Two Into One (Clexa)

By Kashymcgraa

88.7K 2.2K 434

Lexa doesn't take the alliance with the Mountain Men and fights alongside Clarke. Lexa gets injured in battle... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One

Chapter Three

3.8K 106 33
By Kashymcgraa

I own nothing

The trip to the pond was long, frustrating and worrisome for Clarke. The warriors showed great patience with her and her concern for their Heda. They made stops continuously for Clarke to provide Lexa with water. Especially after she realised that Lexa was feverish. Obviously there was still poison in her system, from her back wound and from the other alleged wounds that Nyko hinted to.

Clarke tried to convince Lexa to return to Camp Jaha and have Abby treat her under her supervision. She vetoed it though when Lexa promised to run Abby through with her dagger if she touched her. Clarke sighed irritated and continued to lead the stubborn woman on.

Once they came upon the healing pond though Clarke could understand its appeal. They were at the base of a small rock face coming off a hill. A stream ran off it creating a small waterfall into a pond. The water continued on the other side of the pond as another stream, disappearing off into the woods. There was a small clearing around it of fresh grass. The whole clearing itself was only about 80 meters in diameter, pond and clearing inclusive.

"It's beautiful" she whispered and Lexa raised her head from where she had it balanced on her shoulder.

"That's the fresh water pond. The healing pond is in a cave within the rocks behind the waterfall" she whispered around a raw dry throat.

"Oh" Great. So she had to get a worn out, feverish Lexa over slippery rocks, through a probably freezing cold waterfall to get to the pond. Yeah, no trouble at all.

She brought her horse to a halt and throwing her leg forwards over its head slid easily to the ground. She turned just in time to catch a weak Lexa as she attempted to dismount.

"Do you have a death wish? I swear Lexa!" She growled and sighed when Lexa looked up at her with feverish green eyes and asked

"Swear what?"

"Never mind" she shook her head and turned to a guard, nodding her head and indicating he come to her. He hurried over and she handed over Lexa even as the woman protested. She wasn't able to stand on her own two feet, the poison having weakened her. She gave up the struggle quickly, easily tired.

"While we are here I'm in charge Ok." She informed him and he looked confused between the weak Heda he was holding like a baby and his skaiprisa. He was torn. Clarke sighed "Just until she is stronger ok. I need you to do as I say so I can concentrate on making her better"

"Sha skaiprisa" he nodded

"Good. Take her to the healing pond and be careful. I will be there as soon as I unpack the supplies I need." She instructed and he bowed his head before turning and hurrying towards the waterfall. Clarke quickly glanced at the other guards who were unpacking saddle bags between watching their Heda worriedly.

She turned to her own bags, collecting her medicine backpack, a fresh container of water and some dried salted meat strips to take into the cave. Once she had collected the supplies she headed over to the other guards and they paused as she neared.

"Clear the area close to the cave for your Heda's tent. Then organise a camp fire to keep us warm." She instructed and they nodded "make sure one person is within ear shot of the cave at all times in case I need assistance"

"Sha skaiprisa" they vowed.

"Not one word of what happens here or how sick your Heda is will ever make it back to Camp Jaha understood"

"Sha skaiprisa"

"Good" Clarke nodded "thankyou for being here and protecting us" and while they shared confused glances she hurried off towards the cave.

When she got close she noticed the waterfall was out from the edge of the Rock face which allowed her to get through without getting soaked by the icy water. The spray in the air had her shivering bad enough.

Upon entering the cave she found that it was small, only about 5 meters in diameter. Light coming through the waterfall from outside was enough light source for her to see a small rock pond in the centre of the cave with steam rising from it.

The guard stood tall over Lexa who was sitting propped up against the rock wall trying to get her boots off. It was only then that the realisation that she was going to have to help Lexa undress, possibly see her naked, hit her. Oh God. Her body betrayed her as it suddenly sprung to life and she berated herself. She was acting like a horny teenage boy about to get his first sight of a naked girl instead of a healer trying to help her friend. Clenching her jaw she hurried forward, dumping her gear on the ground near Lexa and slapping at her useless fingers which were fumbling at the straps of her boots.

"Leave us" she ordered the guard "Go help the others ready the camp"

"Sha skaiprisa" he bowed his head and hurried out of the cave

"You love bossing my men around" Lexa croaked and Clarke paused in her efforts to take off the boots, looking up at the brunette

"Someone's got to" she smirked and finally tugged the boot off revealing a delicate foot. It seemed frail and weak for a fearless Heda but Clarke knew looks could be deceiving. The blisters on them didnt go without notice either. Turning to the other foot she quickly removed it after working out all the buckles. It was in the same condition as the first.

"Right lets get you undressed" Clarke stated matter-of-factly and concentrated really hard at trying to undo the 3 buckles of Lexas belt. Cursing when her shaking fingers struggled with the first buckle, aware of Lexa's amused gaze on her.

"Not exactly how I imagined getting naked with you" the brunette croaked out and Clarke paused and sighed. This was difficult enough without the innuendo.

"I imagine not. Save the teasing for when you have strength back ok." She growled and finally got the first buckle undone before moving onto the next.

"Sha skaiprisa" Lexa smirked and tipped her head back on the wall. She couldn't wait to get in the water and start feeling its soothing powers. Her own body felt foreign to her.

Soon the belt was undone and thrown aside. Clarke was glad Lexa wasn't wearing her leg braces with it. Or her arm protectors. Upon removing her gloves she had only Lexa's shirt and pants to remove. Top first and then she would need Lexa to stand before removing the pants.

"Ok. Lets start with the shirt then get you to stand to do the pants." She paused and bit her lip "This will hurt"

"I know" Lexa sighed and leant forward. With great effort she raised her arms above her head. Clarke leant forward too so their heads were nearly touching and reached for the hem of the shirt, pulling it up slowly, pausing when Lexa hissed.

"I'm sorry" Clarke whispered and quickly as she could, trying her best to block out Lexas cry of pain pulled the shirt up and over the brunettes head and off her arms. Tossing the shirt in the same direction as the belt she looked down at her friend, soon to be partner, maybe more. She didnt know. Lexa was sweating and breathing harshly.

Clarke took a quick glance at her bared body, noting the cuts and bruises with the medical part of her brain while the rest was transfixed by dark skin and two small but perfect globes topped with dark nipples. She bit back a groan as her own nipples hardened in response and she told herself to concentrate.

"You ok to stand?" She asked Lexa and the woman groaned but managed to make an effort to get to her feet with the help of Clarke, leaning heavily against the wall and using her hands on Clarkes shoulders for balance. Her head tipped forward to rest against Clarke so they were forehead to forehead. Gazes clashed and held momentarily. Fever in green, concern in blue but underlying both was the attraction that just would not go away.

"Clarke" Lexa whispered and Clarke sighed.

"I know" she brought a hand up to cup the brunettes cheek "later. Once you've healed. We will talk"

"Sha" Lexa sighed, hope and determination filling her as she turned her head to kiss Clarke's palm, smiling gently at the startled breath Clarke sucked in.

Clarke brushed her thumb across pouty lips then withdrew her hand to focus on undoing Lexas pants. The button and zip parted easily but the pants were tight and took some effort to push down over slim hips and thighs before dropping easily to Lexas ankles leaving her totally nude and open to Clarkes gaze.

In the back of her mind she was aware of long tanned and toned legs that seemed to go on forever. Her mouth went dry at the dark triangle of curls at their junction but all that was pushed aside at what else was revealed. An ugly graze across her left hip about 4 inches long, which if she wasn't wrong looked like a bullet had grazed her. Another jagged wound even longer ran down her right thigh.

"Is that a bite mark?" She asked horrified looking at her calf

"The reaper who clawed my back latched on before I could kill him" Lexa sighed letting her body relax into Clarkes and two strong arms came around her.

"Whoa. Ok. Lets get you into the pond" Clarke instructed.

"You too" Lexa insisted

"Lexa" Clarke sighed as she drew back a bit and started guiding the woman to the pond.

"I know you are injured too" Lexa stated "and I am too weak to be alone."

"It's not a good idea. " Clarke sighed while eyeing the water with longing. It did look good. But naked with Lexa was dangerous. Oh get it together Clarke. She was far too ill. "Let me organise fresh clean clothes and I will be back." Clarke promised.

Lexa thought about it for a second while lowering herself into the water with Clarkes assistance. She sighed when the warm water enveloped her aching body. It felt so good.

"5 minutes or I'm coming after you"

"You would wouldn't you" Clarke sighed and unable to resist pressed a kiss to her brow "Don't fall asleep and drown in the meantime" she teased as she stood and made her way to the entrance. Upon entering the clearing she could see the guards had already cleared the immediate area for Lexas tent, collected rocks for the fire pit and organised the horses that were grazing in the area. They paused upon seeing her and stood tall as if proud of their accomplishments.

"It looks good. Nyko will be here later with the camping equipment. Lexa and I will be in the cave until he arrives" she informed before going to her saddle bag and searching it for any signs of clean clothes. She found a shirt for them each but not much else besides a blanket. Guess that would have to do until she could wash their clothes. They were well past the need of a good cleaning.

Carrying her load back into the cavern she found Lexa sunk right down in the water with merely her head resting against the edge of the pool. Hoping the brunette was half asleep and hadnt heard her she placed aside the fresh items and started to hastily strip. Once naked she turned and paused, shocked at finding Lexa staring straight at her.

Lexa was momentarily stunned by the beauty of Clarke, her womanly curves, long toned limbs, flat stomache but above all pink tipped breast which were larger than her own and the proof she was a true blonde.

"You're staring" Clarke hissed while belatedly trying to cover herself with her hands. Lexa couldn't help but smirk at how useless it proved and turned her head away to help Clarkes modesty. Resting it back against the rock.

"You are very beautiful" she whispered before turning her mind to what else she saw on Clarkes body "but a hypocrite. You too are injured"

Clarke finally came around enough from the shock of green eyes raking her body and moved towards the small pond. Yes she was injured. She was covered in massive bruises, some scrapes and a few cuts but nothing to the extreme Lexa was.

Still as she slid into the warm water opposite Lexa, not wanting to be too close, she had to admit it felt damn good. Her aching muscles felt instantly soothed in the warmth.

"God no wonder you love this" she groaned sinking down into its depths, finding it the right depth to come up to her chin. She turned slightly so that her legs wouldn't tangle with Lexas. "How did you find this?" She asked, opening her eyes to look across at Lexa who was staring back at her.

"One of the previous commanders found it. Most have kept it for their own personal use. I allow others to use it on a case by case basis so not to abuse it" she informed while watching Clarke. An idea was turning in her head and she was battling her heart and head with whether she should act on it or not. She was so weak in body and mind she groaned silently. She craved something she should not want or have. But she felt almost compelled, needing it like she needed air to breathe.

Sighing she slid forward, ignoring Clarkes wary look, until they they were almost face to face. She could detect the wariness in the blondes eyes, as well as her longing. She sat stiff and unsure of Lexas move. Lexa did not dawdle in her plans, merely turning and coordinating herself to sit between the blondes legs while leaning back against her front, mindful of her wound. Her head coming to rest on a strong welcoming shoulder.

Lexa ordered herself to ignore the thrill of being so close, of having skin on skin contact. Even the position they were in was highly sexual if you took it that way. Instead Lexa ordered herself to relax with a sigh, grabbing Clarkes hands with her own and wrapping their arms across her aching body. Just like last night the mere presence and touch of the blonde soothed and distracted her enough to forget her pains and the fever racking her body. She felt comforted.

Meanwhile Clarke was stunned and in a daze to find herself wrapped around Lexa like this. That Lexa seemed to be seeking her out for comfort amused, frustrated and awed her all at once. Admittedly, initially, if you looked at the situation it seemed highly charged with sexual tension. Don't get her wrong she was very much aware that they were naked and parts of her were touching parts of Lexa and she rather enjoyed that. But the other side to it was certainly the comfort and the fact Lexa sought her out over anyone else. First to be with and then to hold her. Clarke knew it had been a long time since Lexa had been this weak in front of anyone. This needy or open about it. She believed not even with Costia had she been this weak, even then being a protector.

When was the last time Lexa had let herself be held in any way other than in sexual need? She knew Costia had been the last one in that respect a couple of hears ago. But who before that? At 12 or 13 before she became Heda? Before that when she was a little girl? It added an extra element to the fact that she felt honoured to be the one to hold her now. It made something in her chest shift as she realised the big bad Commander Lexa needed her for comfort when sick and injured. She wondered, in the future, would Lexa come to her whenever she needed to be simply held. Clarke sighed and let herself relax, not totally against that idea which meant she saw a future for herself with Lexa.

She gave the fingers interlaced with hers a gentle squeeze and felt Lexa sink further into her, relaxing fully. Clarke let her head fall against Lexas and closed her eyes. Both women let time pass while they enjoyed the moment together without pressures from the outside world.

Clarke thought maybe nearly an hour had passed before her backside started going numb. She suggested they rinse out their hair then get out for a while so she could tend Lexas wounds.

Lexa agreed finally, knowing she couldn't stay in the water for much longer. She went to draw away but Clarke stopped her with a gentle hand and reached up to her hair. Lexa sat stunned and fascinated as Clarke took time to undo all her braids while promising to do re braid it before they left. Clarke was gentle as she worked knots out with care until it was flowing freely.

Clarke held onto Lexas shoulders with one hand as the woman eased back to dip her head into the water, using her free hand to finger comb any further knots out. Lexa took the time to scrub her face and neck, trusting Clarke to hold her steady.

Once done Lexa sat back against the far side of the pond while Clarke cleaned her own hair. She had to look away in the end, too enrapt with the view. Finally Clarke was satisfied.

"Stay in the warm water. I will organise the rug and some cloths to dry us." Clarke ordered while standing with a blush, knowing Lexa was watching, and climbing out of the pool. She quickly arranged the rugs, one for the ground, one to cover them and then found a fresh cloth in her medical bag to help wipe her down. Thankfully the air in cave was many degrees warmer than outside but still cool. She would consider asking the guards to make a fire near the entrance to warm any air entering and allowing smoke to escape.

Upon finding cloths big enough to dry them she wiped herself down quickly, pleased her wounds appeared cleaner, before pulling on her fresh shirt. She thought she heard Lexa mutter something but when she turned to look found the commander still facing away from her.

"Ok, time to get out so I can check your wounds" she stood and went over to help the brunette get shakily to her feet and step out of the pond. She studiously ignored the other woman's nakedness and her own barely covered body while escorting her to near the rug and handing her a cloth to dry off somewhat. She noticed Lexa shivering and made up her mind. Handing the brunette her shirt she wrapped a rug around her for modesty and walked to the entrance of the cave. She could see two guards sitting around the fire but there were no signs of the others.

"Guards" she called and they immediately jumped up and hurried over. "Where are the others?"

"Hunting for dinner skaiprisa" she was informed and nodded her head as her stomache growled suddenly.

"The cave is cold and the Heda is feverish. I need a fire built in the cave near the entrance to warm it"

"Sha skaiprisa" they bowed their heads and hurried to do her bidding as she returned to Lexa who had managed to lay down on the blanket, her shirt covering her as she shivered.

"The guards will be in soon to make a fire. We will warm up then" she promised as she knelt beside Lexa and covered her the best she could with the blanket then turning to ready the salve for applying.

The guards were soon there, calling out before being bade entrance. A circle of rocks were set and many logs and twigs placed. Extra logs were stacked away from the water. Soon a roaring fire was going, its warmth spreading through the cave. Clarke thanked them for their efforts and excused them, turning back to Lexa who was lying on her stomache.

"Roll over, I will clean and dress your front wounds then do your back last." She instructed and knowing Lexa was still weak assisted her the best she could. Reaching for a canteen and some dried meat strips she handed it to Lexa "Sit up and have this first while I tend to your ankle and thigh"

With great effort the Heda did so, taking the items and taking small sips and nibbling on the meat while Clarke worked on her ankle. She winced a few times and silently cursed the reapers but soon the ankle was cleaned and bandaged.

The thigh was a bigger distraction for both women, Lexa studiously tried to ignore Clarkes hands so close to a private part on her body, distracting herself by tearing at the meat strips. Clarke herself was trying not to be distracted as she tended to the wound, scraping away at the infection and dead skin, trying to ignore the hiss of pain from the brunette before applying salve to it and wrapping it firmly with a bandage.

Next was the hip. Lexa rolled on her side for easy access while Clarke knelt beside her. Lexa tried to ignore the stinging while checking a wound on Clarkes leg that looked like it needed attention. Reaching out she touched the skin beside the wound and felt it jump as Clarke paused in her ministrations.

"Make sure you treat your own wounds" she ordered Clarke as the blonde continued to apply salve to her hip. Lexa dared to continue her stroking of the toned thigh in front of her. Smiling as the muscles reacted to her touch and goosebumps broke out on her skin. Clarke sighed and stilled the fingers with her own hand, interlacing their fingers.

"What am I going to do with you?" She asked not expecting a real answer as she gave the hand she was holding a last squeeze and went back to work. She was hardly surprised when Lexa continued to stroke her leg. What Lexa said next made her pause.

"Heal me" the brunette whispered and Clarke knew she didn't just mean physically. Clarke pondered it for a long time, her own hand wandering along Lexa's side. She had a feeling they would heal each other.

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