Jeff My Killer- Creepypasta S...

De pinky751

83K 1.9K 279

Jay had lived a pretty normal life. She had her loving mother, great friends, and guy that liked her. A lot... Mais

Chapter One *REWRITTEN*
Chapter Two *REWRITTEN*
Chapter Four *REWRITTEN*
Chapter Five *REWRITTEN*
Chapter Six *REWRITTEN*
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Next book in the Series and stuff
Rewrite? Maybe.

Chapter Three *REWRITTEN*

3.5K 100 12
De pinky751

 I looked out the open window that Jeff had once again left through. It seemed very odd that he wasn't trying to kill me. And even though he wasn't, I should've felt scared when in reality, I wasn't.

I shook off this latest encounter and grabbed my beanie off the door and put it on over my bun, leaving just my sidebang out. I opened the door and sped down the stairs, waving goodbye to my mother and then I was out the door.

I started down the street and waited on the corner near Connor's house, like I did everyday before school.

"Hey there, Jay-Jay!" Connor yelled from across the street as he closed his door.

I smiled and waved in response. I waited there as he crossed the street and then we took off walking to meet with the others.

"You look tired again." Connor laughed after a few moments of silence.

"I'm fine." I giggled in response. He always seemed concerned about my lack of sleep and I didn't mind it.

"You need to stop staying up all night reading those stories. It's not good. And those stories are so unrealistic, so why bother?" he told me. I only shrugged back in response.

He just laughed again and we continued walking, until I felt his hand wrap around my wrist, causing me to stop short. I turned to face him, seeing him looking down at his feet. He looked a bit embarrassed.

"What's wrong, Connor?" I asked, ignoring the fact that his hand was still on my wrist.

"I wanted to ask you something." he replied nervously.

I waited for his question, a little scared to know what it was.

"Do you like me?" Connor asked, looking up at me as he finished.

I was a little shocked by it. I always figured he liked me and Kylee would always hint at it but I never knew if I truly felt the same. I knew I did feel something, and in the past few months I have grown to like this boy a lot.

I looked up at him, my whole face turning red and I nodded. With that, his eyes widened and a grin grew on his face. He wrapped me in his arms and pulled me again his chest and I smiled in return.

"So, this is why you two took forever?" I heard a familiar voice ask from behind me.

"It's Kylee and Jamie." Connor whispered to me as they approached.

I turned to see my two best friends walking forward. Kylee had a huge grin on her and Jamie just rolled his eyes.

"See, Jamie! I told you they would get together!" Kylee squealed with excitement.

She ran forward and hugged me, throwing me a bit off balance, while Jamie and Connor just laughed at us.

We finally made it to the school, after 15 minutes of Kylee going overboard with excitement. I was happy to know she was happy with our new relationship, even though she had had a slight crush on him.

"I'll see you in art, Jay." Jamie said a he forced Kylee away from us and into the school.

I replied with a 'see you' and then turned back to Connor and smiled. He smiled in return and hugged me again.

"God, I've been waiting for this day for a while." he told me.

I kissed his cheek, "I have too," I replied, watching his adorable grin form on his face.

"I'll see you later! I've got to catch up with some other friends. I'll meet you at your locker before english!" He began to walk off backwards to finish his sentence, almost colliding with a small freshman girl.

I laughed as he apologized to the girl and then walked off to my locker.

"Is that your boyfriend?" A familiar, husky voice asked as I came up to my locker.

I turned to see a pale boy with brown hair and piercing blue eyes, the same one as Jeff.

I took a step back and laughed, "So, I guess you weren't wrong about coming here."

Jeff rolled his eyes and sighed. "Can you just answer my question?" he asked, impatiently.

"Well, he is now. He asked me while we were walking to school and obviously, I said yes." I looked straight at him as I told the killer this. I saw something in his face that resembled a bit of disappointment.

He nodded and replied with a simple, "Alright," and then walked off.

I thought about what he might have been thinking when I told him. Maybe this is his reason to kill me now. But, that would only make sense if he felt something for me.

Did this killer like me? I asked myself.

This question was floating around my mind all day, but I denied it, knowing that a heartless killer like him could never have feelings for a girl like me.

"What's on your mind?" Connor asked as our group sat around the cafe table.

We always stopped at this coffee shop on the way home and that would never change.

I looked at Connor's worrisome face. I shook my head at his question, "Nothing bad. I just saw an old friend today and I've just been thinking about him." I almost laughed out loud at the fact that I called a murderer, one that I've barely known for 24 hours, an old friend.

Connor smiled and nodded, then continued his conversation with Jamie, leaving me back to my thoughts. 


Alright, so another chapter rewritten.

Again, I changed Jay's friend's names just because I felt the names before were kind of similar or not fitting.

As you can see, Jay and Jeff's relationship is not as rushed this time, but it will be coming soon!

I hope everyone is enjoying the rewrite or reading it for the first time!

 Comment below your suggestions, compliments or concerns.

Vote if you enjoyed the story.

or follow me if you liked this and want to read my other works!

Thank you!

~Pinky c:


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