The Littlest Demigod (Percy J...

By sorry_im_b00ked

161K 2.4K 1.2K

There's a new girl at Camp Half-Blood. She's only nine years old and instantly makes a connection with Percy... More

One: My Math Teacher's a What?
Two: Meeting Goldilocks
Three: Lunch
Four: My Past
Five: Meeting Jason... And Blackjack
Six: Thanks Piper
Eight: I'm Sorry
Nine: Claimed
Author's Note
Ten: Questions
Author's Note
Not a new chapter

Seven: Night Swim

12.1K 184 56
By sorry_im_b00ked

      I show Percy and Annabeth my hair and they spend several minutes swooning over it and telling me how good it looks.

      We eat dinner and then Percy picks me up. I squirm a little to show him that I do not want to be carried. I want to walk. He wouldn't put me down, so after a while I finally give up and let him carry me.

      He walks down to the lake, me in him arms and Annabeth in tow. I notice a few other campers here but not too many. There's a guy setting up.. I think a DJ station or something? Yea. Has to be a DJ. He has headphones around his neck and he's plugging in big speakers.

      We walk down to the edge of the dock and Percy sits down. He crosses his legs and I sit on his lap, facing out, leaning back against his stomach. Percy plays with my hair while he talks to Annabeth. The feeling of him stroking my hair and the gentle vibrations of his voice when he talks are enough to make me fall asleep for a short nap.

-------time skip-------

      I wake up underwater. I start to panic a little but then realize that I'm laying in Percy's arms. I look around and notice that we're in a bubble, and I can breathe! How cool is that?! I lay my head back down on Percy's chest and he wraps his arms around me, holding me close.

"What are we doing down here?" I ask, lifting my head up and looking at him.

"You fell asleep and people stared to show up at the lake. Annabeth asked me to bring you down here so that the noise wouldn't wake you up," he responds. I nod and lay my head back down. After about five minutes I sit up and turn to him.

"Can we go back up?" I begin to say, "I want to see Annabeth." He nods and pulls me closer. I wrap my legs around his waist and I hold my breath. Percy pops the bubble and swims to the surface. As soon as we break the surface I take a gasp of air. I look around and notice that it's dark and the whole camp is at the lake. And a lot of the campers are looking at us. I hide my face in Percy's shoulder and he swims toward the shore.

We walk out of the water and my clothes are dry. Hmm. That's new, I wonder- my thoughts are interrupted when I hear Piper's voice. My head shoots up and I turn towards the direction I hear the voice coming from. I see Piper and I smile. She's wearing a pink two-piece bathing suit and she doesn't have shoes on. She grabs me out of Percy's arms and spins me around. When she stops spinning, I hug her tight. She sets me on her hip and turns to Percy.

"Have you seen Annabeth?" Percy asks her. She shakes her head no and mumbles a 'sorry'. I am handed back to him with a pouty look on my face. Tears start to well up in my eyes, threatening to spill over. I want to stay with Piper. Percy gives me a look, warning me not to throw a fit. I shrink back into him, not wanting to make him mad, and I blink away the tears. He walks around, asking a couple people if they know where Annabeth is. I stay silent the whole time.

      I spot Annabeth and squirm in Percy's arms until he drops me. I land on my butt, but quickly get up. I run to Annabeth and she picks me up and hugs me. I kiss her cheek and smile. She smiles back and then Percy shows up, out of breath.

      "LANE!" He yells, and I flinch. "Do NOT run away like that! I had no idea where you went!!" His face is red from running around looking for me and his eyes are glazed over and angry. I let out a small whimper and go limp in Annabeth's arms. She accidentally drops me, and I back away from Percy. I'm terrified. I can vaguely hear Annabeth saying something to me, but I can't hear her. Everything sounds muffled, like there's cotton in my ears. My vision starts to blur and I turn and run as fast as I can. I don't know where I'm going, I just run.
A/N: Guys I'm so sorry that it has taken me this long to update. This is almost 500 words shorter than my other ones but I like where it ends so.... I got a concussion and then I had finals and then I got my wisdom teeth out. I'm gonna update a lot this week because next week I go to camp- without my phone. Then the beach but I'll update at the beach. I love you all! :)

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