London Love

By applejack131

1.1K 245 28

Lauren and her best friend Mak have just moved to London. Adjusting to London has been tough, considering the... More

Chapter 1: The Run In
Chapter 2: The Number
Chapter 3: Texting Dan
Chapter 4- Dan's Apartment
Chapter 5: Ask Lauren and Dan
Chapter 6: The Date
Chapter 7: The News
Chapter 8: Staying The Night
Chapter 9: The Plane Ride
Chapter 10: Vidcon
Chapter 11: Kian Lawley
Chapter 12: The Date Take 2
Chapter 13: The Last Video
Chapter 14: Back to London
Chapter 15: Moving In
Chapter 16: Meet The Parents
Chapter 17: Reunited
Chapter 18: Christmas Party
Chapter 19: A Visitor
Chapter 20: Girls Night
Chapter 21: Christmas
Chapter 22: LA
Chapter 23: Telling Kian
Chapter 24: Food Fight
Chapter 25: Back Home
Chapter 26: Finding An Apartment
Chapter 27: Anniversary
Chapter 28: Good News
Chapter 29: He's Back
Chapter 30: Movie Night
Chapter 31: It's Time
Chapter 32: She's Arrived
Chapter 33: Back Home
Chapter 34: The Girlfriend
Chapter 35: The Party
Chapter 36: Surprise
Chapter 37: Confrontation
Chapter 38: What?
Chapter 39: Shawn's Apartment
Chapter 40: Airport
Chapter 41: The Proposal
Chapter 42: She's Gone
Chapter 43: Mom's Calling
Chapter 45: Baby Howell/ Epilogue

Chapter 44: Wedding

11 2 0
By applejack131

"I don't think I can do this." I mutter, trying to take deep breaths to calm myself down. Usually I would be pacing back and forth but considering I was severely pregnant, I would just wobble and that would take too long.

I wasn't due for around 2 weeks but it was still an important day. It's January 25th, also known as our wedding day. And to say I was nervous is an understatement.

"Yes you can! You've been waiting months for this day, don't back out now. Besides it's just a bunch your friends and close family. Nothing too special!" Mak tells me, trying to calm me down. I nod my head and rest my hands on my clothed belly. "And don't stress it's not good for the baby."

"How could I not?! I'm getting married today! This is like one of the most stressful days of my life." I snap back.

"Okay I know you're extremely hormonal and everything, but cool your jets!" Mak replies. I just glare at her and attempt to run my hand through my hair, forgetting that it was pulled back into a neat bun.

"Lauren there's no need to stress! You love him and he loves you and that's all that matters!" Mak comments. I groan, knowing that she's right.

"Okay okay. Now come help me put my shoes on!" I exclaim, wobbling towards a couch to sit down. I extend my legs and pull my dress up a little to expose my swollen feet. I had to get flats instead of heels because my feet wouldn't fit into them.

Mak comes over with the white flats and kneels down in front of me. She carefully slips them on both of my feet, making sure they fit perfectly. Which, somehow they did. I then reach my arms out for her to grab so that she can help me up.

I wobble over to the full length mirror that was conveniently placed in the room, admiring my look. I had a very simple, white wedding dress that was snug at the top and flowed out at the bottom. It clung nicely to my body, even with the baby bump, and that's why I loved it so much.

"Breathtaking." I turn my head to find my mom standing in the door way, a look of awe on her face. I give her a timid smile, which she returns with a bigger one.

"Hi mom!" I exclaim, turning away from the mirror to greet my mom with a hug.

"Hi sweetheart. Wow I didn't think that you'd be getting married so soon. And I especially didn't think you would be expecting, with a due date very close by! I'm so proud of you and what you've accomplished!" My mom tells me, wrapping me in yet another hug.

"Thank you mom. For everything. Mostly for accepting what my life turned out to be." I reply, to which my mom smiles and caresses my cheek gently.

"I always will accept you. You're my daughter and I love you greatly. Now I was sent in here to tell you that you have about 10 minutes so we need to get the show on the road!" My mom exclaims. My eyes widen at her words and I start to feel even more panicked.

"It's okay, you're okay! Breath Lauren! Come with me, we're going to line up." Mak says, gently guiding me out of the room and towards the doorway of the church.

"There's my beautiful daughter!" My dad calls. I shoot him a smile and take my spot in the lineup next to my father. We link our arms together and we make small talk.

The couples ahead of us were shortening as the make their way through the aisle and next to the alter. We had Abby be the flower girl because Mak wanted her too. Definitely not because Dan begged me for days on end.

"We're up." My dad whispers. I release a shaky breath from my lips and nod my head. The usual wedding music started playing and the rows of people rose to their feet. Dan stood at the alter by the priest, a look of awe on his face. There's no doubt that I had the same look on mine.

My feet stepped over the fallen rose peddles that had earlier been laid out by Abby and a little help from Kian. I had a tight grip on the bouquet that I carried.

When I reached the end of the aisle, my dad patted my shoulder and retreated to his seat in the front row. I made my way up to the alter and met Dan.

"You look beautiful love." Dan whispered to me, making me blush and mutter a very quiet 'thank you'. Dan takes my hands in his and that's how it started.


"Do you Lauren Elizabeth DeRose, take Daniel James Howell to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"Do you Daniel James Howell, take Lauren Elizabeth DeRose to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do."

"By the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may now kiss the bride!"

With that Dan wraps his arms around me and touches his lips to mine. The crowd cheers while our lips lock. We try our best to keep it PG because everyone was watching, but Dan might have snuck a little tongue in.

"Oof!" I grunt, backing away from Dan, my hands eagerly reaching towards my stomach.

"What? What's wrong?" Dan asks frantically. The people had stopped cheering and were watching us curiously. I give Dan a look before turning away from him and facing the crowd.

"I'm sorry guys but it looks like we're going to have to cut this wedding short. It appears to be that my water broke and I'm having my baby." I announce. Dan's eyes look like they're about to pop out of his head.

"What? Like right now?" He exclaims.

"Yes right now!" I exclaim back.

Looks like this day turned out to be different than I thought it was going to be.


Sorry that I had to skip forward a bunch of months! I want the fanfiction to end soon!

What do you guys think of Lauren going into labor at her wedding?

Thanks for reading! Love you all! ~ Lauren aka applejack131

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