Finding a New Beginning(BoyxB...

Par CandyHeartPop

737 61 22

The Aminzin disease was mentioned Once in the newspapers,they said it wasn't deadly,but oh were they wrong. E... Plus

The Beginning of the End:The Aminzin Disease has Spread
Cages Won't Protect Us Now
Don't Ask So Many Questions

A Huge Mistake

175 16 3
Par CandyHeartPop

It has been nearly three days since I heard any news from the helicopter flying around the school. It has been three days since I've seen another human being.

    I managed to survive on some snacks I always I keep in my backpack just in case I get hungry throughout the school day. I'm glad my huge appetite came in handy. I always packed myself dark chocolate protein bars,chips,cookies,beef jerky, a sport's drink, and a water. I always got hungry pretty quickly so I learned early on that I should come prepared to school so I don't end up dying of hunger by 4:00 pm. These snacks would usually last me for one day but I had to ration out my intakes to survive until help arrives.

Mr.Reeds broke his promise the first day he made it. He never came back after turning that corner at the end of the hall. I don't know what happened to him ,if he forgot about me or if something worse happened. The thought of getting out of this classroom and going to find any sort of help chews at my brain,but with all those screams that I've heard I'd rather not. Of course when I had to pee I debated with myself if possibly dying was worth it or not. The empty drawer in Mr.Reeds desk was a better choice for me so shamelessly I relived myself there.

The second day the noise continued but it was began to get quieter as the hours passed. By the time the second night came, the streets were quiet except for the sounds of glass breaking and some screams here and there.

I grab my phone and press the power  button. No signal again. After the first night the power and signal were still shut down which worried me even more. I had no way of contacting police or anyway of letting them know I was stuck here. I only have 88% of battery left that I plan to save for emergencies like calling for help once the signal gets back on. I guess the possible end of the world counts as an emergency but there's no way to call or text.

I could most likely be the last person alive and not know it. With a tired sigh I move my position on the floor so that I'm sitting upright against the wall.

I currently have two choices to choose from.Stay here and wait for help or go outside and look for help myself. The fact that the latter was a choice I had and that I was stupidly suggesting it was unbelievable to me. I thought I was smarter than to act like every horror movie character that gets killed within minutes. On the other hand it could be the choice that gets me successfully out of here safely. What if no one actually comes for me and I die here waiting for help?

I paused for a moment. Die here? I had been so caught up in all this chaos that I forgot about my ideology that death inevitable, that when my times comes I should just let it. I had believed that my whole life so why now do I want to get out of here and live? If I'm really suppose to die here who am I to stop death from doing it's job? For the first time in my life I feel as though I want to put a fight against death. If I can stay alive longer why shouldn't I try?

   Maybe it was just curiosity getting the better of me or just my stupidity controlling me but as I gathered my supplies I began to prepare a plan on how to find help.

"I'm being a huge idiot right now aren't I?" I groan out loud ,shuffling my hair in annoyance. I'm going to get myself killed , I'm definitely making the worse decision possible right now. In my defense, I would have to go outside anyways if help does in fact never arrive. I won't be able to survive with only my school snacks to relay on. Is now really the time to go outside though?

"Stop being such a scaredy-cat Ethan!" I put on my backpack and brace myself for the journey. I'm going to regret this aren't I? I gather all my courage and let out a heavy sigh.I unlock the door and slowly open it.

I step outside the classroom and peek into the hallway. It was still empty and looked the same as it did the first day except... there was a trail of blood on the wall leading all the way to the end of the hall.

What the hell happened here?! Was that caused by someone who was infected? Maybe a symptom was coughing up blood, they probably coughed up blood onto their hand and smeared it on the wall. "Yea, we'll go with that scenario haha hahah" I laugh nervously and feel myself begin to shake from fear.

The only way to go was the direction the trail went. To my right was a staircase leading to the second floor but if I wanted to avoid any potential danger, the best way to go is straight to the front of the school. At the end of the hall you can turn left or right but left leads you to the courtyard area. If I want to get to the front of the school, the quickest way would be to turn right.

The same direction Mr. Reeds went before he disappeared ...

I gulped and started to really regret my decision. It's not like I had any other choices to choose from. The doors leading to outside locked as soon as they're closed so if I encounter any danger I would be trapped outside with no way in. Of course I could break a window but the school has alarms that set on 5:00 pm every day and only school staff turns them off when they arrive the next morning. If I break a window I would cause the alarm to go off and draw attention to myself. That would be a good way to alert the police that I'm here but judging from the lack of sirens I'm hearing and the cell towers being down I'm beginning to suspect the police won't be coming to save the day any time soon. The blood stains on the wall are also a good indicator that there's something seriously wrong here.

  If I have any chance of getting safely outside I have to be careful on guard,and avoid making any noise that could attract attention. Seems simple enough but the problem that still remains is what lies beyond that corner.

I shakily walk towards the end of the hall standing close to the left of the hallway to avoid the bloody wall. I make it to the end of the hall, carefully I peek around the corner and look for any warning signs that could indicate any potential danger. This hallway is where all the extracurricular classes were located it's another long hallway that ends with a corner turn. After this next turn I just walk straight down another hallway and I'll be at the front of the school. Looks like everyone left in a hurry here too. The hallway was just as messy as the sciemce hallway. Binders, folders, and papers were scattered across the floor from the panic that occurred. Strangely there was pieces of shredded fabric,shoes,and backpacks everywhere. I gasped as the sight of more blood came into my view. It was hard to see at first glance ,but it was clearly there ,dripping down onto the white tile floors.Blood was scattered across the walls blending into the once colorful wall of Navy and Red. Aside from that the hallway was clear. Whoever that blood belonged to was no longer here so it was safe to walk through the hall.

I turn the corner, stiffly walking down the hallway clutching the straps of my backpack for support.

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