The billionaire and the mobst...

By VoltageWriter

27.5K 967 228

The Mafia is all about killing and murdering people,taking away their lives.That's what I grew up to believe... More

Chapter 1:Andrea and Rex,nice to meet you
Chapter 2:Bodyguard
Chapter 3:What a way to start the day
Chapter 4:Ice vs Fire
Chapter 5:Entertaining night
Tagged yo!
Chapter 6:Ambush
Chapter 7:What is this feeling?
Chapter 8:Boyfriend
Chapter 9:Idiot!
New Book!
Chapter 10:My life as a mobster
Chapter 11:Auctions
Chapter 12:Baba!This is all your fault!
Chapter 13:The mobster or The billionaire.
Chapter 15:Mine
New Book!Check it out?

Chapter 14:Wedding bells and laughter

1.4K 54 2
By VoltageWriter

A confession?!

I stare at the both of them as they stared back at me intently.Yet,I can't deny the feelings that I've come to harbour for Soryu.I never knew it was possible to fall in love with him,but I guess I did.

We have the same tastes so I guess that was sort of a boost.But deep down,I knew I had fallen in love with him,even before I knew about it.

But then,I thought about something.


I slowly shook my head at the both of them as I whispered out his name.They both looked crestfallen before a message beeped on my phone.Speak of the devil...

Ban:Hey...let's break up

Those words hit me like a ton of bricks as I slowly broke down in tears.Was our love as feeble as that?For it to end on a simple text message?Soryu embraced me as I cried into his chest.I never cried but this....this was just too much.

I barely heard the door close as I saw Eisuke flash me a sad smile before leaving.Well....I guess Ban doesn't need me anymore now....huh?

I gently pulled away from Soryu as I deleted all the photos I took of him and I.It would only bring painful memories.Soryu stared at me as I did that.I sighed wearily as I finally placed me phone back down when he tilted up my chin,and placed a firm kiss on my lips.

~~~3 months later~~~

I pushed Eisuke down as the bullet whizzed past is.God,can't this guys stay out of trouble for even one minute?!I grit my teeth as I hauled Eisuke to my feet and started running whilst trying to stay out of the way of the bullets.

We continued running and we didn't stop until we reached Tres Spades where Eisuke told Kenzaki to increase the security by the main entrance.We went inside the elevator and stepped inside the lounge and saw the usual gang there.

"Andrea!You're not hurt are you?!"

Being the overprotective boyfriend he is,Soryu rushes over to me as he checked me,head to toe.

"I'm fine Soryu!It was just another attack,nothing unusual.This is why,he has a bodyguard."I say calmly to Soryu as he sighed.

"I know but it's unnerving for me if I suddenly hear that you got injured or worse killed because of this.I can never forgive myself....."Soryu said glumly as I chuckled.

"Stop being such a worrywart!I'm here now,aren't I?"I said as I embraced him.

"Save the lovey-dovey stuff for the bedroom.Unless,you'd like to put on a show for us"Eisuke smirked as we pulled away from each other.

Soryu P.O.V.

I met Eisuke in his suite that night when Andrea had to go visit her brother for something.I knew something was up the minute I stepped into his suite.

"What do you need?"I asked as I sat down,opposite from him

"So I guess there really is no chance of Andrea loving me....huh?"he chuckled weakly as I raised an eyebrow.

"I thought you gave up on her"

"Come on Sor,even you know that she's the first woman I've ever loved,the first woman to open up my heart.It's not that easy to give up,is it?"

I slowly nodded since I agreed on that.In the years I've known Eisuke,I knew that he has never loved a woman in his whole life.Ever.

Sorry Eisuke...but she's just that one thing I can't let you have...

I thought as Eisuke gulped down his wine.


"Soryu!Hurry up!"Andrea shouted as I finished tying up my shoelaces on my sports shoe.

"Alright alright!I'm coming!"

We were going out for a jog at the park since Andrea complained that she was getting fat though I protested since she was already so thin!But then,she gave me those puppy dog eyes and my resistance faded as I agreed.

We jogged side by side till we came across an old man who was looking around for something.

"Sir?Are you alright?"Andrea went to his side as he squinted his eyes up at me.

"O-oh,I'm very sorry,but could you mishaps help me look for my glasses?It looks like I dropped them"

Andrea and I looked for them till I found them and gave it to him.

"Ah,thank you very much"

He said as he smiled kindly at us."Your very welcome"Andrea smiled back warmly as I stared at her lovingly.

"You two are just made for each other!I hope there'll be the sounds of wedding bells and children's laughter in your future!"

We both blushed profusely as the old man smiled once more and walked away.

Wedding bells huh....

Well....that may happen soon in our future.....

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