To the Edge and Back

By Blackbelt250

2.7K 163 6

It starts out as a normal morning for Nathan Turner until his undead uncle tries to kill him. After that, Nat... More

To the Edge and Back
To the Edge and Back: Chapter 2
To the Edge and Back: Chapter 3
To the Edge and Back: Chapter 4
To the Edge and Back: Chapter 5
To the Edge and Back: Chapter 6
To the Edge and Back: Chapter 7
To the Edge and Back: Chapter 8
To the Edge and Back: Chapter 9
To the Edge and Back: Chapter 10
To the Edge and Back: Chapter 11
To the Edge and Back: Chapter 12
To the Edge and Back: Chapter 13
To the Edge and Back: Chapter 14
To the Edge and Back: Chapter 15
To the Edge and Back: Chapter 16
To the Edge and Back: Chapter 17
To the Edge and Back: Chapter 18
To the Edge and Back: Chapter 19
To the Edge and Back: Chapter 20
To the Edge and Back: Chapter 21
To the Edge and Back: Chapter 22
To the Edge and Back: Chapter 23
To the Edge and Back: Chapter 25

To the Edge and Back: Chapter 24

74 4 0
By Blackbelt250

Chapter 24

My mother is dead. My friends are dead. I want to be with them. I want to die. But I can't. I must endure. Endure and survive. Just like I told Zach before he died. Tears still flow from my eyes while I sit on a log in the middle of the woods.

Taylor is pacing back and forth in front of me. Sweat rolls down his pale face. His bleach blonde hair has grown pass his ears and touches his collar in the back. He could use a haircut. Hell, I could too. My dark blonde hair is even longer than his.

Haven is crying across from me. We mourn the loss of our friend. Zach sacrificed himself to save us. I'll never forget that. Everything I do from now on must honor his memory.

"What the hell are we gonna do?" Taylor asks us. "I don't know," Haven answers him. I look up at him. I wipe the tears from my eyes. "We move on," I tell them both. They stare at me for a minute.

"Well, lets go," I command them. They gather their things and follow me. I start heading in the direction of Charleston. I replay the main plan in my head. Get to the coast, to Charleston. Then to Africa. Finally, we get to the Pyramids and destroy the source.

We don't walk for more than a minute when I hear voices and shouts coming from the direction of the burnt building. I guess Zach didn't exactly distract them for long. I feel anger rising in me. That small dark spot on my heart slowly grows back until my chest is black on the inside. I run straight for them.

My claws are out like always. They don't even see me coming. Five men. Five dead men. I lunge at them and rip out two of their throats. I move with incredible speed and dig both claws into one mans skull. I rip his head open and watch his brains spill out onto the ground. The other two drop their guns and run in the opposite direction. They won't get away that easily.

I run with amazing speed at the slower man. I tackle him and slice open his back. I then grab his neck and the top his head. I pull and hear his flesh ripping. I tear his head from his body throw it to the side like garbage.

I the sprint after toward the last man. I rip the skin from the back of his leg. He stumbles and trips. I stand over him and look down at his face. It's filled with fear. "Please don't kill me! I'm just following orders!" Tears run down the man's face. "I don't care anymore," I say. I bring my gauntlets down into the guy's chest and neck. I watch the blood pour from his body. I got my vengeance.

I have made it back to the burned building where we left Zach. I walk over to the exact spot where I last saw him. I gaze down at that spot and I notice something odd. Out of all the bodies around the building, none of them had a prostetic leg. Every body on the ground had all their limbs. A spark of hope came over me. My heart is no longer black. Zach is alive. I just know it.

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