When I Met You (An Amuto Love...

By Lollipop_Usagi

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PAIRING: AMUTO, KUTAU, RIMAHIKO, MIRU & RANCHI Amu's been living a miserable life since her father died, her... More

Prologue: When I Met You (An Amuto Love Story)
Chapter 1: It Begins: Arrival Of The Royals!
Chapter 2: Meeting and Consequences
Chapter 3: Pain, Problems & Plans
Chapter 4: The Town Of Corinth
Chapter 5: Encounter, Meeting, Explanation & My Song
Chapter 6: Surprise Visit & Meeting the Group
Chapter 7: An Unexpected Turn Of Events
Chapter 8: Ikuto and Amu Encounter Each Other
Chapter 10: Kukai and Utau: How's Amu?
Chapter 11: Information In and Out
Chapter 12: Getting Lost & Long Time No See
Chapter 13: Talking to Tsukasa & Rima Accused!
Chapter 14: Plans For The Future & Another Mystery
Chapter 15: Unwanted Arrival & Town Mayhem
Chapter 16: Tara, Mai, and Questions Why?
Chapter 17: A Blast From The Past!
Chapter 18: Troubled Feelings
Chapter 19: The Visit and The Talk
Chapter 20: Royal Interruptions!
Chapter 21: Invitations and Shocking Decisions!
Chapter 22: Thinking About "I Love You's"
Chapter 23: No Matter Who You Are: I Love You
Chapter 24: Sudden Confessions, Mai's Plans & Tara's Warnings
Chapter 25: New Experiences with Another Twist!
Chapter 26: Minutes Before the Ball: No More Reason to Stay
Chapter 27: A Ball but No Amu?
Chapter 28: Rage, Truth and A Letter
Chapter 29: Searching, Looking, but not Finding
Chapter 30: Finally Found You
Chapter 31: I'm Home
Chapter 32: Reunion At Last!
Chapter 33: Can't A Guy Propose?!
Chapter 34: Love In The Most Unexpected Places
Chapter 35: Finale: One Step Closer to Tomorrow

Chapter 9: Tadase's Arrival and A Shocking Truth

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By Lollipop_Usagi

Tadase's Arrival and A Shocking Truth

Amu woke up and as she did so, she noticed that she felt rather nice. The bed that she was sleeping in seemed to be too soft and comfortable to be her own bed. She opened her eyes fully and saw a huge room right in front of her. It was too huge, and she was right, this was definitely, and could never be her room. She tried to remember what had happened before she got here, wherever this place was, and soon it all came rushing back into her head like a film.

"Wait…so that means…." As Amu processed her thoughts, it finally occurred to her "I seriously fainted in front of Ikuto? Oh no, oh no….wait…then where am I now?"

Amu shot up in a sitting position, and she looked over at the room she was in. She sighed, she had no idea where she was and images of what had happened yesterday came flashing in her head. She closed her eyes for a little bit, but then an interruption immediately came afterwards.

"I see you're awake." Amu turned to look at the person speaking and there she saw Ikuto

"I-Ikuto….what are you doing here?" she asked

"I came to check on you. I have to don't I? I'm the one who brought you here in the first place." Said Ikuto

"What?" asked Amu, she was still a bit confused about what was going on right now

"Look, I brought you here right after you fainted in front of me yesterday, and let me tell you that it was quite a shock." Said Ikuto and he was clearly not pleased about the short recollection.

Amu was quiet for a second and then it finally hit her "Wait, then that would mean that you brought me to the….and that I'm…." before she could even bother to finish her sentence, Ikuto finished it for her instead.

"Yes, you're at the palace. I brought you here after you fainted because I couldn't bring you anywhere else." Said Ikuto "Welcome to the palace by the way."

Amu was once again silent and then she asked "So….can you tell me how long I've been here then?" she was curious now as to how long she's been out.

"Hmmm…I'm not quite sure how long. You've been out cold longer than I thought you would be." Said Ikuto and then he thought about it a little more before he continued "I'll give you…three to four days maybe?" he guessed

"What? Three to four days? Oh no, no I have to go back now. Ikuto you have to take me back now. I have to…." Now Amu was looking at Ikuto and her voice was pleading, as is begging him to take her back.

"You want to go back? Why would you possibly want something like that?" asked Ikuto confused and surprised. He didn't know what had happened to Amu, but he wasn't dense not to know that that house had something to do with it and there was no way that he was taking her back.

Before Ikuto could start a protest about how he wasn't going to take her back, Amu started to panic….a lot. "No, you seriously have to take me back. I have to go back now, one day maybe but four days? What would Yamabuki-san think? And Saaya too? Oh no…Ran, Miki, Su, Dia, Nagi and Rima….what if something's already happened to them too? What if she already….." Amu was way too busy panicking to even notice that Ikuto was near her.

Ikuto placed his hands on her shoulder, then he spoke "Amu, calm down. You're friends are fine, they can take care of themselves, and no I won't take you back. Whatever happens there is no way that you're going back to that house."

"But you have to take me back. Something can happen to all of them while I'm gone. Ran and the others….Yamabuki-sama and Saaya…they could have already…." Amu's voice faded at the last part of her sentence, she couldn't bear to think of all the possibilities.

"She could have already what Amu? Tell me, tell me what she could have done." Said Ikuto. He already had his own doubts about it when he went there with Utau, and it made things worse when he saw how bad Amu was in when she had fainted.

"I can't, no I can't tell you…." Replied Amu silently. But Ikuto still heard

"Yes you can. I need to know. You think it was normal for me to see you like that a few days ago? Utau was worried sick when she saw you like that. We called a doctor to check on you and your condition looked like you were going to fall apart any minute. You have to tell me what's been going on, and this time I want the truth from you." Said Ikuto. He's had it with all her alibis and now he wanted the full story.

"She…what if she punishes them because of me? What if they get hurt because of me….this is all my fault, I should have never left…If they get hurt because of me…what would happen then?" said Amu

"Punished? Hurt? Amu what are you talking about?" asked Ikuto confused

Amu didn't answer and she ignored the question, she was too busy thinking about the others. She never even noticed that she was already shaking. Weather in fear or anything else she didn't know.

A knock on the door interrupted things again. Amu looked up and saw Utau there, she looked at her and she went near her and Ikuto. "Amu, there you are. I'm so glad that you're doing okay? Are you okay? You're feeling better aren't you?" she asked Amu

Amu simply nodded in reply. Utau didn't know what was wrong, but she continued anyway. "Amu, would you mind if I borrowed my brother for a while? I need to speak with him, it's rather important, Do you mind?" asked Utau

Amu only shook her head and Utau spoke again "Okay, don't worry, we won't take long. We'll be back."

Ikuto and Utau walked out of the room and then when they were sure no one was listening and the door behind them was shocked, Utau looked at Ikuto seriously and spoke "Okay, I've talked to the doctor that Kairi had hired." She told him

"So? What did he say?" asked Ikuto

"There's good news and bad news. The bad news is that she's in pretty bad shape. She's been suffering from malnutrition and lack of sleep and her bruises and cuts were pretty extreme. She's way thinner than she should be and she isn't exactly healthy right now either. He even said that it's a whole lot worse than any of his other normal patients. He has a theory that she's been abused and such." Said Utau

"And what's the good news?" asked Ikuto, he sure couldn't find a good news coming from that.

"Good news is that she's recovering rather quickly. The rest that she's got has been paying off quite nicely. She should be able to heal fully after a day or two." Said Utau "Given that she won't do anything reckless."

"Oh don't worry, I tend to make sure of that." Said Ikuto seriously and then he turned back to her and asked "So, what did mother and father say about this?"

"Nothing, they allowed for her to stay, but we'll still have duties to attend to here." Said Utau "One more thing…"

"Yeah?" asked Ikuto

"Tadase is coming back tonight." Said Utau

"Tadase? Why the sudden visit?" asked Ikuto

"I don't know, but he is coming back." Said Utau, then he looked at Ikuto and spoke "You might have some competition once he gets here."

"Competition for what?" asked Ikuto a bit confused

"Tadase knows Amu. Kukai told me about it, they've met only once though. Regardless of that, they still know each other and it might be tough for you." Said Utau with a smirk

"What makes you think I have competition when I'm not even interested in the contest." Said Ikuto

"But you're interested in the prize, Amu." Said Utau

"Right, where would you get that? She's just a kid Utau." Said Ikuto

"She's just a kid? Oh please, four years isn't such a big deal now is it. You're just to proud of yourself to admit it. I'm telling you that you like her and you deny it." Said Utau

"And I'm telling you that I don't. It's not so hard to understand is it?" asked Ikuto back

"Keep denying it all you want, but I can see it. You're going to end up admitting it one day and I'll be waiting for that day to come." Said Utau "You've paid more attention to her than anyone else and that's made it even more obvious."

"Can we drop this, cause if you don't I'll start bombarding you with questions about that Souma kid." Said Ikuto

Utau blushed and spoke "Don't drag other people into this."

"See? Look who's making it obvious now?" asked Ikuto with a smirk

"Whatever, you better get back in there. We promised Amu we wouldn't take long remember?" said Utau and then she asked "Oh yeah, what's happened to her anyway? Has she been that quiet before I got there?"

"No, she's been begging me to take her back." Said Ikuto and his tone turned cold

"What? Begging you to…take her back? Why?" asked Utau "Why in the world would she want to go back there?"

"I'm just as confused, but it has something to do with her friends." Said Ikuto "She's been panicking when I started to tell her that she's been out for four days or so."

Utau remained silent, she knew the truth behind it all so she figured about what could be happening. Amu might be free now, but her other friends weren't and she was also making them worry because of her disappearance.

Ikuto eyed his sister suspiciously and spoke "Look, you have to tell me what you know Utau, stop hiding things from me."

"What?" asked Utau as she just snapped out of her thoughts

"I know that you know something that you aren't telling me." Said Ikuto "I told you I would find out didn't I? Amu's been talking about some kind of punishment thing that could get her friends hurt while she's gone, but she won't give me details and I don't want to make her feel twice as worse. I know you know the answer to what I'm looking for." Said Ikuto

Utau remained silent for a while and then she looked at Ikuto and spoke "Later, tonight before Tadase gets here. Go to my room, we'll talk there."

"You're going to tell me?" asked Ikuto a bit surprised, he thought that Utau would put up a longer fight before agreeing to this.

"That's what you want right?" she asked

"But is that what you want? I thought you'd put up a fight." Said Ikuto

"No need, what's the point now that Amu's told you something? Struggling wouldn't work with you. I never told you before because I figured you were still clueless and had no authority to know, but you did save Amu and I owe you that much." Said Utau "You're going to find out soon enough. Just give me some time."

"You can have all the time that you want. I just need some answers." Said Ikuto

"I'll give you your answers later. Right now, I think you should just go back inside, back to Amu. She must be waiting." Said Utau

"Alright, I'll see you later. Call me when Tadase gets here okay?" asked Ikuto

"Sure thing." Said Utau as she started to walk away, then as Ikuto was about to get inside the room she spoke again "Oh and Ikuto…"

"Yeah?" he asked

"I still think you're going to admit it someday, just you wait. What you're doing is giving her too much attention, so much for a kid Ikuto." Said Utau before she completely walked away.

Ikuto just chuckled before going inside the room. At least, he thought, now he would finally get some answers…but he'll think of that later. Right now, the one thing that he had to think of, was Amu and nothing else….


"Oi Daichi! Are you done yet? We have to close up early today." Yelled Kukai at his brother

"Nani? Why the early close? What's the occasion?" asked Daichi as he yelled back

"Temari-oneesan and Yaya are coming over with Ami today remember?" reminded Kukai "And I'm pretty sure that Rhythm-san was coming too."

"Alright, I'm almost done here." As Daichi was cleaning the tables and placed the CLOSED sign out the door frame, he saw Temari along with Rhythm, Nagihiko and Yaya approaching the restaurant.

"Minna, why the hurry? And where's Ami?" asked Daichi a bit confused as to why Ami wasn't there.

"Ami isn't here with us, she stayed with a neighbor, one of her friends invited her over." Said Temari and her face was filled with worry.

"Ne let's go inside. Kukai's waiting you know." Said Daichi. The others remained quiet and simply nodded as they followed Daichi inside

"Oi you're all here. So, what's the sudden occasion? And where's Ami?" asked Kukai as he looked at their guests

"There's no time to worry about Ami, cause she's fine!" whined Yaya

"Okay okay, no need to get all fierce. So…what's going on anyway, and what's with the attitude?" asked Kukai

"Souma-kun, has Amu-chan been here by any chance?" asked Nagihiko seriously

"Eh? You're all looking for Hinamori? Why? Isn't she supposed to be with you guys? Has she left or something?" asked Kukai

"It looks like you haven't seen her then…." Said Nagihiko sadly "And yes, you could say she's left…but the term missing would be more….appropriate…"

"Missing?" Kukai and Daichi asked in unison

"Yes, Nagi came over and asked if we've seen her and we haven't. That's why I didn't bring Ami-chan along, I didn't want her to worry." Said Temari

"Wait up for a second. You're telling me that Hinamori is like…nowhere to be found?" asked Kukai surprised

"Yes, it was a shock to us too. I was hoping to find her here. I knew that if she fled for the village this had to be one of the first places she'd go to." Said Nagihiko "Unfortunately, she isn't here and now we have no clue as to where to find her."

"How long has this been going on?" asked Kukai

"About four days ago, she disappeared right after….well a day after she got…punished." Nagihiko didn't like the last word at all.

"I see…we figured something like that happened, but why would she run away without saying anything? In fact, she told me she would never have any intention to run away without coming back." Said Kukai

"Didn't she leave a note or a clue?" suggested Daichi but Nagihiko shook his head

"We haven't found any kind of clue at all. Not a one." Said Nagihiko "You could just imagine how hard this is for all the others. Ran couldn't stop crying."

Kukai motioned for them to come and sit down. So they sat down on one table and were facing one another. "Okay, I want a full story, I think we all do here so you can start when you're ready Nagi." Said Kukai

"…" Nagihiko was silent for a short moment and then he soon spoke and told them all that's happened. Kukai and the others sat down to listen and Temari was trying not to break down and cry and so was Yaya. Once he finished his tale all of them were silent and didn't know what to say.

"So, this is particularly Yamabukis fault right?" asked Kukai "She wouldn't have left otherwise."

"I don't think that's it." Said Nagihiko while he shook her head "I don't see Amu-chan as the kind of person who'd just want to leave without a clue. If she did leave, I'm sure she had a good reason and that she had every intention to come right back."

"I have to agree with Nagi here. I think Amu didn't want to make it look like she just disappeared. I'm sure there's a fairly good reason why we can't find her right now." Said Rhythm

"But even if that's so….we have to find her right away. Have the Yamabukis noticed?" asked Temari as she looked at Nagihiko

"Well yes, but they haven't done anything because they know we're telling the truth when we said we have no idea where Amu was." Said Nagihiko "And it's not like Amu-chan would just show up if they start to do anything to begin with. They're clearly out of options right now."

"Hurting one of you won't make it better either." Agreed Kukai. Kukai stayed silent for a moment and then he thought of something.

"Souma-kun, something on your mind?" asked Nagihiko

"Kukai?" asked Yaya looking at him curiously

"Huh? Nope, I'm good." Replied Kukai "Look I'm sure we'll find her, Daichi and I will help too. Once we see her or something, we'll tell you right away."

"Thank you, that would be well appreciated Souma-kun." Said Nagihiko

"No problem, just drop by again if you have any other leads and we'll do our part here too okay?" said Kukai and they all nodded in agreement

They talked a bit more on other plans to find Amu, but soon enough they had to leave. Nagihiko was the one who spoke first. "I have to get going now, they can't find out I'm gone."

"Why not?" asked Daichi in confusion

"Hn? I…well you can say I just snuck out to get here. They actually have no clue that I left." Said Nagihiko honestly "This was for a good cause so I don't really feel that guilty about it."

"There's nothing to feel guilty about right now Nagi, you did the right thing coming here. Don't think to much and just do it!" said Rhythm

"Just don't end up doing anything too reckless." Said Temari

"Hai, we'll find Amu-chi and get everyone together again so we can't loose Nagi too." Said Yaya

"Well, see you around then Nagi." Said Kukai "Tell us if you find anything and…be careful, that goes with all the others too."

"I'll tell them just that." Said Nagihiko "You be careful too. You two Rhythm-san, Temari-oneesan."

"We will, you just have to think of the others and yourself right now okay?" said Temari

Nagihiko nodded and he soon had to leave, he wanted to stay more and if possible find more leads to Amu, but he knew he wasn't going to get anything more for today. He gave Temari a hug and waved goodbye to the others right before leaving.

Soon Kukai and Daichi were left alone inside their own home. A little later Daichi asked "Hey Kukai, what were you thinking about a while ago?"

"Hm? Oh it was nothing, I just thought of something about finding Hinamori." Said Kukai plainly

"You know where she is?" asked Daichi "Why didn't you tell Nagi then?"

"Because my guess would either be near delusional or impossible. I'm not even sure about it. I'd be too lucky if it were true so I have to make sure first." Said Kukai

"Where do you think she is then?" asked Daichi

"I have a guess, but I told you, I'm not sure if it's even possible." Said Kukai

"Then how will you make sure of it then?" asked Daichi

"Simple, all I have to do is ask Utau to confirm my little theory and if she does then that would mean that I'm right." Said Kukai with a smirk

Back in the Palace

When Ikuto got back from his talk with Utau, he found Amu fast asleep on the bed. He left her alone to sleep and didn't bother to wake her up for questioning. He knew that sleep was needed and essential for Amu's recovery. The whole time though, Ikuto stayed right by her side, never leaving the room.

Amu opened her eyes and saw Ikuto there seated on a chair right on her bedside. "Ikuto? What are you doing here?"

"Taking care of you, isn't that a bit too obvious already?" asked Ikuto

"No, I thought you had duties to attend to your highness? Besides, they're far more important than me." Said Amu

Ikuto frowned, he didn't like people referring to him as your highness and he didn't like it that Amu was starting to call him that too. "Look, don't call me that please, I've heard enough of it. You called me Ikuto right? Stick with that."

"Would that be appropriate though?" asked Amu as she thought for a second "What would people think if they heard me calling you that?"

"Does it really matter to you what people think about you? It looked to me like it didn't." said Ikuto. By the way Amu had acted towards him and Utau, it looked like she didn't really care what others thought about her at all.

"I don't, but won't you?" asked Amu

"No, I could care less actually. I got sick of caring too much over time." Said Ikuto. "When you're royalty, you'd get sick of it eventually."

"I see…." Replied Amu

Ikuto smirked and tilted his head closer to Amu's face. "Why? Are you worried about me again Amu?"

Amu blushed, Ikuto was so close and his face was just inches from hers. "W-what is up with you?" she asked

"What do you mean by that?" asked Ikuto, the smirk never leaving his features

"One minute you ask me questions and the next minute you start emphasizing my name and teasing me all over again. Don't you get tired of doing that?" asked Amu

"Actually no, no I don't. I don't know if Utau's told you this, but I never actually pay much attention to women." Said Ikuto

"Then why do you keep teasing me? Can't you find some other girl to bother?" asked Amu, still conscious about their closeness

"Nope, you see, you're…different." Said Ikuto, he was choosing the right choice of words

"Different?" asked Amu a bit confused. How could an ordinary girl like her be…different?

"Well, how do I put it…you see, unlike other girls…you…interest me. I can't seem to get you off my head." Said Ikuto

"Excuse me?" Amu asked in shock, but her face was turning red and she couldn't hide it that well either.

"Yes, you're truly interesting to me Amu. Very interesting indeed." As Ikuto said this Amu's face tuned red even more and Ikuto chuckled

"Were you just messing with me?" asked Amu

"Well, it's a little bit of both. I do enjoy seeing you blush like that, and teasing you is just so much fun. But I did mean what I said about you." Said Ikuto

"…" Amu continued to remain silent and then there was a silent knock on the door.

"Come in." said Ikuto and in came Nikaidou

"Ohaiyou, Ikuto-kun, Tadase is here." Said Nikaidou "Utau-chan told me to call you."

"Alright, tell her that I'll be there." Said Ikuto. Nikaidou nodded and walked out the door soon enough.

As Nikaidou left Amu asked Ikuto "Does he mean Hotori Tadase?"

Ikuto felt a bit of pain in a bit, he figured Utau was just kidding earlier about Tadase and Amu knowing each other. "Yes that's the one. Why do you ask?"

"We've played together once. When I was still a kid, we used to play with Kukai." Amu didn't say any more. She didn't want to give away who she is now.

"I see….were you and Tadase close?" asked Ikuto, he didn't know why he was asking. He didn't even know why he cared about what her answer would be, but now he just did.

"Well, we spent time a lot that day, and I had lots of fun with him." Said Amu with a smile as she remembered the past when everything was peaceful

"Oh…" replied Ikuto

"What about you? What's with you and Tadase?" asked Amu

"He's like…a family friend. We grew up together." Said Ikuto

"That's nice. It must have been nice when you were always with him before, must have been fun." Said Amu

"Yeah, things were better back then…" said Ikuto silently. This surprised Amu, she never expected Ikuto's character to suddenly change.

"Ikuto…." Started Amu

"Yeah?" asked Ikuto, he was a bit surprised about Amu calling him all of a sudden.

"Well…" before Amu could say anything, someone went inside the room.

"Ikuto, Tadase is looking for you now. What's taking you so long?" that voice belonged to Utau and she came inside.

"Utau, there's something I'd like to call knocking on the door." Said Ikuto sarcastically

"And there's something about being in a hurry. If you came out and at least said Hi to Tadase I wouldn't even be here." Said Utau

"I'm sorry, I was the one keeping him here." Said Amu apologetically

"Oh? Well that's another story then." Said Utau with a smirk as she glanced at Ikuto

"Huh?" asked Amu confused

"Nothing Amu, oh and before I forget, while you're here you have to call me Utau from now on okay?" said Utau "I'm not comfortable with Hime-sama and such."

"Oh…okay, if that's what you want." Said Amu

"Now, were you and Ikuto talking about something important? Did I interrupt? I could leave if…" before Utau could finish Amu spoke up.

"No. it's alright. We were just talking that's all. I'm sorry for keeping him for long." Said Amu

"No need for you to apologize." Said Utau as she shook her head "I'm actually glad Ikuto was here with you. It's better for him."

"Ahem, Utau I better get to Tadase. He must be looking for me." Said Ikuto as he started to get up

"Alright, I'll stay here with Amu just a bit longer." Said Utau "I'd like to get to know her more."

"Fine with me. I'll be back soon." Said Ikuto as he approached the door and opened it.

"Sure thing, you do just that." Said Utau

As Ikuto left, Utau and Amu were left alone in the room. Utau was the one who started the conversation. "So Amu, are you having a nice stay here? Has anything or anybody been bothering you?" asked Utau

"No, I'm very grateful. Thank you for taking me in…but I do wish to go back soon." Said Amu

Utau frowned a bit "Yes Ikuto did mention that, but tell me though, why would you wish to go back?"

"All my friends are there. They might…be hurt because of me." Said Amu sadly as she remembered the others

"True, but this issue also concern yourself. You seem to get hurt much more and much worse." Said Utau "You seem to get worse the more I see you."

"It's not a big deal really, you can say that I'm used to it now." Said Amu

"How can you get used to such pain…." Said Utau silently "You deserve better than that."

"I don't really mind it, but I'm more concerned about the others. As long as they don't get hurt…I'm okay with it." Said Amu

"Kukai was right, you are too nice sometimes." Muttered Utau

"Huh? Did you say something?" asked Amu

"No it was nothing…." Replied Utau

Before any of them could speak another word, Ikuto came in and this time, he wasn't alone. "Oi Utau, Tadase wanted to see you." Said Ikuto

"Utau-chan, are you here. I heard that you and Ikuto-oniisan had a guest…" said Tadase. His voice being heard in the room.

"Oh no…" mumbled Utau she knew that this was not good.

Soon enough, something that Utau had feared came. Tadase soon saw Amu and he was in shock and he couldn't help but call out "Hinamori-san? Is that you?" asked Tadase in shock

"Tadase-kun…." That was the only thing Amu could muster up to say, she didn't like things here either, because she saw Ikuto stare at her in shock after the words came out of Tadase's mouth.

"Hinamori? You're last name is Hinamori?" That was where Amu froze. Because as Ikuto asked this they knew that Amu had been found out. That she wasn't dead, but she was just framed. And boy did they had a lot of explaining to do.

What are they going to do now?

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