What I Loved The Most (Kuroko...

By RukarinLockheartXD

21.1K 604 104

Makoto is Midorima Shintarou’s little sister. She is a third year student at Teiko Middle School. Unlike her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 11

904 35 3
By RukarinLockheartXD

So, now.. I discovered that it finally happened. I think the pain in my chest is slowly fading away now. Maybe soon, I can accept the real things that happened in my life. The important thing is, I made my bestfriend happy.

Since Chigusa and Akashi has started dating, I should try not to think of Akashi. I have given up on him anyway. Maybe I should focus on what I have now..

But wait.

What is the thing that I have now?

I wondered about that as I sat on the bench outside in our garden. I gazed at the starry night sky. It was beautiful, and somehow it calmed my heart.

Suddenly, my cellphone rang. I got a text message. I opened it, and saw it's from an unknown number.

"Still up, Mako-chan?"

I wondered who it was, since most of the people calls me by 'Mako-chan'. I thought it was just one of my friends, so I simply replied the message with 'yes'.

Then, my phone rang again. This time, it's a call. It's still from thesame unknown number. I picked it up quickly.


I immediately hung up my phone before he could even speak after saying my name. Yes, I knew that voice. It's Takao's. But, I wonder where on earth he got my number. That stupid Takao..

My phone rang again, and it's still from the same number. I kept on ending the call, till I realized he tried to call me 76 times. The 77th time he called, I already got very irritated that I decided to answer his call.

"WHAT?!" I exclaimed over the phone. "Ohh, Mako-chan! I knew you can't resist me!" he said. I am now raging in anger because of this annoying Takao. Just what does he wants with me? I don't even have time to converse with an idiot like him.

I hung up the phone, and sighed after I leaned my back on the bench.

That *%~!#&$ Takao, he always annoys me! I HATE him! And of all people for him to annoy, why me?! I groaned as I slapped my phone against my lap. Then, someone came.

"Who were you talking to?" it was my brother. He stood beside where I was sitting. "Do you have to care?" I asked him. "Hmph, it's not like what you think. I only asked you,"

I looked at him menancingly as he said that. Then, I snobbed him. I waited for him to leave, but he just remained there standing. Then, I felt I had the urge to ask something.

"You're still thinking about the game yesterday, aren't you?" I said. He didn't say anything, and as I glanced over him, I saw his facial expression were different than usual. I know he frowns a lot, but his frown this time looked different. Just by looking at it, I can feel some kind of sorrow.

"I, I.." I was gonna apologize to him, but then, he spoke. "Like I'd tell you like if you have to know," he said, as he left.

I followed him upstairs. As he was about to enter his room, I asked him again. "Did he tell you something?"

Well, I wasn't really expecting for him to answer my question. And as I predicted, he didn't. Instead, he just shook his head, adjusted his glasses, then entered his room.

I shook my head. What I meant by my last question to him was Akashi. I have this feeling that my brother is hiding something from me again. I know that he talked with Akashi, since I saw they get along with each other very well since middle school. Akashi and him must've talked about something, not only about betwen them and the game, but also about me.

My attention changed towards downstairs, for I have heard the doorbell rang. I hurriedly went down, for I thought it was already my mom and dad. But then, I looked at the time. 10:30 pm. My parents usully come home late, because they have lots of patients at the hospital. But, well, I think it's them. I opened the door anyway to see if it's really them.

And when I did, I saw a guy standing outside, but I can't recognize him since it was dark. I wondered who it was. And obviously, the person standing infront of our house isn't my parents.

"Who is it?" I yelled over. But, the person didn't respond.

I went out of our house and went over the gate. For the person creeped me out a little, I made sure not to let my guard down. Nobody knows what kind of creature is standing over there.

I slowly approached the gate. I made my visions clear so that I can see the way very well. I felt a little nervous, but I was still curious to see who it was.

The gate suddenly opened when I already stood a few inches away from the gate. My eyes widened as that happened. I wondered how the person opened it, for I remembered it clearly my brother already locked it. But, how? Wait, what if a thief or some kind of criminal is standing over there? I got scared and I'm already feeling nervous.

Finally, he entered our property. I froze due to fear, and the person came over me. 

And, I was surprised to see this guy standing infront of me..

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