The Planet That Wasn't

By BethyBooRadley

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A boy struggles to find his place among the small amount of people left, after the explosion. The explosion o... More

Wish in one hand, spit in the Other (Kalem pictured above)
Reminisce (Leon above; imagine gray hair)
Night Visitor (see above)
Trouble, or Hope? (Benz viewed above)

Never again

6 0 0
By BethyBooRadley

I stare through the viewpoint window, at a sight that is both terrifying, yet screams glorious heaven all at the same time.

Its a planet.

The ground is a deep purple-lavender color,  with streaks of an indigo-purple across its face. The darker streaks were circulating around the world, leaving small, temporary pink trails in their wake. It was beautiful. A lovely planet.

But then I was filled with rage. What were they going to do to THIS planet? Would they destroy it, too? I had to protect it! Who knew what the others would do to it! I try to calm myself down. I'm sure the other scientists know what to do by now, right? I mean, none of us wants a repeat of what happened last time... I tell myself this over and over, but to no avail. I can't let them destroy another beautiful creation from God!

I ignore the loudspeaker, and what it's saying, and storm out the doors. Some guards try to stop me, telling me that I need to stay there and listen, but I glare at them both, slipping past them by sliding under the larger man's legs. I continue to walk, and the two guards give up, going back to their posts by the double doors. I Walk briskly until I turn the corner, then I just flat out start running. I have to make it to the bridge! I take several turns, until I run into a map. I look at it, to find where the bridge is. Shoot! It's on the top floor. Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't do this, but it's an emergency.

I run into an air shoot elevator, and tell the computer "Top floor."

I hate myself for it, but I know it's the only way. I'll be shot if I let the same thing happen to this planet as happened to the other! Things won't be the same this time, I won't let history repeat itself! I reach the bridge, and when I step onto the bridge, everyone who works up there stands in surprise, and the captain turns bright red with what I assume to be fury. I stand up straight, and look him dead in the eye.

"Who will be in charge of habilitation on the planet? Who is going to set up the shelters, and energy sources? Whomever it may be, I need to speak with them. It's urgent. Actually, I have information for them that may very well save the future of this planet." I say, keeping my voice even, and looking around the room.

The captain glowered at me. "Son, there's nothing you could know that we don-"

"Actually, there is." I interrupt. "I am respectfully asking for an audience with them, but I didn't have to. I could have knocked out the secretary, gotten the info I needed from her computer, and then brought the people I need to see to a somewhat private area by 'order of the captain.' I may despise technology and all it destroyed, but I have a respect for the people who caused it to destroy themselves, which is why I didn't do that." I Continued with my even voice, and calm composure; even though I was nervous as heck. The captain looked like he was about to explode, and I wasn't sure how much longer I could keep this up, when a female scientist with teal hair and parchment-pale skin stepped forward.

"Captain, I recognize this boy. It's Kalem, I believe. I helped to... dress his wounds the first time." she said. Dang, is that the only thing people remembered about me? She spoke again. "I looked up a bit about him afterwards, and I believe he may actually have useful information and Ideas. In fact, I may ask ofr his help when we land on the planet. But we're getting ahead of ourselves, aren't we?" She turned from the captain to look at me, smiling. "I'm sure the other scientists and I would be pleased to hear what you have to say." She turned, nodding to about 6 other people in the room, who nodded back. She beckoned for me to follow her. I walked behind her, the others she nodded to close behind. She led us into another room, filled with science-ey things. The electronic door closed behind us.

"Now. What did you wish to speak with us abouit? You don't need to rush, take your time, nobody will be missed. They're having a party downstairs in the viewport room." She said. "I'm Professor Karina. You ARE Kalem, right?" She asked, putting her fist under her chin questioningly.

"Yes. I'm Kalem. I wanted to know what the ideas were  that you had for habilitating this planet, and what... precautions, you were taking; and before you ask, no, I'm not just paranoid, these people aren't used to a life of hardships relating to basically scavenging and fending for themselves. They are used to a life where they push a button and practically whatever they want is there before them. How will we... train them, I guess, to treat those things as an extreme rarity and treat, instead of the normal thing? I also have many other questions, like do we know what pollutes this planet? Will we have to harm it to make it habitable? Will it only be a temporary fix, or will we take care of it correctly? Can we take care of it properly? These are only a few of the questions I have, and I'm hoping to discuss more things with you all." I say, hoping I sound mature, and not just like a panic-prone kid who is just act mature, to get attention or something.

"Of course. I can tell you will understand a lot of what we'll say, based off what I looked up about you. Back on Earth, I actually looked at some of the ideas and brainstorms you had and researched if they were possible. Many of them were, and I still have blueprints saved into the hard drive of this ship, if you would like to look at them. For now, though, we'll answer your questions the best we can; though, I can't promise you'll understand all the terminology." She grinned. "You're a smart kid, you know that?" She said, waving me over to a machine.

Through the rest of the 'night,' Professor Karina and her colleagues showed me what they had in store for the future, and I shared and looked over many new and old ideas, some mine, many not; though, I guess I did make more of an impact than I thought, for as many of my ideas that they had already in progress that were actually mainly credited to me for the ideation part! I was surprised that they had any, much less six or seven! They were currently looking into many ideas, and they were all kind, and patient with me. They were also very open to my ideas, and only once shut me down (though, I WAS getting a bit heated, and they weren't really shunning my idea; they just wanted me to calm myself).

All in all, I was very satisfied with the answers and explanations they made; all the ideas being put into motion and/or consideration were planet-friendly to this new planet. I was very happy I got to make a difference, and as I headed off to my place to box for the small window of time I had left to, I didn't feel as guilty, and I didn't lose myself in the anger this time. When Brie and Benz showed up to watch me box, I even conversed cheerily with them a bit after I finished.

As I lay my head down and snuggled into my sleeping bag that night, I found myself thinking about how maybe- just maybe- I had made enough of a difference to help the future burn brighter.

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