The 100 imagines and preferen...

By Peggy_Rose42

534K 8K 1.8K

--------REQUESTS ARE CLOSED--------- i take requests! Just please message me (No Comments please) these de... More

The 100
Your crime
Where he/she likes to kiss you
Waking them up
Waking you up
Who your related to
What you wear (sky person)
What your wearing ( grounder)
Your fave thing about them (features)
Their fave thing about you (features)
Your kids names
Couple tattoos (clarke)
Couple tattoos (octavia)
Couple tattoos (bellamy)
Couple tattoos (raven)
Couple tattoos (lincoln)
Couple tattoos (finn)
Couple tattoos (jasper)
Couple tattoos (monty)
Couple tattoos (murphy)
First thoughts of you
Three words to describe you
How they like your hair
Texting each other AU
How you sleep
Your kids crush
Pick up lines
Christmas presents
Contact names in each others phones AU
Texting the wrong person AU
Miller catch up
Couple tattoos (miller)
Imagine for SUTAisaSTAR Murphy x Delaine
Imagine for xnthld Jasper x Anna (best friends)
Imagine for cynthia_guevarra8 Jasper x cynthia
Imagine for Wilkinson-gilinskyyy Bellemy x lexie
Imagine for Bellamys_Bitxh Bellamy x Cheyenne
Imagine for Dayanis26 Jasper x didi
Imagine for maelysLF Murphy x maely
Imagine for xXwnchstr Bellamy x Leia
Imagine for whitneydchesser Nyko x artemis
Imagine for Lukes_baeXX Jasper x aly
Imagine for Theweeklycake Murphy x chloe
Imagine for FoxTailGaming Monty x Hazel
Imagine for Booknerd26272 Monty x sophia
Imagine for Shamerongrande Jasper x reader
Imagine for Ruby3446 Bellamy x Ruby
Imagine for -MagconBoysAreBae- Jasper x Alex
Imagine for -MagconBoysAreBae- Bellamy x Alex
Imagine for fablol14 Bellamy x Kaylee
Imagine for definitely_notJohn Murphy x Maddie
80K Special
Imagine for nicole_kozuch Bellamy x nicole
Imagine for Jaywolf84 Bellmay x Kiana
Imagine for caseyTWD Murphy x Casey
Monroe Catch up
Couple tattoos (Monroe)
Imagine for _Sinead_ Roan x Sinead
Lexa catch up
Couple tattoos (Lexa)
Imagine for Sorena_Grier7 Monty x Sorena
Imagine for PhantasticTOP Bellamy x Julia
Imagine for ArdenSorcha Murphy x Arden
Imagine for datrick501 Finn x Natalie
Imagine for prettypilots Jasper x Ryan
imagine for NaynoJ raven x (Y/N)
Clexa one shot
Imagine for Percabethforever564 Bellamy x Bri
Imagine for thg_divergentdemigod Bellamy x nova
His/Her favorite picture of the two of you
when it rains
his/her favorite goofy picture of you
Clarke - first date
Octavia - first date
Bellamy - first date
Raven - first date
Lincoln - first date
Finn - first date
Jasper - first date
Monty - first date
Murphy - first date
Miller - first date
Monroe - first date
Lexa - first date
Imagine for roseyputt
Imagine for aria_isabella14 Jasper x Aria
Imagine for trishkebab Monty x Trish
Imagine for baozibeon Jasper x Gabi
Imagine for meabrady7068 Jasper x Mea
Imagine for _fallenanqel_ Bellamy x Trina
Imagine for amanab12345678999 Bellamy x reader
Pregnancy Cravings
Imagine for starbucksclid Raven x serafina
good morning texts
One shot for Gabii_nc Bellamy x Gabriela
Imagine for aestheticallybroken Lexa x Paige
Imagine for Spooningcabello Octavia x Teresa
Pregnancy Gender Announcement
Imagine for Bellamy x Taylor
He/she tweets a picture of you
Imagine for tbhdinahaf Octavia x jazleen
imagine for cozywhitesheets Lexa x Sara
imagine for emmiethe1 Monty x Ruby
imagine for booknerd26272 older x younger sibling
Wick catch up
couple tattoos (wick)
Requests (Closed)
imagine for darklordcthalhu Roan x Clarke
imagine for willowrose99 Monty x Mara
imagine for twingii Bellamy x Sterre
imagine for snowflake2102 Liv x Aden
imagine for ispeakenochian Tara x Jasper

Imagine for NStorms97 Raven x Matt

2K 16 0
By Peggy_Rose42

Imagine for Matt



I stood in front of my commander waiting for her orders, being Lexa's second was difficult at times. She would ask me to do almost impossible tasks but this one somehow would be one of the best and worst tasks out of them all. Beside Lexa stood the leader of the sky people, Clarke. I somehow knew I would have to work with one of them for this task.

"Matt" Lexa smiled "I have asked you here for one reason, I need you to work with the sky people. Help make them trust us and train them to become warriors or we will not win this battle" Lexa announced gesturing towards Clarke. "You will be under the command of Clarke, do what she says Matt and follow her orders no matter what"

"Yes commander" I replied, smiling at Clarke as a gesture of peace. After I was told my assignment, I followed Clarke back to her camp, getting many dirty looks from the sky people. Over the next few days I helped train them, getting close to Clarke becoming very close friends,

"Matt!" Clarke called "I have a new assignment for you"

"What is it?" I smiled

"I need you to work with our best mechanic build a few things and Lexa wants someone to learn our ways" she said

"Of course" I replied

"Come this way" Clarke walked into the left over part of the ark, walking down many corridors before finally entering one of the rooms.

"Matt this is Raven, Raven this is Matt" Clarke introduced us. I watched as Raven lifted her head up from her work, my breath was taken away, she was stunning.

"Take a picture it will last longer" she joked, confusing me

"Excuse me?"

"Oh right sorry I forgot you don't have cameras. Never mind!" she laughed. Her smile brighten up the whole room.

"Right well, Matt you will now spend most of your time with Raven trying to learn our ways and to become a mechanic. I'll see you later!" Clarke smiled before walking out of the room. I decided to sit of the chair opposite where Raven was working,

"Don't get too comfortable" her laugh soon turned into a cold snarl "you won't be here long, if I have anything to do with it"


I hated how Clarke made me work with Matt, I didn't want anything to do with any of them especially one that makes my heart ache and my stomach explode with butterflies. I wanted nothing more than a peaceful life away from a relationship especially with a grounder! But his abs and his smile, don't get me started on his eyes

"Raven" I was taken out of my thoughts by Matt laughing.

"Huh?" I asked blushing,

"You're drooling!" he laughed even harder,

"I am not!" I defended, wiping my lips feeling that they were in fact wet.

"Ahaha, you're so cute" Matt laughed, holding his stomach

"Shut up!" I giggled, punching him playfully.

"Ow!" he fake pouted,

"Get over it baby!" I laughed hitting him again

"Right that's it, you're going to get it now!" he smirked evilly before tackling me to the ground being careful of my leg.

"Matt no!" I screaming laughing

"Say you're sorry" he smiled, tickling me

"Never!" I laughed,

"You asked for it!" he laughed along, holding me down taking my shoes off "any last words Raven"

"You're a butt" I managed to get out between laughs.

"Sorry wrong answer" he smirked before attacking my feet with tickles

"Matt!" I cried laughing,

"Say you sorry" he laughed still tickling me,

"I---I---Sorry!" I squeaked out

"I didn't quite catch that" he smirked

"I'm sorry!" I laughed,

"See it wasn't that hard" he stopped tickling me, helping me stand up. I stood in his arms, staring into his eyes as he did mine, I thought maybe we were going to kiss but he coughed awkwardly, sitting back in his chair.

"We should finish this" he spoke as I sat back down

"Right yeah, can you hand me that screw driver" I asked awkwardly

"Here" he replied smiling, trying to break the tension. God that smile! If looks could kill his definitely would.

"Thanks" I mumbled, trying to focus on my work, failing miserably. Even if I did like him I can't date him, Clarke and him have a thing! And if on cue Clarke walks in,

"Hey Matt, hey Raven" she smiles "Lexa wants to talk to you" she gestured Matt to leave.

"Bye Mechanic" he smiled giving me a small hug.

"Cya" I replied blushing, thinking maybe I was wrong.

"Cute" Clarke laughed

"What?" I asked snapping out of my thoughts

"I said cute" she said laughing before walking out of the room

"Wait! What?" I yelled after her confused. My thoughts consumed me 'he's never going to like you. He's with Clarke. Just stop trying Raven. You can't beat Clarke. You lost Finn to her, now you're going to lose Matt to her. Just stop before you get hurt all over again.'


I came back a few hours to find Raven still working on the same project. 'God she's beautiful when she concentrating'.

"I'm back" I smiled, startling her

"Oh hey" she sounded sad

"Are you okay?" I asked concern

"Perfect, can you pass me the spanner" she replied, no emotion evident in her voice. That's how it was for the next few days, I would try talking and she would become all distant and deep in her thoughts. Boy did I miss the old, happy Raven.

"Can you go get some nails?" she asked, again having no emotion laced into her voice,



"What's up with you lately?" I frowned

"What do you mean?" she replied confused 'Finally some emotion!' I thought,

"I mean you're always so distant, you never show any emotion anymore. We don't have fun like we use to, we hardly talk anymore. You've changed."

"Maybe I've always been this way, your just never noticed cause' you're always off with your girlfriend"

"Excuse me?" I asked completely confused,

"You heard me" she said starting to get aggravated

"I don't have a girlfriend" I stated, trying to process what was happening,

"Whatever!" she sighed frustrated, focusing back on her work.

"No you can't do this again!" I said angry, pulling her work away from her "we're going to talk about this, I'm so sick of this. I'm so sick of your ignoring me!"

"You're sick of me ignoring you!?" she sounded angry, "Fuck off Matt, I never want to see you ever again, you're a dick!" she screamed at me, pointing her shaking hand towards the exit,

"Raven don't" I sighed in defeat, walking towards her slowly,

"GET THE HELL OUT!" she screamed, startling me.

"Raven" I pleaded

"Just leave please" she whispered tears pouring out of her eyes

"I'm sorry" I whispered sadly, before leaving the room.


I sat back on my stood with tears pouring down my face. I can't believe I fell once again for a guy I know Clarke is going to take away from me. What the hell is wrong with me! I screamed out in frustration, banging my fists against my head.

"Gahhhhh!" I yelled, pushing our project to the floor letting it break into pieces. I fell to the floor, hands covering my face with tears streaming down my cheeks. Moments later I pulled myself together, wiping away the stray tears and brushing the dust off my clothes before walking out of the room, through the halls of the ark and out the front entrance.


I stood to the side, watching as Raven exited the Ark waiting for the right moment to make things right and to tell her that I was falling for her. I watched her grabbing a cup of water when out of the corner of my eye I watched one of my people storm up to her with his Blade raised, ready to attack. A sudden realisation washed over me and I was running towards Raven,

"RAVEN!" I yelled, drawing everyone's attention. She looked towards me with a pained expression,

"WATCH OUT!" I screamed quickening my pace, but she was too slow to realize what was happening. I felt an excruciating pain unfold throughout my stomach.

"Matt! No!" Raven cried out catching me as I fell, placing my head in her lap. I looked up to see the sky people detaining the grounder. "CLARKE!" I heard Raven scream "Matt, please stay with me" she spoke softly with tears streaming down her face but that was the last thing I saw before falling into darkness.

I woke up with pain spreading all through me body and people yelling around me,

"He's awake!" I heard a familiar voice, I turned my head to see, Raven with Octavia while Clarke and her mother were trying to pull the blade out of my stomach.

"Matt, I need you to keep your eyes open, okay?" Clarke's mother spoke calmly. I nodded slowly, fighting to stay awake.

"Please don't die" Raven cried, holding onto my hand tightly

"I'll won't" I smiled weakly at her,

"Promise me Matt" tears were pouring out of her eyes,

"I promise" Clarke and Abby were talking in hushed voices but I managed to catch one word 'poisoned'.

"Octavia, I need you to get Lincoln to get the antidote please!" Clarke spoke to which Octavia nodded before running out of the room "quickly!" Clarke yelled after her. I took the opportunity to tell Raven how I felt,

"Raven" I smiled "I love you"

"You ah what?" she asked shocked

"I love you" I repeated weakly,

"I thought you loved Clarke" she looked away,

"What no!" I was shocked "Clarke is like my annoying little sister! Sorry Clarke" I laughed, causing more pain to erupt through my stomach.

"It's alright your like my annoying older brother too" she laughed, waving it off,

"Wait so you really do love me?" Raven asked her eyes lighting up,

"Forever and always" I smiled

"I love you too" she smiled, leaning down to kissing me which I gladly returned. Octavia returns moments later with a vile in her hand and Bellamy and Lincoln following closely behind her. I watched as Clarke poured it into the needle.

"Bellamy, Lincoln I need you two to hold him down" Abby said and they complied.

"You're going to be alright" Raven spoke calmly, still holding my hand. "Just don't die on me" just as she finished, a death defying pain spread throughout my body earning a scream from me. I felt a prick of a needle ejecting the antidote into my system. My eyes started to droop close,

"Matt! Open your eyes!" Raven screamed panicked but it was too late.

I woke up with a smaller pain in my stomach and a heavy feeling on my arm. I looked down to find Raven sound asleep, resting her head on my arm,

"Raven" I whispered, shaking her a little "Raven baby, wake up"

"Hmm" she mumbled, opening her eyes

"Hey" I smiled

"Matt! Your awake!" she screamed eyes filled with happiness,

"Calm down tiger" I laughed

"Don't ever scare me like that ever again!" her smile left as quickly as it came.

"I'm sorry, I love you" I smiled

"I love you too" she smiled back, pecking my lips. We were interrupted by Lexa walking through the doors,

"I see you're finally awake" Lexa smiled softly "how are you feeling"

"Fine" I smiled back

"I am placing you on bed rest, until you fully recover but make it quick I need my best warrior back out there" she announced before leaving Raven and I alone once again.

"Looks like your stuck with me, mechanic" I laughed looking in her dark brown eyes,

"Somehow that sounds perfect to me" she smiled before placing a passionate kiss on my lips, which I gladly return.


Hope you like it <3

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