Birth of a Vampyre

By astevens

8.6K 163 48


Birth of a vampyre~1~
Birth of a vampyre ~2~
Birth of a Vampyre ~3~
Birth of a Vampyre ~5~
Birth of a Vampyre ~6~
Birth of a Vampyre ~7~
Birth of a Vampyre ~8~
Birth of a Vampyre ~9~
Birth of a Vampyre ~10~
Birth of a Vampyre ~11~
Birth of a Vampyre~12~
Birth of a Vampyre ~13~
Birth of a Vampyre ~14~
Birth of a Vampyre ~15~

Birth of a Vampyre ~4~

1.1K 12 2
By astevens

Well here's the next part. Please comment and vote.

"You think you created a MONSTER!! No you were the monster!! You were going to leave me to fend for myself!! So I left before you could." I could have

sworn I was yelling, but it came out as an angry whisper.

"My little flower. I could never have left you. I still wanted to marry you. I saw the look of utter pain on your face when your mother

spoke to you. The fact that she tried to kill you because she thought you were a monster. My mind shattered along with my heart at the look on

your face. I thought you would never forgive me. I've followed you over the centuries and you always took a name that you could use Lily with. I

realized along time ago I should have chased you. I always would follow you and come to your home and take whatever of yours I could get away with.

I was constantly taking pictures. When you would leave one of your lovers they would always keep something of yours such as a portrait or a

later on in the centuries a picture. You were always so beautiful." His voice slowly trailed off.

No I will not fall for this. He is the one person I have ever truely loved. Was he telling me the truth or was this just some way to torture me?

I want to believe so bad that he really did love me and had been watching me over the years.

"How many times have you broken into my home? Why can't I read your thoughts?" This last part disturbes me more than anything. I can read everyone's

thoughts no matter if they are human or immortal.

"At least once in every house that you have ever lived in. I don't know why you can't read my thoughts. I can't read yours either. You are the only

other vampyre I have ever made. I made a vow when you left that I would never damn another person. Only now that I have been watching you and that you

won't kill an innocent do I realize that you were never a monster. I was for making you and just giving up on us." Pure pain and hurt is seeping into

his words. He reaches for me again and I jerk away. I can't let him know how I really feel. Hmmm maybe because he made me that is the reason I can't

read his thoughts. I have some research to do on this. I will have to contact Marcus. He's not as old as me, but he has made many others. I don't

know who made Marcus we never speak of those long ago years.

"Please don't touch me. I can't feel for you the way I do. I have never loved anyone but you. All those others were a candle compared to the sun that

you have always been to me." Emotion flows through my voice. I turn to look at Viktor and see that his green eyes are glowing with pure love. Oh god no.

I'm doing it I'm feeling for him again. "You need to leave now Viktor. Continue to watch me from afar, but do not contact me ever again." My voice breaks

on the last word and tears are spilling down my cheeks. Blood red tears a condition of being damned. I turn away again and what the hell right into his arms.

"I know you well enough to know when you are getting ready to run out on me" He whispers softly into my ear. "I've watched you long enough to know all

of your signs. Please give me another chance. I can't live without you in my life. I broke in here tonight so that I could take something of yours and

smell you on everything. I watched you leave tonight to go hunting and figured you would be gone for at least another 2 hours. Why are you back early?"

Should I tell him? Hmmm maybe just part of he deserves to know the truth even if I am going to make him leave anyway. "I was standing by the river

looking at the moon. I was remembering how I became like this. I was remembering you and that horrible night when things went so wrong. I've lived many

lives since then and that one is the one that sticks out to me more than any ever has. I was walking in the park after that and my meal stumbled up to me.

I made the mistake of asking his name. It was Victor. I couldn't do it my appetite was gone and I just wanted to come home and paint." I choked out the


"You were thinking about me. I didn't realize that it was such a horrible night." Again I have hurt him unintentionaly.

"The entire night wasn't bad, but it is all tainted by my leaving and what happened in my village. Why didn't you help me in the village?" This question has

burned in me for centuries.

"You weren't in any danger and I don't take any pleasure in killing anything. I wish you could have seen yourself that night. You were like an avenging

angel. You hair flowed in the wind and your eyes glowed red as you killed that son of a bitch who was going to rape you and then the parents of that

poor girl. When your mother attacked you I was going to run in and grab you, but you fled with such pain in your face that all I could do was follow."

"Wasn't in any danger. My mother missed on purpose to give me the chance to escape. She was a dead eye. She could hit anything. I think the only

thing that saved me was that she could tell I was telling the truth about the girl and how I just wanted to avenge her. Yet if I really wanted

to do that then I would have taken my own life." I can't do it anymore the tears are now running freely and I lean into is comforting arms.

"The world would be a very dark place if you weren't in it Lily. You said that I was your sun, well you have always been mine. I would leave for a decade here

and there and try to forget you thinking that you were happy, but the word of your disappearance would always come to me and I would be off to find you again.

I watched you practice your gifts constatnly. You have always been an amazing woman."

God if he kisses me now I'm fucked. Suddenly my phone starts to ring. Saved by of all things cemetery gates from Pantera. I slowly remove mysef from his

grasp to answer my phone.

"this is Lily." I hope it doesn't sound like I have been crying.

"Lily darling it's Marcus." Perfect just who I needed to talk to.

"What's up babe?" Marcus and I have a very special relationship. We met about 2 thousand years ago and since then we have always kept in touch.

"Well you know how you are always looking for that Viktor guy?" Well shit does he now Viktor is here?

"Yeah" this could be a very fortunate turn of events. Thank you to whatever god is up there for sending me this life line.

"He's been spotted. There are hunters after him. He was spotted not to far from here." Wait..hunters?

"What do you mean hunters? They are all supposed to be extinct. How can there be hunters still? I killed the last of them long ago." Or did I?

"Yeah well you know that they will always be around dear. As long as we are they will keep popping up." Wait hunters....he could have brought them

straight to me. I'm on the top of all hunters list.

"FUCK! Dammit Marcus he's here." No need to explain Marcus would understand.

"SHIT LILY! You have to get away from him. They will track him to you. You are on the top of every hunters list!" Marcus was screaming into the

phone. Not neccisary I could have heard him if he whispered.

"I have already realized that Marcus. And now I am going to find out why he would bring this death down on me." I turn to glare at Viktor who is

frozen to the spot I left him in.

"I'm on my way" And with that Marcus hangs up the phone. I spin around to Viktor again.

"Why?" One word is all I need to get the answer out of him.

"I didn't know that they would find me here. I thought that I had lost them." He sounded truely sorry for what he had done.

"You can't get rid of a hunter by running you fool. You have to kill them every last one of them." Pure rage seeps into my voice, but I'm not

angry with Viktor I am angry at the fact that someone is trying to kill my one true love.

"I will leave they will not find you. You will not be destroyed because of me." Viktor turns to leave.

"No you will wait here for Marcus to show up and you will explain why there are hunters after you. You don't drink human blood so there is no

reason for you to even have gotten on their radar." I have a horrible feeling all of a sudden. Shit they are already here and I haven't eaten

in about 2 months. My powers are still strong, but if I had fed off that drunk my powers would make me invincible to these pathetic humans.

"It's to late they are here. Marcus won't make it in time, but there are only 3 of them. You must not be a high priority target." Viktor looks

so ashamed that he has brought this to me. "They don't know that there is more than one of us in here. They think that you are waiting for me

to get home so you can feed......Wait Viktor why would they think you are going to feed off of a human?"

"Because after you left I no longer cared about being a good person or not. I started to feed off of humans here and there with animals being my

main source of nutrition. I lost control one night and slaughtered an entire family. I didn't know that they were a family of hunters." His

voice cracks. Oh no. My leaving changed him into a killer. Something he never wanted to be. I have to set this right. I will kill them all

in under 3 minutes and we will leave.

"Stay in the house Viktor. I will take care of the three that are out there. HOw many have been following you?" I need all the information that

he can give me. I won't have time to read all of their minds as I drain them, just the last one.

"No you can't do this for me!"

"VIKTOR do not argue with me about this. You will tell me how many have actually been following you. I will dispatch the 3 outside and we will go."

"There have been between 3 and 15 for the last decade." Oh crap they've been following him for a decade.

"Do they know about me?" It's only a whisper, but he can hear it.

"Yes. They know that I have been following you for awhile, but they seem to think that it is just that you are one I want to kill. You are different

from all of our kind. You walk in sun without any discomfort. The last true hunters who knew about you were destroyed." Hmm so I did kill them all.

"Yes I was the one who got rid of those pesky flies. I am just a legend to other hunters. A spooky ghost story to tell the young hunters." I don't have

time to talk anymore. "Stay here and away from the windows. No matter what do not come outside!" And with that I disappear outside to take care of the

three that are hiding around my property.

I catch the first one's smell and head toward him without making a sound. His thoughts are clear. Kill Viktor and save the poor girl inside of the

house. I laugh internally save me? They have got to be kidding me. Well at least I can trick this one. I start to make noise as I walk toward him. I am

going to make this one wish he had never been born. I think I will act like I have just come home from a night out and am stumbling through my property drunk.

"Who's there?" Hmm he has a very seductive voice. Better not let my true voice show through he's not as stupid as I first thought.

"Why the hell are you on my property?" I say with a slight slur to my words. I may not be able to get drunk but centuries of practice has made it easy to


"Umm I'm tracking a killer and we have reason to believe that he is in your home." He's not sure what to make of me in my leather pants, corset, and 4 inch

spike stilleto heal boots that go up to my knees. He thinks I'm pretty and sees why the filthy bloodsucker would be after me. I trip on purpose and cling to him

so as not to fall.

"A what? A killer? Why would he be after me?" I whisper breathly into his ear. I scan his thoughts. He thinks I'm cold from drinking. If I could laugh outloud

without giving myself away I would. Being alive as long as I have my body doesn't become stone cold until about the 6 month mark of not feeding.

"He's a very odd killer miss and you should stay with me until we can capture him?" He is trying to protect me how sweet. To bad he's the one that needs

protecting from me.

"You'll keep me safe." He smells so good. I can feel his pulse with every molicule of my body. He smells of vanilla and cinnamon. The vanilla is to keep

the werewolves away and the cinnamon is actually him. "You smell good. Is that vanilla?" I know that he won't think anything of the fact that I can smell

the vanilla if I mention cinnamon though he'll figure it out.

"Ummm thank you. You smell good as well. Strawberry?" Hmm he can smell my favorite shampoo.

"Yes. It's my favorite." I giggle a little. God this is getting boring. I think I'm going to have fun with him.

"This is alpha checking in. I have the girl she is safe." Alpha? I see he's the leader of this little band of misfit hunters. I can hear the responses from

the other team members buzzing in his ear.

"This is beta I hear and understand. Do we take him out now?" Hmmm so beta is trigger happy and another male.

"This is Omega I hear and understand. The target has moved upstairs towards the bedroom." What the fuck is he doing in my bedroom. Omega is a female with

a sultry voice.

"Wait for my signal." Alpha has a very commanding presence now that I let my powers bring my senses to a level no human could comprehend.

"Who are you talking to?" I have to act like I haven't heard the whole conversation.

"My other team mates miss." Hmmm it's time to play I think.

"Please stop calling me miss. I have a name you know." Again slurring my words so that he doesn't realize that he is in deaths embrace already.

"I'm sorry. It was rude of me not to ask for your name miss. May I have the pleasure of knowing this information?" What a gentleman. I hate killing good

guys, but he would kill me in a heartbeat if he knew what I really was. It's time to play for real now. If I can get him to make the oath that he won't kill

me then he is bound to it and I can really have some fun.

"Do you swear you won't hurt me if I tell you my name?" He looks at me as if I am way to drunk, but sees the fear in my eyes so he slowly lets out a sigh.

"I swear on my blood that I won't hurt you if you tell me your name." Gotcha you son of a bitch. I slowly untangle myself from him and smile letting my fangs


"I am Lilith Queen of the damned you fool." I can't help but laugh as I see the comprehension form on his face. He has sworn not to hurt me and yet I am

the one on the top of all hit lists.

"You're supposed to be dead." He whispers.

"It would take an army of you pathetic hunters to kill me. Now you can't tell your team about me or you will have broken your vow and you can't hurt me because

again you will have broken your vow. I have you on a double edge sword boy and you will listen to me now." I let the power fill my voice and watch him flinch at it.

"Now you will let my friend go or I will kill your beta and omega without a second thought. You I will let live and you will be my plaything."

Alpha slowly nods and gets on his radio. "Beta. Omega stand down. There is a complication. There is a child in the house if we go in the monster will kill it."

"What child? There has never been a child in this house before. Everytime he comes it's when no one is home." Omega you bitch...wait everytime he comes?

"You have my orders now stand DOWN!" I hear the power in his voice. This man is a born leader and he deserves his name alpha. He is willing to die to get the

other 2 to safety.

"Understood" Comes the answer from both beta and omega.

"Very good Alpha. Hmmm I don't like calling you that. What is your real name?" He looks at me with pure hate in his eyes. "If you don't want me to rip it from

your thoughts then just tell me pup." I love getting under his skin.

"My name is Eric." He answer with venom in his voice. "You aren't going to hurt the others are you?" There is actual fear in his voice at the thought of me

killing his subordinates, but not for his own life. This intrigues me.

"Why do you care so little for your own life and yet so much for theirs?" An honest question that has truely baffled me.

"You without a soul would not understand what it means care for someone else." Is all the answer I get and boy does that piss me off.

"I have a soul." I whisper. "I'm out here to protect Viktor. He means a lot to me. If I didn't have a soul I couldn't love him as completely as I do." I thought

I was speaking normally until I realized that he had leaned in closer to hear me.

"You LILITh have a soul? I find that hard to believe. You kill children without a second thought. You have shed countless blood." I glean from his thoughts the

stake that he is trying to get out of his belt without me noticing.

"Leave the stake where it is. You have already given me your word you wouldn't hurt me and if you break that you will face a pain more than even I can give. I have

only ever killed one child. It was the day I was turned and I was on my first hunting trip. I was going to hunt animals when this smell came over my senses and

I couldn't help it. By the time my creator found me the girl was dead and I was crying." Why am I telling him this. "I read her thoughts as she died. She was

sick and already dying. Her parents had left her in the woods to die so they wouldn't have to see it. She thanked me for ending her life without pain." I didn't

realize I had started to cry when I felt his finger wipe away a blood red tear. "She was from my village and I wanted revenge. I went to the village that night

and killed her parents, my would be rappist, and left when my own mother tried to kill me. That night I left my creator as well and hoped to never see him again."

"Why are you telling me this?" I looked at Eric. I didn't have an answer for him.

"Say you killed him and leave with your 2 others." I stood up and began to walk away when I felt his hand around my wrist. He spun me around and had me in his embrace

before I could register what had happened. That is not an easy thing to do. I fell into his embrace and returned his kiss with one of my own. "You have just kissed

the enemy Eric." My voice came out breathy and in a whisper.

"You aren't the enemy. You have a soul your right. I see the pain and regret that is in your eyes and I can't believe that if you've only ever killed one child that

you deserve to be hunted like you are." His eyes are a deep ocean blue now that i look at him.

"Yes only one child, but many many others. I kill those that have escaped punishment from man's law. That was my vow after I killed that poor girl and I have lived

by that ever sense. The only time I kill an innocent is to save my own life. Do you know how many of your kind I have killed?" I can't take my eyes off of his.

"I don't care. I will do as you ask and call them off for now. They will still want to hunt this Viktor though. I can't stop that." He looks down ashamed to say this

to me.

"Then feed them false leads. I don't want to hurt you by having to kill them, but I will not hesitate if they go after him." He knows that i speak the truth.

"Fine we will leave under one condition." Who the hell does he think he is giving me a condition. "Well rather more than one condition."

"You do realize that I could kill you all within minutes correct?" He nods in answer. "Then why do you think I will obey these conditions?" He has peaked my


"because you love the vampyre in there and have no want to see him hurt." Aww he's playing dirty. I smirk and nod.

"I will hear your conditions before I agree that is only fair." This time he smirks and nods.

"First condition you let us leave with no fight. Second condition you meet me at a specified time and place alone. Third and final condition you never see Viktor again." The

first 2 were bareable, but never to see Viktor again. He said he knows that I love him. What is he playing at?

"How will you know if I see Viktor again?" I ask wryly.

"Because I am moving in with you." He states it so matter of factly.

"What?" I growl

"It's the only way that I can be sure that you follow my conditions." He has a flirty smile on his face.

"I....I....I don't know. I can stand the first 2 conditions, but the third is is just cruel." Another blood red tear escapes my eye.

"It is more a punishment for him than it is supposed to be to you. He killed an entire family of hunters in one night." His eyes flash with rage. "I will not hurt you if you

break these conditions, but I will stop giving false information about his whereabouts." That was a threat. This mortal actually threatened me. I should kill them all and

be done with it.

"I agree to your conditions." I can't let them hurt Viktor. I have a bad feeling about this.

"Fine meet me tomorrow at around noon at the cafe around the corner from Da Freak Da Vampyre art gallery." Wait how did he know about...he can't know that I work there.

"Why there?" I can't let on that it's near where I work.

"I like the gallery. Whoever runs it has exquisite taste in art." He says it so nonchalantly. So he doesn't know that it's where I work.

"Fine, but first call off your hounds."

"Beta Omega we are pulling out for now. We can't risk the child in there to be hurt. We know that the vamp only wants the woman. We can't risk him hurting the child

because of us." Interesting he lies so well. I'll have to be careful around him.

"thank you. I'll have to go talk to Viktor to make him leave. You know that he will continue to follow me. He has for centuries." I turn away resigned to save

Viktor's life at the cost of my heart.

"Oh I'm going to go in with you" He smirks.

"Oh no you aren't. This is going to be hard enough without you being there." I didn't want to see Eric ever again. He was ripping my heart out and I couldn't stand it.

"Oh you don't have a choice. Beta, Omega I'm taking the girl in."

"What you can't do that. The thing is still in there." It was omega's sultry voice.

"Carrie it's ok. He won't hurt me as long as I have the girl. I have to save the child in there." Again with his smooth lies.

"Eric please." Carrie or rather Omega sounded like she loved Eric. Hmmm why was he doing this? I would have to ask him later.

"Carrie relax. I've come to an arrangement with the owner of the home. I'll explain it to you as soon as I can." What the hell is it with this guy. I can tell just by

hearing her that she loves him and that her love wasn't returned by Eric.

"Understood Alpha." That was Beta.

"Understood Alpha." that was Omega's resigned voice.

We slowly make our way up to my home. I walk up the stairs leading Eric into my bedroom. I open the door and there is Viktor lying on my bed like he hasn't a care in the


"Viktor" I whisper he's suddenly beside me taking me in his arms. *cough* oh yeah Eric is still here. Viktor suddenly throws himself between me and Eric.

"Viktor stop." He hears the pain in my voice and turns to look at me confused. "He's here to help them stop tracking you. He's going to help, but there are conditions." He

sees the resignation in my eyes.

"What have you done?" He screams at Eric.

"Hey now you did this to yourself when you killed that family." Again I see the hate in Eric's face for Viktor. His eyes soften as he looks at me. Viktor notices the look he

gives me and lunges. I'm between them before he can reach Eric. He ends up slamming me into the wall instead of Eric.

"Oh God Sheena I'm so sorry." Eric gives me a confused look at hearing the name.

"For the last time Viktor Sheena died five thousand years ago. My name is Lilith. Now get off of me." I shove him across the room. I look at him with sorrow and hurt in my eyes.

"Sheena?" Eric whispers.

"Don't you dare say that name you horrible hunter." Viktor hisses at Eric.

"Anyway the conditions of them stopping to hunt you or rather to follow Eric's false leads." I can't take it I have to tell him everything now and make him leave.

"Condition one and two have nothing to do with him and therefore he has no need to know what they are." Eric is glaring at Viktor with pure hatred again.

"I think I should know all the conditions that there are since it is my life here." Viktor is confused by what Eric has said.

"The first condition has been met. I let them leave without a fight. The second condition is I meet Eric tomorrow. The third condition." I freeze I can't do it. I can't say it.

I burst into tears and flee the room. i don't care what they do I can't never see Viktor again.

"Lily wait." Eric is screaming at me and chasing me.

"I can't do it Eric you have to tell him I can't break him like that. I can't break me." I run into one of the spare rooms and lock the door. Not even Viktor can break in. My

doors are all made so that not even I can break them.

"I'll do it then." Eric says as if he is going to enjoy watching Viktor's pain.

"What is the last condition." It's Viktor and his voice sounds as if he knows what is coming. The tears run freely down my face.

"You can never see her again." Eric says it so matter of factly.

"What?!? What right do you have to say this to me. I should kill you now." Pure venom is in his voice.

"Because she agreed to this to keep you alive. We have been hunting you ever since that night and we will kill you unless you go along with this. If you want to keep Lily happy

then I suggest you leave now. If you die it will only hurt her more. She did this to protect you." Eric was saying things he knew Viktor couldn't resist. The thought of

hurting me would not go over well with Viktor. "You can stay here tonight to say your goodbye. I will be outside to make sure that you leave. You must leave at least one hour

before sunrise so that you can get to somewhere safe to sleep." With that I heard Eric spin on his heel and leave the hallway.

"Lily please open the door." Viktor was begging me. I can't resist his voice. Those peircing green eyes. I open the door slowly to see him standing there with pure pain on

his face. "I've just got you back to loose you again." Oh god what have I done.

"I can't stand the thought of you not being somewhere in this world even if it's not with me." My voice is a whisper of pain and sadness. "Please just just go. I can't do this.

I've been waiting for you for over five thousand years and now I'm going to loose you again."

"How long can this mortal live? What maybe 50 years? I'll stay close to you, but you won't see me again until he's dead." I heard the warning in his voice.

"You can't kill him. It wouldn't be right. He's going to keep the hunters off of your trail. Please just don't do anything rash. You're right when he dies we can finally

be together again. I want that more than anything in the world Viktor. I always have. That's why I was trying to find you." My phone begins to ring again.


"Lily are you ok? I'm about a mile down the road."

"I'm fine Marcus. Don't come here. The hunters have already been here. I struck a deal and they are gone, but I won't put you in danger." I couldn't put Marcus in

danger he was my one true friend.

"You can't scare me away Lily. I love you you know that." Love what a four letter word. I'll admit Marcus and I have been friends with benefits for a long time, but

love wasn't what I thought we had. Maybe the love of two people who can truely get along, but not the love of two people who would die without eachother.

"I love you to Marcus, but I won't put you in danger. You can come over now they have left, but we can't let them find out about you." It was true. The hunters had

left. Eric was gone until about an hour before dawn to make sure that Viktor left.

"Is Viktor still there?"

"Yes only for a short period though. He has to leave by an hour before dawn." My voice cracked.

"Oh lily I'm coming honey. I'll be there in 5." With that Marcus hung up. I turn back to look at Viktor.

"I won't loose you again Lily. My little flower, my love." I could see the pain in his eyes.

"We have no choice. They will keep hunting you until you are dead. I won't live in a world without you. If you don't leave then you are going to hurt me more than you

could ever imagine." I lean into Viktor's arms and rest my head on his shoulder.

"Lily what makes you think they won't kill you if they find out who you are?" Shit I hadn't told Viktor that Eric already knew.

"Eric knows. I was toying with him and going to kill him. I made him take the hunter's vow that he wouldn't hurt me once he knew my name. I thought I was winning the

mind game. He's one sneaky bastard." I couldn't move my head from Viktor's shoulder. I felt him lean down and kiss my forhead. I shattered. The tears flowed again

I lifted my head and kissed him soflty on the lips.


Goddamn door. Oh wait it's Marcus. I flew down the stairs and opened the door. I flew into Marcus's firm yet loving grip.

"Shhh Shhh Lily. Hush little flower of death." I couldn't help but giggle. In many cultures the lily is a funeral flower and well it fits me perfectly, even though

that wasn't what was going through my head at the time I chose the name.

"Who are you?" Viktor had followed me down the stairs and was now seeing me in Marcus's arms. I hadn't even thought about what he would think if he saw me like this with


"Well Mr. Manners my name is Marcus. I have been Lily's friend for over 2 thousand years. And you must be the one who has ripped her heart beyond repair. You must be

Viktor. You know she might have really loved me if it weren't for the fact that you haunt her everythought." Wait what? Love Marcus? I mean I did, but not like that.

I didn't know he felt that way about me. He was always so careful to shield his thoughts around me.

"Hmmm I doubt that you egotistical jerk. She loves me and only me. At one point we were to be married." Oh my god the testosterone is running wild right now. I can't believe it's

all over me.

"You were at one point that is true, but then you called her a monster and told her you were only going to stay with her until she could take care of herself. You broke her

beyond repair that day." How did Marcus know this. I had told him so little about me being made.

"well you can go now Marcus. We only have a few hours to say goodbye before I am never to see her again." I could hear the furry in his voice. It wasn't directed at me, but

I suddenly understood why Eric wanted to move in. He would be on the top of Viktor's hit list along with the rest of his little group. I was going to have to protect them from

Viktor in order to keep Viktor alive.

"I shall not leave until you do." Pure venom was in Marcus's voice. I was screwed. I couldn't bring myself to throw either of them out.

"Please stop" what is wrong with me why does everything come out as a whisper?

"Oh lily." Marcus was comforting me again.

"Please don't call her that. That isn't her real name. That is the name she took when she became a monster. She is not the monster that was there that night she is herself

again. The poor 16 year old that wanted nothing but to swim by moonlight." Love oozes from Viktor.

"That is the name that she told me to call her and so that is the name I shall until she gives me permission to call her something else." Oh Marcus why couldn't I return your

love for me as more than just friends?

"Enough." My voice was back. I wasn't this sniveling little thing I was LILITH Queen of the Damned and maker of fear. I was the creature of nightmares! "If you two are done

I am still here" I broke from Marcus's arms and kissed him lightly on the cheek. "Viktor where will you go. I will not have made this deal for nothing. You will leave and stay

away from me like you always have. You will go and that is final. We will see eachother again eventually." I know my voice sounds strong, but I am dying inside.

"It is best if you don't know where I am Lily." His voice was flat. All emotion had gone from his green eyes. "I will leave as you wish, but can we please spend this night alone"

He glances pointedly at Marcus.

"No that would not help us at all. I would not be able to let you leave and you wouldn't be able to leave." I know I sound cocky, but hell it's the truth I wouldn't be able to

let him leave and I know he loves me to much to leave now that we are speaking again.

"I am staying with you from now on." Marcus speaks matter of factly. Oh god Eric is planning on moving in and I can't tell that to either of them. Damn what am I going to do?

"Although it pains me to say this that is my condition on leaving you Lily. Marcus must stay with you. He can protect you since you told that filthy hunter who you are." Dammit

Viktor why did you have to have a condition as well. "I can see that you really do care for my little flower so I will allow you to stay with her. I will take your phone number. I

can't have contact with her, but I can have contact with you."

"Oh no. Why do you get to choose who lives in my house? I can't that was another condition. This isn't even my home anymore. That hunter Eric wants to move in as well." I couldn't

hide this fact any longer.

"WHAT!" Wow they screamed in unison.

"Look it's a condition ok. I'll do whatever it takes to make sure you survive Viktor."

"Well then my condition stands double now."

"I hate to say it, but I agree with Viktor you can't live with a hunter by yourself." How can I explain this?

"I've only got protection for Viktor not you Marcus. I couldn't live if something happened to you because of me."


"Who the fuck is it now!!!" I storm off towards the door.

"It's time for the bloodsucker to leave." Oh crap it's Eric.

"Look there has been a complication. My friend Marcus is going to stay with us here at my home. YOu will not harm him or I will kill your entire clan of hunters." I can't believe this

I have no control over my endless life anymore.

"That wasn't one of the conditions." His face is stone as he looks over my shoulder. I turn to see Viktor and Markus glaring daggers at him.

"Well it's my condition." Dammit Viktor shut up.

"Mine as well" Oh god why do they have to agree on something like this? I turn back to Eric as he ponders this new turn of events.

"Fine, but you will stay the hell away from me bloodsucker. You don't come near me oh and I'll be the one sleeping with Lily." What a cocky arrogant bastard. Is he trying to get himself killed?

"What? Oh no that wasn't one of the conditions. YOu said you were moving in with me nothing about sharing my room."

"I'm not sharing your room just your bed. Did you think I wouldn't take full advantage of my situation? Trust me I know what I'm doing. I don't think that you truely see yourself. I've read

all the stories on Lilith. You were described as a beautiful goddess and you know what they didn't even compare to what stands before me." He smirks at me.

"Viktor go with Marcus now!" I am going to kill this cocky son of a bitch.

Viktor and Marcus turn to leave when suddenly I am in Viktor's embrace and he is kissing me like he did that first night. Love poors into me and lust. To fast the embrace is broken.

"I can't loose you again." He whispers so softly none, but me can hear. He turns on his heel and leaves with Marcus. I spin to come face to face with Eric.

"I suppose the second condition no longer matters. You don't need to meet me tomorrow since you are making this your home now." I put as much venom in my voice as possible.

"Look I'm letting that other bloodsucker stay. I understand that they both care about you and want to see no harm come to you. I had to get permission to stay here from my superiors telling

them that you were still in danger. I didn't tell them who or what you really are so you could be a little grateful."

"GRATEFUL!! You want to sleep in my bed with me. Do you have any idea how dangerous that is? No human that has ever shared my bed lives for long. What if I wake up hungry in the middle of

the night and decide that you are a tempting snack?" I let the purr of my voice leak into him. No man can resist me when I do this.

"Don't try your tricks on me Lily.....What's your real name?" His question catches me off gaurd. I forgot that he had heard Viktor say my true name. A name that has been dead for many many

years now.

"You heard Viktor use my real name." I spin on my heel. "Follow me and I'll show you around." I don't look behind me to see if he is following me. I can hear his footsteps following me.

I head to the kitchen. I keep it stocked with human food to help keep up appearances. I even have all the best cooking utensils and attachments that would make any cook wet themselves.

I can cook. I learned a long time ago and just kept up with the trends. "This is the kitchen. You will find everything you need to sustain yourself in here. The living room is off to the right.

There is an inground pool out back as well as one inside in the basement. You will also find a pooltable and every video game system you can think of down there in the game room. I have a fully

stocked bar on each floor. Ummm sleeping is upstairs. there are 10 bedrooms and of course each floor has a bathroom. Any questions?" I am acting like a tour guide in my own home. God at least

I didn't have to do this with Marcus. He's been here and stayed here enough that he has the whole floor plan memorized.

"Just one. Are you ready to go to bed with me?" That cocky little boy.

"I'm not to be honest. I don't need as much sleep as you do and I'm really not in the mood to be around you right now. You have taken from me the one thing I finally got back." Again with the

whisper voice.

"You know he's not the same as the guy you knew. We've heard stories about how he used to be a good vamp and only drank animal blood. He's changed you know?"

"That doesn't matter. He changed because I left him. He didn't care anymore because he thought I had become a monster. His soul no longer mattered to him?" Why did I feel like I could tell

Eric these things.

"That's no reason. You aren't a monster."

"How can you possibly say that. You do realize that i don't Survive on animal blood correct?" Eric nodded in acknowledement.

"I also know that you don't kill innocents." Well damn maybe this clan knew more about me than I thought.

"How long have you been looking for me?"

"We've never stopped looking for you. You are still on the top of the hit list, but we turn a blind eye until you kill innocents." Interesting tid bit.

"Did you really not know this was my house?"

"No we had no idea that it was you Viktor was stalking. We thought you were just a normal woman. I mean you walk in the sun you work with humans." So they really had no idea about my

full abilities.

"It has taken me along time to get to the point were I can do these things. Look I'll show you to my room. There is a bathroom attached and you can take a shower. I'm not leaving tonight

So you have nothing to worry about. I'll be around the house." I start to lead him up the stairs to my room. It's not like my room isn't big enough for four people to live in, but it is

my personal space. I open the door and hear him gasp. My room is huge. There's a 40 inch plasma tv, a dvd player, a ps3, a surround sound, a couch and some recliners, a big bay window

with a window seat, and my bed. A king size canopy bed big enough for 5 to sleep comfortably. The color scheme is black and purple everywhere. "The bathroom is through there and you can

have that closet." I point to the closet farthest from the bathroom. I turn to leave when he grabs my wrist again. I turn back to him.

"What is your issue?" Suddenly he is kissing me. I feel an electric charge run from my lips all the way down through my body. I gasp and pull away. "You're a fool. Why would you touch me like

that? I'm your enemy." I can't believe that he kissed me. I can't believe that i want more. How many times must my heart be torn to shreds?

"You aren't my enemy. And I've wanted you since the second you came stumbling up pretending to be drunk. That by the way was an amazing act." I feel the blush reaching my cheeks. "I didn't

know that a vampyre could blush." I turn my head slightly.

"Not all of us can. I don't know why I'm so different from the rest, but I am."

"It's because you truely do have a soul." Shock that is all that I can use to discribe my feelings at that moment. I soften a little to him.

"I can't agree or disagree with that. Look you should go take a shower. I'm going to go take a swim and just relax." I turn again and walk out of my room without being stopped. I walk down the

stairs and to the indoor pool. The ceiling above the indoor pool is painted to look like the night sky. I change into my skimpy black bikini with the puprle skulls on each breast and one right

on my ass. I slowly decend the stairs into the pool letting the warm liquid wash over my body inch by inch. My hearing and all my senses are on red alert just incase I have to take car of

that cocky boy or his little playmates from earlier. I begin to let myself relax when I smell and hear Marcus walking down the stairs.

"Where am i supposed to sleep? That dick took my usuall sleeping arrangements." I can hear the disdain in his voice over Eric.

"You can sleep in any room you would like. My home is your home like always Marcus. Where is Viktor?" I must know that he left ok.

"He's fine. He wouldn't tell me where he was going, but we exchanged phone numbers." I feel the water ripple as Marcus slides into the pool. I turn to face him and he is right next to me. He slowly

wraps his arms around me. "You are as beautiful as ever Lily. I see why the hunter wants to share your bed with you."

"Oh please. Do you really think that I would do anything with him?"

"No I don't, but that doesn't mean that he won't try. And with the doors that you have had put on this place it's not like I could get to you if you needed me." Worry drips from every word.

"Look do you really think that I would allow him to get the upper hand? I am not a newborn you know." I can't help but be a little defensive at this point. My whole world has changed overnight.

Why did I have to think of that night? Why didn't I just kill that drunk bastard and then I would have come home and Viktor would have been gone before I got home.

"Lily please don't act like that with me. I love you and you know that. I have waited 2 thousand years for you to love me. Viktor really did shatter you that day and i am more than

willing to pick up the pieces. I won't ask you to love me. I will instead though be happy to take some of that frustration out of you." He smirks. God I should just fuck him and

relax. The thought of Eric up in my room makes me hesitate. "not to night Lily. I know you are hurting to bad. I will be in the room at the other end of the hall if you need anything."

With that he kisses me lightly on the lips and gets out of the pool. All is silent in my home now. I lay back and float in the pool just thinking as I stare at my unending night above me.

Suddenly I feel ripples in the water. I stand up and fly to the edge of the pool ready to pull myself out and attack.

"No need for that Lily." Shit it's Eric. I let myself become to relaxed and wasn't paying any attention. What the hell is wrong with me? "I was just wondering where you were so I decided

to come look for you. You said you were going swimming and since it's early morning I figured you'ld be in this pool. The waters nice. Do you mind if I join you?"

"I don't really care to be honest." It's the truth I don't care what he does as long as he leaves my friends alone. He shrugs and climbs into the water. He's like a god. He's perfectly

chiseled and his eight pack is taunting me. His blue eyes watch me endlessly. His messy hair is a beautiful silvery color. "I've never seen hair the color of yours before." It's an

offhand coment and I hope to catch him off guard.

"Yeah I hear that a lot." Damn that didn't work. He's slowly making his way over to me. "So after this are you ready for bed?" Again there is that lustful look in his eyes. I'm drawn to

him, but why?

"sure why not. You do realize that we are just going to sleep right?" That should burst his happy little bubble.

"we'll see what happens." What the hell is it with this guy? I turn to swim away and he grabs me and pulls me towards him. "Did you feel it when we kissed?"

"What?" Again I'm shocked. Did he feel it too?

"So you did feel it. It was the most amazing feeling ever. I can't wait to get the sensation again."

"What do you have a death wish?" He smirks.

"Nope" He lets his lips pop on the p. "I just want to feel that again." With that he leans in and starts to kiss me again. His tongue begs for entry into my mouth. My mouth parts to

let his tongue in without me telling it to. There it is again only now it's stronger. The electric tingle. The water around us starts to bubble. Wind whips through the room surrounding

us and pushing us closer together. I can feel him getting aroused. I have to break this now. I pull away gasping and the wind starts to die down and the water turns back to normal.

"Did you do that?" he asks amazed.

"Yes, but not intentionally. I can control the elements, but that has never happened before." I turn and head towards the stairs to get out of the pool. I make it out without him

stopping me this time. I walk to the cabinet next to the bar and grab a big plush purple towel.

"So that story is true. What elese? Can you really read minds and talk to animals?" What the fuck!!!

"Is that why you are here? To ascertain the truth about my abilities?"

"No! I am here because there is something about you that draws me to you. I can't explain it." His voice is so close. How did he get out of the water without me hearing him? I throw him a

towel without working and stalk back up to my room. I pass Marcus.

"Thought you'ld be in there for awhile longer."

"My relaxing was interupted by a rude hunter."

"Lily come stay with me tonight." At this point I'm debating on staying in one of the other guest rooms away from everyone.

"She can't" Fucking ERIC. A horrible deathly sound escapes Marcus's lips.

"You don't own her human."

"No but I am the one keeping her from being shattered by the death of her lover."

"LOVER LOVER!! You are kidding me. Viktor is not my lover. He was at one time, but that was many years ago. I can't imagine a world without him, but we are NOT together. Do you

hear me?!" I sprint away. To Marcus and to Eric I would appear to be a blur. Even though Marcus has the vampire site I can move faster than even he can follow. I fly into my room and slam

the door. I walk to the bathroom and lock the door behind me. I turn on my huge shower with 5 shower heads to as hot as I can stand. Stripping out of my bikini I climb in and let the

water cover me from head to toe. Grabbing my shampoo that smells of strawberries I slowly start to massage it into my hair. The repetitive motions start to relax me again. How did I end

up in this situation. Maybe I truely was damned. There's a light knock on the door. I don't want to speak to anyone at the moment so I ignore it and continue to wash my body.

"Lily?" Of course it's Eric. "Look I understand you don't want to talk to me right now. I'm sorry for everything that I have done to you this evening. I know my apology means nothing

right now." He really is a sweet guy when he's not being a total ass.

I unlock the door using my telekenetic powers. He slowly opens the door and walks in. He keeps his eyes averted from looking at me. He's still wet from the pool. "Ummm can I join you?"

"If you are going to try anything sexual then no."

"I won't I promise." I sigh at him and nod. He strips down and climbs in. I don't look at him as I continue to wash myself. He slowly comes over to me and reaches around me for the

body wash. I can't help but giggle as he touches my arm with his.


"Well you do realize that you are going to smell like strawberries and cream if you use my things right?" I smirk at him making sure not to actually look at his amazing body. Suddenly

the door bursts open and Marcus is there eyes gleaming red.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING TO MY LILY?" Hold on hold on his Lily.

"Nothing I swear. I was just taking a shower. She made me promise nothing sexual just a shower." Eric isn't scared of Marcus, but he's trying to avoid a fight for my sake.

"Then I'm getting in as well." Ok so I know my shower is big enough for 5, but this might be a little to crowded for me.

"Whatever" the only word I can say at this point. Marcus climbs in and is standing on the other side of me. Great no matter where I look there's a greek god to see. I want to sample

Eric in bed that I have come to terms with, but Marcus he's always filled me beyond anything since the one time I made love to Viktor. I slowly lean against the wall so that I can drink

them both in with my eyes. They both smirk at me realizing what I'm doing. I smile sheepishly back.

"See something you like?" Marcus purrs at me. I nod slightly.

"What about you two?" I purr back. they both nod and step towards me. I can't back up I'm already against the wall. I smile and move towards them both. "I think I'm done in here. I'm

going to get dressed and go to bed. I have to work you know." I smirk and step past them. They each grab a wrist.

"Come now Lily you don't have to sleep. YOu can go days even weeks without it." Oh Marcus damn you.

"Weeks?" Eric seems impressed.

"Oh yes she can go weeks. In fact I remember one time during one of our many encounters that we didn't leave the bedroom or eachother for about 2 weeks." I smile at him remembering the

ecstasy of those weeks.

"Well it's not fair that you've gotten to try her and I haven't" Gotten to TRY me. Ok I'm not an object here.

"Well little hunter how about this. I'll share her if you will." Share me ok now this is getting odd.

"I can agree with that."

"What about me? Do I get an opinion over here?" How could they act like I wasn't even here?

"Of course you sleep with whoever you want my dear." Ok well at least I get a choice. And suddenly I'm glad that they are both here and so willing to pleasure me. I'll happily take this

on. I'm not a slut, but hey if they don't care why should I. I look at Marcus and Eric.

"Tonight I will take Eric to my bed Marcus. Don't take it the wrong way, but there is a lot that we need to talk about." I'm serious I'm not planning on fucking him tonight, but there

is a lot that we really do need to talk about. Marcus nods and gets out of the shower and wraps me in his arms.

"I will always be here for you. You and I together forever my little flower of death." He kisses me softly on the lips and grabs a towel. I look after him as he leaves and drink

him in somemore. As he closes the door I turn to Eric.

"Well do you accept my offer to stay in my bed with me tonight?"

"That depends. Are we just going to talk or will there be some extra activities involved." His smirk is extremely sexy.

"I promise nothing to you hunter." My voice comes out a purr. He smiles his true smile and turns off the shower. He grabs a towel and follows me to the bedroom. I head to my closet

and grab a night outfit. A slinky tanktop and a pair of boyshorts. I turn and leave my closet. Eric is standing there in a pair of pajama pants and no shirt. God he is hot. I'm going to

have to keep control or I'll never get my answers. I walk over to my bed and sit down crose legged. Eric walks to the door and locks it before he comes over to me and sits on the opposite

side of the bed. He's looking at me with lust again. Hmm maybe I should have put something else on.

"Why do you care about saving Viktor?" I couldn't believe he was asking me this.

"Nope. You are going to answer my questions tonight. Why did you agree to spare him and?" My questions would be answered tonight.

"I saw that you really didn't want to kill me even after you made me make the oath. You wanted to know about Viktor so I used that against you. I'm sorry that I used you. I didn't want to

save Viktor I just wanted to get to know you." He turned sheepish all of a sudden. I don't know what is going on, but I want him right now. "Now you answer my question. Why do you care

about Viktor?"

"Well he's my maker. I was 16 and the day I met him. He saved me from being raped by my supposed fiancee. He then took me to his cabin on top of the very waterfall where we met. He

asked me to marry him and then he changed me. The next day he also took my virtue, or rather I gave it to him. I loved him with all my heart. I still do. The next day I ran away

from him and tonight was the first night that I had seen him in all of these years. I know that I can never be with him again. I knew that before you made that a condition. That

night that I ran he he called me a monster. I was shattered just as Marcus says." A sob escaped my throat. Eric slowly wrapped his arms around me.

"Now I really have to make sure nothing happens to him. I don't agree with him calling you a monster and for that he should suffer, but I could never do anything to hurt you. I don't

know why, but I feel that we are supposed to be in each others lives." Eric trailed off.

"What about Carrie?" I can see the shock in his eyes. "Vampyre hearing remember? I could hear the love in her voice when she spoke to you. I was eavesdropping I'll admit it." I smirk at him

and wait for him to yell and scream at me.

"I can't ever love her. She's like a sister to me. We've grown up at the sanctuary together."

"Where is your family? I mean mine died a very long time ago."

"They're dead. Most of my family was destroyed by a single vampyre many years ago. This vampyre was a female, but she didn't hurt any of the children that were at the sanctuary. Those children

grew up and continued to train to kill those monsters, but we have always had a special place in our hearts for Lilith. She well you were only there to save your life. You didn't hurt those

that had never hurt anyone else. When you told me your name I knew that you were the goddess of death that we hunters always search for, but never intend to kill."

"You knew who I was? You knew what I had done and yet you weren't going to kill me after I told you. You humans will always amaze me. That is why I live in the human world instead of

hiding like so many of my kind. NO I didn't kill the children all those years ago. You said that hunters refer to me as the goddess of death. Why?"

"Yes as soon as you said your name I knew it. We refer to you as the goddess of death because even though you were terrifying that night you were still the most beautiful thing anyone

had every seen. The few children that saw you spoke of your beauty and how you would smile at them and tell them you weren't going to hurt them. You even told them that you never

hurt an innocent. Those children told the story and so on down the line. We have respect for you and we won't kill you until you are the last." His voice trails off. So they were

going to kill me, but not until I was the last.

"It will be along time before I am the last. Why did you agree to not kill Marus as well as Viktor?" This question had burned in me since the shower.

"Because Marcus is just here to protect you. I can't hurt anyone that loves you. And I may have said that I will share you, but I plan on you getting addicted to me and not

wanting him." Again that sexy smirk.

"Addicted huh. Why me? Why do you want me?"

"Well the obvious answer is that you are drop dead gorgeous. And I've always wanted to be with you. Ever since I heard your story about taking out the hunters I knew that you were the

only one for me. You see I've loved you since before I met you."

"That's not possible. You loved the idea of me not me. In time you will see that."

"No I love you. I study you. You were the only vampyre that I studied. I've been following you ever since your last sighting 5 years ago in Washington." 5 years he's been following

me. But he lost my trail.

"Again it's the idea of me. How long have you been an active hunter?"

"It's not the idea of you that I love it's you. 6 years is how long I've been active. The first we were right on your trail and then you left. There were no innocent deaths anywhere near you.

I searched for you for 4 years and had to stop about a year ago when Viktor killed that family. He became priority number one and you were to be left alone. I'm glad that Viktor finally

did me some good and was able to bring me to you." I'm in shock. How can he say this with such conviction.

"We'll see if you love me or the idea of me here soon enough. Well I'm glad that you are happy." I truely am glad that he is happy. "Well it's late or early depending on how you

feel about the situation. I do have to go to work in the today you know."

"So does that mean that we really are just going to sleep?" Awww he looks so upset. I lean forward and wrap my arms around his neck and slowly move my lips to his. He pounces on the

opportunity. He starts to take his tongue and running it over my lips begging for intrance into my mouth. I can't turn this boy down. I slowly pull away and look him deep into his

ocean blue eyes.

"How old are you?"

"That's not fair you aren't going to tell me how old you are." God that cocky attitude is sooo hot.

"I'm forever 16" I laugh at the look on his face.

"I'm 21."

"Have you ever been with a woman before?" He's blushing.

"No. I've been saving myself in the hopes of it being you." I don't know what to say. This boy really has been waiting for me I can read it in his mind. He really does love me not

just the idea of me. I can see it all in his mind. I see him 5 years ago sitting in a coffee shop looking for any sign of me. Praying for any sign of me. He's so close I can see it.

He doesn't realize the young woman that walks in and sits only two tables away from him is me. I've gone through a lot of changes over the years. I had blonde hair at that time. I feel his

feelings he is truely upset with the call to leave the search for me. He actually got that call with me sitting only 2 tables away.

"You have no idea how close to me you were. I was not far from you when you got that phone call. Forgive me I was reading your mind. The blonde that walked in and sat 2 tables from you...."

"That was you?! You were the blonde that I kept looking at and trying to get to notice me? I couldn't explain it that day. I wanted you at that moment. Somehow I knew you were special."

He remembers that day. He was trying to get my attention? I remember sifting through all of my memories. I have an amazing memory. I can't forget anything. Yes he was. He did keep

looking at me. I remember him trying to cough. I remember that when he got that phone call I couldn't help but think how why is this phone call so upsetting for him. He looked at

me right before he walked out of that cafe. The look in his eyes is what made me decide to leave.

"Yes that was me. The look in your eyes that day when you left the cafe is what made me leave. I was afraid of the love in your eyes. That's what it was love. You were looking

for someone and for some reason when you looked at me you looked like you had found her." Suddenly he was kissing me again. I grabbed him and pulled him so that there was nothing between us

but the clothes we were wearing and those weren't going to last long. His hands were hungirly roaming over my body. His hand slides up my shirt and starts to rub my breasts. I gasp and his mouth

moves down my jaw line and onto my collar bone. He pulls me up with him never breaking the kiss until he pulls my shirt off and even then he's back on my lips in record time. His hands now

move down to my boyshorts. He doesn't remove my shorts though. He instead moves his hand under them to insert a finger into me. Oh god it's like the first time. Only it's not. He slowly kisses down

my naked body and uses his teeth to remove my boyshorts. He slowly removes his finger and then his mouth is working down there. I gasp as he slowly inserts his tongue into me and'

I let out a moan. I feel him smile inside of me and I moaned again and arched my back as the explosion began to build. I use my speed and strength to flip so that I am on top of him. I see the shock

in his eyes.

"Don't stop. I'm going to spin around and remove your pants. Whatever happens do not stop!" I let my command seep into my voice. He just nods. "Do you care about these pants?" He shakes his head

as he moves to nibble on my clit. I moan and rip off his pants. I chuckle at his response. Suddenly I am thrusting him in and out of my mouth. He moans, but doesn't stop. The explosion is so

close I can feel it. I start going faster and faster on his cock. Then it happens. My vision blurs and that electrical current that hits me when we kiss is coursing through my veigns. I feel him

moan as he truely tastes me. I gasp and collapse next to him. He flips with amazing speed and his weight on top of me. He leans down and kisses me softly.

"That was amazing, but I haven't waited this long to get you into bed to stop just there." With that he thrusts himself into me fully. A moan escapes my mouth. He feels so good. I never thought

he would make me feel these things. He starts to speed up and I feel another explosion coming. I scream in pleasure and he slowes down, but doesn't stop. "we're not done yet. I told you I've

waited to long to let this end." We continued on for 2 hours before he finaly let himself release. He collapsed next to me panting.

"Tell me the truth have you really never been with a woman before because you are an expert." Tease in my purring musical voice.

"I told you I have never done anything because I was waiting for you. I've imagined it over and over, but I could never imagine that I would know exactly what to do. It was like my body

just wanted to mix with yours and it took over. Did you feel it?" He was speaking so breathlessly.

"I felt it. I thought it was just me. Hmmm I think I will call out of work today. I am the boss after all. Marcus won't be in the house today. He has to go to work. He's so silly.

He has so much money, but he loves to work at that damn restaurant." Why am I telling him this?

"Does Marcus drink from the innocent?" Damn what can I say to that. That's my choice just as what or rather who Marcus eats is his own.

"Look you can't ask me that. If you want to know that you have to ask Marcus. Those are his secrets to tell not mine."

"You're a good friend Lily. No wonder everyone that meets you falls in love with you. That explains Viktor and Markus. But what about me? I loved you before I ever met you." I realized

that he was saying he was my one true love. Boy this kid has high hopes for us.

"And what happens when I am the last one and I am the priority?"

"That's it. I want you to make you like you. That way I can stay with you forever." He sounds so confident.

"No I won't do that to anyone. And you really don't want that. You were raised to hate us and I can't believe that you would ever ask this." I can't believe this. Suddenly works looks

really good about now. "On second thought I really should get to work there's an opening this weeked."

"I didn't mean to scare you. I've thought about this all of my life. I just know that we are supposed to be together forever." If that were to happen then I really would never see Viktor

again. What the hell am I going to do? I got up afer that and took another shower. I needed it after all of the sex. He got up as well and joined me. It was very relaxing having them

there beside me. I finished my shower and enjoyed his presence as I got ready. I dressed in a short corset dress with a slit all the way up to the hip on each side. There were no straps

and the corset has whale bone running through it. I turn to Eric.

"Can you please come tie this for me?" I could do it myself, but I just wanted him closer to me. He smiles as he walks over guessing my motives. He grabs on and pulls the lacing roughly and

and tieing it tightly. I gasp "Thank you."

"No problem Lily. Will you meet me for lunch today?" I could see the desperation in his eyes. He was afraid that I wouldn't want him now that he had told me he wanted to be

with me forever and change him.

"Sure I see no reason not to."

"Great where do you work?"

"Actually we can meet where you already wanted to. That gallery is the one I run." I see the shock on his face.

"I go there all the time. Why haven't I ever seen you?"

"Because I have things to do. I can't be out on the floor as often as I'ld like." I pulled on my knee high 4 inch stilleto boots on and walked out to the hall. Marcus was standing there

in his work uniform and a knowing smile. I feel the blush creep up my cheeks.

"Morning my little flower of death. I see you had a good night." He swept over to me and placed a long and passionate kiss on my lips. I knew Eric was behind me, but god Marcus knows

me so well. We have been sleeping together for around 2000 years. He pulls back and smiles. "I have to head to work. I see that you are going as well."

"Yeah there's that opening this weekend. I have a lot to do."

"Have you finished all the paintings already?" I smirk.

"This is me love. Of course they're all done. I have eveything all set up and ready to go."

"Wait you're the artist that the gallery has been promoting for like 2 months?" Eric had just put 2 and 2 together. I giggled.

"I use a different name on my artwork. Just like I'm the only one the elusive artist will deal with. It gives me a lot of freedom. If they knew that it was my artwork then I would

never be left alone. I use the name Skylar on all of my artwork. Skylar has a social security number, credit cards, the works." I smile evily.

"So you basically have three different lives." Now Eric was smirking at me.

"Yep and it's actually really easy to do when you don't have to sleep." I giggle and link arms with Marcus and Eric. "Well Eric what are you going to do today since we are both going

to go to work?"

"Well I have to go to the sanctuary to give them the tip that Viktor left town last night after you saw him and fainted. They think that he wanted to turn you because you looked

like someone from his past. I have to tell them that I'm staying with you to make sure. Eventually they will call me back."

"I see. Well as long as no more come to this house. You have to swear to me that you will keep the rest of them away."

"of course I wouldn't bring them here. I don't want them to know about you are Marcus. That's why when you aren't home I can go to the sanctuary. It'll look like I'm just trying

to protect you. He never went to your work so we assume that he doesn't know where that is." With that I went to the garage with Marcus.

"What do you wanna drive today?" I always let Marcus use any of my cars. He's been driving as long as I have so it's not like I have to worry.

"Ummmm I really don't know. What are you taking in today."

"Well I think I'll take the Jeep like usual. It doesn't scream that I'm realy rich. Even though everyone at work knows I have money. They all think it's just

from my parents passing." Marcus nods and reaches for the keys to the Firebird.

"Yeah no one at work knows I have money, but since you have so graciously agreed to play girlfriend and they know your rich I can get away with driving this one."

"You know I only agreed to that so they would leave you alone." I smirk as we walk to the two cars.

"Yeah, but since your Aphrodite come to earth, as our cook so eloquently put it, they don't even bother. No woman could ever compare to you." I smile and get in the jeep.


Well that's it for now. Please comment and vote.

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