Denying Love for the Enemy (L...

By cloudeight

423K 11.1K 914

A love story between two women - both great warriors and enemies in battle. Rina possesses great skill with... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21: Epilogue

Chapter 3

20.2K 530 35
By cloudeight

The Fateful Encounter
POV Rina

There standing before me was....."A woman?" I said outloud.

She gave me a questioning look before picking up her katana that fell nearby.

All I could do was stare.  She was breathtakingly beautiful... her skin was pale like a porcelain doll and her facial features were soft.  Her hair was pin straight black that ran down to her lower back with traditional straight bangs.  She had a slim figure, womanly but not frail.  Something about the way she held herself gave you the impression that she was older than she seemed.  She wore a white robe-like dress that stopped above the knees with very subtle red flower patterns running along the hems of the sleeves and sides of the dress.  She wore straw-like sandals that fully covered her tiny feet.

"Arm yourself, Orthion," she said firmly but I couldn't help notice that her voice is a little higher than the norm. She held her katana with both hands to the side waiting cautiously.

"You are very skilled, might I know your name?"  I ask.  Why am I even asking? I have never been one to pry for information merely because of my own curiosity. But... for some odd reason, I really want to know.

"It does not matter Orthion, for you will die now." She states.

 I pick up my blade from the ground. "I will not be that easy to rid of." I was quite entertained by her confidence.

She looked a little confused with my response.
She slowly turned her hands to point her katana's sharp edge in my direction.  She prepares to take first strike but stops upon hearing her fellow soldier.

"Miss Yuuna!" the soldier screams.  "The Orthion's have sent reinforcements!"

"Gather the others and retreat!" she orders the soldier, surprisingly with calm and control in her voice.  Then she looks at me for a brief moment before taking her leave.

I watch as she turns to retreat with her remaining soldiers. "Yuuna..." I whisper to myself.  I let each syllable roll off my tongue...a very pretty name.

Hiratana's Counter
POV Yuuna; Hiratana Commander

 "Miss Yuuna, we have lost the battle" I hear defeat in my fellow soldier.  I put my hand on his shoulder and look at him with unwavering confidence.  I am the commander, it is my duty to show strength in weary times.

"Remain strong, Hiratana will not fall to Orthion. Now we will head back to base and inform Lady Shima."  He looks at me with renewed hope. "Yes Miss Yuuna!" He walks away to deliver the message to the others.

I stare up at the moon and then beyond the hills towards where we just battled.  Far off in the distance, I could see lit camp fires from the Orthion soldiers.  That woman...I fought earlier was definitely a very formidable foe to have lasted that long against my sword.  Although I do think it was partly dumb luck....her mind wanders and her moves lack grace. And how in the world could she even think about pulling me down that darn hill!  Yet her stupidity doesn't end there...she's surprised to see a woman?! Why in godsname would it matter? Then! Then! THEN she stares at me with such a strange face. Such a strange person!

From a distance the Hiratana soldiers look at their commander bewildered as to why she is pacing angrily back and forth...

Finally back at base, I walk into the Lady Shima's quarters.  She is sitting at her desk wearing her official traditional robes, looking at documents.  Lady Shima is the respected leader of Hiratana and I too have the utmost respect for her.  She is a strong woman with a good head on her shoulders.  She governs the people well - punishing those who deserve punishment and never ignorant to words of those lower than her.  She rules with a strong hand but a fair one.

I get down on both knees and greet her.

"Lady Shima, I am sorry for my failure on the battlefield today..." I lower my head shamefully.

Lady Shima puts whatever she is reading down and looks up at Yuuna.

"Yuuna. Did you fight with all your strength?"

"Yes Lady Shima."

"And you did retreat when you knew it was the only option?" she asks further.

"Yes Lady Shima."

"Then this is not failure. Knowing when to retreat when pride clouds one's mind is a quality of good leadership."

I look up at Hiratana's leader with admiration. Sometimes I think she is too easy on me.

"However, Yuuna, you seem to have something else on your mind.  What exactly did happen on the battlefield?" Lady Shima asks with speculation and curiosity.

Oh not again.  She has always been so observant. I decide not to lie but be vague...

"We had the Orthion soldiers cornered but they had sent reinforcements - we could not... hold them off.." I purposely avoided mention of that Orthion woman.

Lady Shima looks at me, raising an eyebrow.  "Is that all? Something like that wouldn't usually have you so distracted."

"I...I..don't know what you're talking about Lady Shima" my voice squeaked a little too high...perhaps giving me away that I was hiding a secret.

"Goodness Yuuna, you are an open book. Now spit it out." Lady Shima smiles.

"I..I am not an open book!" (Just everyone seems to think so) I inwardly sigh, I give in. "Yes, there was this Orthion woman...."

Lady Shima sits up straighter. It seems to have piqued her interest.  "Yes, and...?"

I continue.."Well she was different from the other soldiers.  She was much stronger and had me evenly matched."  I hate to admit it. "She does not seem to be part of Orthion's headquarter 3 unit but maybe sent from 1 or 2?"  I think aloud.

"Oh, very interesting." I hear Lady Shima say. "We will definitely take caution if Orthion is deploying more soldiers.  Now you may go rest.  Good work Yuuna."

"Thank you Lady Shima."  I get up from my kneeling position and walk out of her quarters.


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