No more secret ID - Ladybug...

By LadyNoirxChatBug

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By LadyNoirxChatBug

"Marinette! Wake up. You gonna be late...again!" Tikkis voice woke me upp form my sweet dream (it was about Adrien obviusly) "no! Not again!" I kind off jumped out of bed and change to My normal clothes. I brushed my teeth fast and rum down to the kitchen. "Bye mom! Bye dad!" I Said and took an Apple and a cookie to Tikki and run out off the bakery.

I was directly outside of the school when the bells starten to call. "Marinette!" Mu friend Ayla fan off to me and huged me. "Where have you been?" I smiled Little nervously. "You did oversleep again didn't you?" I starten to laugh and she did to. "But anyways, we're are going to have an task, i got to work with Nino and you are gonna work with Adrien" she Said hus name with a cheesy voice and i feel how my color in My face did disappear.
"No! What im i gonna do? I just strains whenever i talk to him!" "Relax, everyting is gonna be fine" Ayla Said and calmed me down. "Never mind, he is coming this way" she Said and i turned fast around. No,no,no,no! "Hey Marinette, we are gonna work together, so i just wonder if we could work att mine place?" He Said with a smile and skratched is neck. "Y-Y-Yeah s-sure" i Said and he smiled took up a pice of paper. "I see you around seven o'clock?" I headed and he sent off to Nino. "That was the most normal talk you guys ever had" i folded up the paper and i saw his address and his number. "And you didn't actually Said something abou how awsome he was" Ayla added. "Stop it" i feel My face burn and Ayla laughed at me.

Our happy conversation was suspended of a scream. "Whats going on?" Ayla asked and i saw a blonde girl in a black dress, her face was covered by a purple mask. On her chest it was a broken heart. "Chloe?" I said in a little chock. "Again?" Ayala said and looked chocked in Chloe who was looking angry at us. "I'm not Chloe, I'm destroyer. If I can not get whatever I want, nobody is getting it either!" She said in a angry tone. "Skip the chit-chat Chloe" a voice said and soon we all saw Chat Noir sitting on his rod. "Everybody get out of here!" I yelled and run out with the crowd, but instead of run out I turning aside and Tikki get I front of me. "Tikki, transform!" I said and soon enough I was in my red and black polka suit, I saw chat fighting her and I run to them. "Need some help?" I asked him and he smiled and grabbed my hand. We fighter her a little while and I did try to figure out where her akuma was. "Her necklace!" Chat said and i headed. "Lucky charm!" My charm did get me a rope? I looked around and get a plan. "Chat!" I yelled and he get one side of the rope. We shed Chloe down and I took her necklace and destroyed it. "Get out of here you Nasty bug!" I said and The black butterfly fly out of it, "no more evil doing for you little akuma" I said and caught the butterfly in my charm. It got white and flyer away, "bye bye little butterfly" I said and the turned around to chat who was standing against the wall and smiled flirty against me. "Miraculous ladybug!" Everything has got destroyed get whole again and everything was normal again, except me and chat. "Pund it!" We say and did a fist bump. "So you did a great work out there". He said and put his arm over my shoulders. "You to chat" I said and put my fingers in his golden hair, he smiled and started to purr, "silly cat". I said and stopped. "No, it was calming" he said and I shake my head and we both heard a beep. "Gotta go you know" I said and he smiled. "I know you want to spend more time with me but i have a date tonight" he said and I smiled before he ran of.

But even if I don't like him, I couldn't help to feel the strange feeling in my stomach. Jealousy? No. I'm not jealous of chats date. Or am I?

I run to a corner an transformed to my normal me. "That's was strange." Tikki said and I look wondering at her. "I may not have told you this but I can feel you feelings you know" she said and I felt my mouth went open. "You do?" She headed and get down in my purse, "you was jealous" she Said and i closet My mouth. "I don't know what that was Tikki. I'm sorry" I said and did go back to the others. "Marionette!" Ayala hugged me and I did back. "Where did you go?" She asked and jag sketched my arm. "I was hiding on the toilets" she laughed, and I did the same. "Wasn't it you who has a date about ten minutes?" She asked and I watched my clock. "I gotta run" I said and run away to Adriens house. I pushed the door bell and soon a camera get in front of me. "Who are you?" A female voice said. "I'm a friend of Adrien, we are gonna study today" the camera disappeared and the gates opened. I walked through the big black door and I get into a big hall with two stairs straight In front of me, "he is in his room" the lady said and pointed at the right stair. I headed and walk up for it, didn't know witch door was his, then i just have entered trough the window, I took up my phone and texted him.

Witch door is yours? I don't want to snoop.

I sank down against the Wall and just waited.

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