Hetalia: The New Generation {...

By ChelsR

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It is said that in a kingdom in Japan, there were two samurais that served the king and queen have two childr... More

Chapter 1: Long-Lost Sister
Chapter 2: Memories
Chapter 3: A Comforting Kiss
Chapter 4: Who was THAT?
Chapter 5: The Allies
Chapter 6: First Mission
Chapter 7: A Red Thread
Chapter 8: The Escape Plan
Chapter 9: The Sacrifice
Chapter 10: A Born Coward
Chapter 11: Are You Sure?
Chapter 12: A Phone Call
Chapter 13: The Letter
Chapter 14: The Party
Chapter 15: Reunion
Chapter 16: The Yandere and the Diary Holder
Chapter 17: Nordic Buisness!
Chapter 18: Brothers, Forever
Chapter 19: Father and Daughter, Rivals?
Chapter 20: An Old Friend
Chapter 21: Surprise Visitors?!
Chapter 22: Lord and Butler
Chapter 23: A Bloody Cupcake?
Chapter 24: The 2ps!
Chapter 25: Alchemy
Chapter 26: Kuro vs. Maria
Chapter 27: Kiku and Maria vs. Oliver and Alex
Chapter 28: Birthday Plan
Chapter 29: Distraction!
Chapter 30: Tears
Chapter 31: Meet the Micros!
Chapter 32: Emotions
Chapter 33: Last Minute Set-Up
Chapter 34: Happy Birthday!
Chapter 35: A Key
Chapter 36: Are You Alright?
Chapter 37: The Past
Chapter 38: Missing
Chapter 39: The Oni
Chapter 40: The Jack Of Hearts vs. the "King" Of Diamonds
Chapter 41: The Keys
Chapter 43: The Fullmetal Alchemist
Chapter 44: Help From The Colonel
Chapter 45: Pocky Game
Chapter 46: Pocky Game(Part II)
Chapter 47: Bad Apple
Chapter 48: Sudden Attack?
Chapter 49: Help
Chapter 50: Save Her By A Kiss?
Chapter 51: The Little Prince
Chapter 52: The Panda Hero Arrives!
Chapter 53: The Queen Returns!
Chapter 54: She Returned?
Chapter 55: The Jokers
Chapter 56: Prisoners
Chapter 57: Goodbye
Chapter 58: Confession
Chapter 59: Set-Up
Chapter 60: The Matsuri
Chapter 61: The Romanian Vampire
Chapter 62: A Private Conversastion
Chapter 63: 千本桜
Chapter 64: Intai-go No Sai Shūshoku No Oiwai
Chapter 65: My Perspective
Chapter 66: One Happy Family
Chapter 67: 夢花火
Chapter 68: Our Mirai

Chapter 42: Ambush From A Shinobi-Samurai

29 1 0
By ChelsR

Maria led her group to where the remaining 2ps are. They're hiding at a tree, and Maria wears her anbu mask.
"They're here." Maria whispers quietly. She jumped from the tree. She held ten papers with kanji written in red ink. She placed it at the walls then went inside. Drawing her katana, she found her first target: Viktor Braginski.
The Russian 2p had a smile at his face.
"Why, Zdravstvuyte, da?" the man would say, holding a silver faucet pipe, just like what Ivan holds. Maria did not open her mouth. Instead, she sliced his scarf. He easily stabbed her at the back, and the shinobi-samurai smirked.
"Watashi wa shinu koto ga dekimasen[1], Viktor Braginski." she muttered in Japanese. She stabbed him back. 37 times. She turned and saw her second target: Yang Wang. Maria knew that he also does martial arts, like Yao, so she puts back her katana at its case. She ran and kicked Yang at the stomach. Yang "judo chopped" Maria's shoulder. She kicks him with her right leg, and then draws her katana and stabs him. She was covered in blood. The blood quickly disappears. She went into a random room and saw her third target: François Bonnefoy.
"Ju-bu[2]." she whispers.
The French 2p stands up and throw away his cigarette.
"Bonjour, mon ami." he said. He grabs his gun and shoots Maria. Maria sliced the bullets that attacked her. When François had no more bullets, she stabbed him. Once again, the blood disappeared. She glanced side to side.
"Go-bu[3]." she whispers yet again. She continues walking down the hallway, she saw her fourth target: Kurai Honda. Both of them smirked.
"Baka no kuso, ne[4]?" Kurai remarks. Like earlier, Maria did not open her mouth. She simply tries to stab her then Kurai blocked it. Maria slices her eye, and then she stabs her at the heart. She turns.
"Ni-bu[5]." she thought to herself. She ran out to the base and removes her mask.
"Minna, the building is about to explode. Let's go!" Maria alerts. Maria and her group quickly escapes the place where the building is.
"Are you ok, imōto?" Kiku and Kuro asks in unison. She nods.
"Hai." She turns to her nīsan, Kuro.
"Before I ran out here, I met Sakura's 2p." Kuro sighed.
"Her name is Kurai. She was the one who killed okaasan with me." he narrates sadly. Maria strokes his hair.
"It's ok to feel guilty, nīsan. You were the one who reunited us, right?" Maria said to Kuro with a smile. Until she realized the time.
"10 seconds. Let's go back at the venue." she says.
"Kyou, hachi, nana, roku, go, yon, san, ni, ichi[6]."Maria said to herself. The building exploded. They're now back at the cliff. Maria cleans all of their clothes magically. She, Kuro and Kiku grins.
"Ambush complete." the Japanese trio said in unison.
This one's really hard to do. But I enjoyed writing it.
1 - I cannot die
2 - 10 minutes
3 - 5 minutes
4 - idiot of shit, right
5 - 2 minutes
6 - 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Oh, that's right. Remember at my profile I said that I will write a fanmade backstory of myself? The first two chapters are already posted! Good morning, too~ (It's literally 5 o'clock. I woke up at, like 1 then my mom let me used her iPhone until now.) Bye!
~Admin Chelsea ❤️

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