We walked for awhile, just talking and laughing. He was great-no perfect. There was never a dull moment. We stood in line to get ice cream band then Logan drug me up a hill to a bench that had a really pretty view.  

"I've had a lot of fun today." I said taking a few licks of my ice cream.  

"Yeah me too, this has been great." Logan rested his arm behind me on the bench and I smiled.   "

Hey Logan? You have a bit of ice cream on your face." I giggled.  


"Righhhttttt. There." I said lightly pushing my ice cream cone onto his nose. I began laughing as he frowned and whipped his nose. "You're cute when you're angry." I smiled.  

"You have ice cream on your face too you know." He was done with ice cream so he had to be serious. My eyes got big as I became very embarrassed.  

"Where?" I said covering my face. He pulled my hands off my face and scooted towards me.  

"Righhhttttt. Here." he whispered and pressed his lips to mine. I was shocked but closed my eyes and let myself melt away, he was my first real kiss besides that creepy guy in tour and I was loving every minute of this. He hands were resting on my back and I had my arms wrapped sound his neck. Our lips moved in sync together and apart. Finally I pulled off the kiss, wearing a goofy smile.  


"We should head home." Logan said and I nodded. "That was a great kiss." he said, intertwining our hands.  

"Yeah." I sighed.  

"This means you're my girlfriend, right?" he asked. And I nodded happily.  


"Thanks for today, I had so much fun." I said as Logan pulled up to my house.  

"Me too." he said planting another quick kiss on my lips.  

"See you Monday punk!" He smirked.  

"Later Suck-Up" I laughed and walked to my door.  

"I'm home!" I called as I walked in.  

"How was the date?" Billie asked giving me a hug and messing up my hair. Joey and Jakob hated this type of affection from Billie but I couldn't get enough because I know every hug could be the last.  

"Great! I guess I'm dating him now." I said.  

"Oh really?" Billie asked.  

"Well yeah, I think you would like him." I said.  

"Maybe, I guess we'll see." Billie said sarcastically.

"Dinner's ready." he said. I nodded and followed him into the dining room.


A/N: Hey guys! Sorry we've been slow on the updates my computer must hate this chapter or something because it wasn't posting:( But its up now so let us know what you think! What are your opinions on Logan? Anyone else you would want Cassy to be with? ~Jane

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