The Pursuit of Leanne Masters

By rutimabe

71.9K 2.9K 78

Colton Barratt has it all fame and fortune but he is a semi broken billionaire movie/rock star. Leanne Master... More

Why were we born?
Good Impressions
I'm employed
Something There
First Day at Work
Mr Barratt senior and me
I can't do this, can I
Nightmare in the daytime
The battle lines are drawn
What the hell happened?
My first real friend
Colton's PA
Dressing the part
The kiss
Hollywood here I come
Hollywood here I am
Miss Fiesty is back
Normal isnt all Good
My Hollywood Kiss
Every Picture tells a story
Where is she?
Back with Nan
Dinner Date
Don't mess with the Barratt's
The sherrif
The Real Wildcat
Back to Near Normal
The Trial
Jacob Wins the Day
Starting Over
This girl Changed my Life
The Interview
Dealing with my new found fame
Internet phenomenon
Movie Stars
Reluctant Star
And Rock Stars
Farewell Concert
All good things...
No more Virgin Anymore
Morning After the Night Before
Rosie Black
Birthdays What Birthdays
The Wedding Date
Charity Gala
Wedding Preparations
Our Wedding Day
The Reception
Wedding Present
The Honeymoon
Oscar Surprise
The Last Word
The Billionaire And The B and B

Colton's Birthday Present

1.1K 44 2
By rutimabe

Just to give you fair warning the next two chapters after this one are very much adult material. So if you wish to avoid the sex scenes then I will post three chapters up, therefore you can jump from this chapter miss out the next two and get back into the story and only miss out the sex.

Colton's POV

I could not contain my excitement,
"She said yes" I bellowed to the audience, to the world

Then led the singing of Marry You. I was on cloud nine, I didn't want the concert to end in one way, but couldn't wait in another, so I could get to my Leanne, MY LEANNE, that sounded so good she was my Leanne for ever and I was hers for ever.

That was it in that moment of time I let go of all my doubts, worries, fears, I was in love and she loved me.

So being so over joyed I let rip, the shirt was off I was in Heaven if I was feeling good then hell! my last audience who made this evening special will feel good to.

Then the rest of the guys saw how I was feeling they joined in and off came the shirts as we danced, paraded and owned the stage and by their reaction the audience.

Leanne's POV

"Good grief" said Cherry "Walt is so going to get laid tonight"

The other girls licked their lips and nodded as their lust filled eye's raked over their husbands.

I looked at Colton staring at his sweaty body as his muscle's stretched and throbbed as he moved around the stage, sweat running down his biceps and his six pack, the ache between my legs begging for attention, I really wish I had the courage to carry out the final act of love with this man.

As if reading my mind Bianca put an arm over my shoulders and putting her forehead against the side of my head, whispered.

"He will wait as long as it takes Lea, that man worships you and he'll do anything for you including waiting, but I'll tell you this when you do decide, that man will take you to paradise and back, I can tell by the way he looks at you"

I turned and smiled at Bianca.

"Thank you" I smiled and squeezed her hand "I know he will"

As the concert drew to a close after three encores, I was called back on stage and amid all the cheering I made my way to Colton who wrapped me in his arms and whispered.

"Oh Leanne I love you" then he turned to the crowd and quietened then down before he spoke.

"Hey guys, thank you, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the years you have followed us faithfully, it's a sad occasion, but also a joyful one.
I would like to finish by saying one more thing before the final song, all proceeds from tonight's gig as agreed by all the band and families are going to the LCM Foundation as setup by my new fiancee, a really worth while cause"

More screams from the audience.
As I stand there like a statute with my mouth open, I turn to face the band and mouthed thank you, they all smiled at me, as they called their wives out on to the stage.

"Okay everyone, let's hear you all singing on this one, I think you all know it When time stood still"

As the audience screamed, the band played the intro for the last time and all joined in as Colton started singing the words, the audience swayed to the rhythm, arms aloft some with smiles on their faces a lot with tears streaming down theirs, phones lit up and held up, it was a magnificent sight from up on the stage, as Colton put his arm around me and we swayed and sang with the rest.

When the song was finished after being extended by at least ten minutes, me and the wives shuffled of the stage as the boys took their bows to screaming fans.

At last they left the stage with their names and the band's name being chanted.

"Okay darling" Colton asked putting a sweaty arm around my shoulder.

"Whew! You smell" I said pushing his arm off and stepping back. "You need to take a shower lover boy"

"Care to join me" he asked with a twinkle in his eyes and a large smirk on his face.

As the girls tried to encourage me to take up his offer and making saucy innuendos, I just turned Scarlett and hid my face in my hands.

The band all laughed and headed off to get cleaned up for the goodbye party for the loyal bands staff.

The girls and I went into the green room and the buffet and for me more alcohol, this Colton guy was having a serious effect on my libido and my panties were that wet, I wish I had a spare pair to change into.

The party was a star spangled affair, with other bands attending to say farewell, I joined Chloe, BB and Alex as mum and dad had gone home claiming it was not their thing.

We had a great evening dancing and meeting some of the other bands and I got to dance, kiss and flirt with my fiance, as well as dancing with the other band members.

Chloe and BB freaked out as they danced with some of their favourite band members and Alex, well she was seen in the company of Malic Armstrong the lead guitarist for Run To Hell, dancing really close.

Having said our goodbyes to the ex band members and wives with promises of getting together soon, we entered the limo and headed home, it was fun to tease Alex about Malic and have someone else being the centre of attention and blushing.

After the euphoria of the band's break up died down, it was time for the family to turn their attention to colton's up and coming twenty fifth birthday and the taking on of his father's company, as his father moved in to politics.

I spent days deliberating on what to get Colton as a present, I mean what do you buy a guy who has or can get anything he wants.

I asked both his parents and they said not to worry as he had me that was everything to him, though this was a nice sentiment, I was determined to get him something special to show how much I loved him.

Chloe, BB and Alex soon got fed up trailing around shops looking for that elusive present.

After the latest excursion, we were sitting at home gathered around the table looking despondent as tomorrow was his birthday, when BB asked.

"Have you asked mum and dad what to buy?"

" Yes one of the first people I asked" I moaned.

"What did they say" she persisted.

"Not to worry he had me, that was his present" I put my head in my hands.

"What can I get him,something unique that will make his eyes light up?"

BB looked at Chloe as she whispered to Alex, who's look went from shock to understanding, to pleased.

She looked at BB and Chloe shook her head and said.

"It's a great idea but I worry about you two at your age"

"Okay" I asked "Have you thought of a present"

They all nodded their heads, then looked at each other with a look of uncertainty.

"Well come on don't keep me in suspense, tell me" I pleaded.

Chloe and BB looked at Alex and nodded their heads towards me, obviously Alex had been chosen as spokesperson.

"Well" Alex began "You want to give him something that will be unique and something he wouldn't or couldn't buy himself"

I nodded enthusiastically.

"And" she continued "Something that he will treasure for the rest of his life?"

Again I nodded.

"Well there is one thing that fits the bill and he would certainly love it for ever"

"What please tell me, don't keep me waiting"

"Humm, okay, well give him your virginity" she blurted out.

Silence descended on the room as I sat there mortified, my brain stopped functioning.

"You mean have sex with him?"

Alex nodded.

"No way" I practically yelled.

"Why asked Chloe? You are going to marry him, you want children, what better way to express your love to him"

"Well, how would I do it, I can't just go to him and say, sorry couldn't find you a present but you can have sex with me instead"

"No" answered BB "But if you dressed up really sexy and put a notice around your neck saying something like, I am your birthday present do you want to unwrap me"

"I can't" I said.

"Well I don't know what else you can give him" Chloe huffed.

I got up and went into the lounge, put the TV on and slumped into a chair.

I wasn't watching the TV just staring at the screen, as different thoughts flashed through my mind.

" He will wait as long as it takes Lea, that man worships you and he'll take you to paradise and back"

"Something that he will treasure for the rest of his life"

" You are going to marry him, you want children, what better way to express your love to him"

What was I afraid of, at the concert when the girls looked at their fellas, I wanted Colton then, when he touches me I want to go further, what if he doesn't want me, but he does the way he looks at me.

The conflict raged in me until logic kicked in, Colton said he wants to marry me and have children, he loves me and I love him and I do want children, plus paradise sounded inviting.

I shot out of the chair and went to Chloe's room, knocking on the door, Chloe called me in.

"Hi sis" she said sitting with BB and Alex on the bed.

"I'll do it!" I exclaimed "Can you help dress me for the part"

Half an hour later, with a full length coat on, I knocked on Colton's door, he came and invited me in, sitting on his bed he motioned for me to sit next to him, but I stood still.

"Colton" I said " I didn't know what to get you for your birthday "

He went to interrupt, but I held my hand up to stop him.

"Except the one thing your money can't buy and the one thing I really want to give you"

And with that I opened my coat and let it slide to the floor.

"Happy birthday Colton"

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